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Le Park Cafe 公園咖啡館

Afternoon Tea4 ppl$400
5 months ago

#中山区不开奖# There are sockets and wifi

I originally wanted to go to another coffee shop nearby, but it turned out that it looked a bit subtle from the outside. I just walked to the side and saw this one, and there was a spot when I walked in!

The ice hand brew is Aeropress, but I don’t like the taste of Aeropress very much, and the flavor is difficult to fully present. So I don’t really recommend the ice hand punch here. However, the hot latte ordered by my friend was quite delicious. If you want to drink coffee, you can refer to it.

Another thing I would like to recommend is their brown sugar crispy milk and apple pie!

🥛Brown sugar crispy milk can only be made as a hot drink, crush the brown sugar on top and drink it directly
, the overall match is very good, the entrance is warm and super happy!

🍎Puff pastry apple pie with ice cream, this is awesome! To be careful of,
Their apple pie is different from the generally known apple pie. The bottom is puff pastry soup, with fresh and crisp apple slices, and finally sprinkled with cinnamon powder and topped with ice cream!

I don’t like cinnamon, but it smells very strong just after it’s served. The actual flavor of cinnamon in the mouth is not strong, so people who don’t dare to eat cinnamon can also give it a try (or just ask the store clerk not to sprinkle it for you😂)

The overall environment is comfortable. The disadvantage is that the tables are too small. If one table is used for two people with computers, it will be really crowded. But it’s quiet and relaxing, perfect for personal work or reading!

I gave it four stars because I can really sit for a long time, and I also want to eat the apple pie again next time. It should be great in winter!

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Spot Info

Le Park Cafe 公園咖啡館台北市中山區遼寧街146號
Coffee shopNT$250~NT$340
5 reviews
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Afternoon Tea1 ppl$170
4 months ago
脆皮口感很棒,不夠甜還可以加額外的黑糖,也可以換燕麥奶 咖啡店蠻安靜,離捷運南京復興站很近,走一個復古路線,放的音樂也很舒服適合工作,有窗邊、一樓跟二樓,有信用卡跟現金付款 可以訂位,週五下午沒訂位就只剩吧台的位子,建議事先訂位!
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Afternoon Tea4 ppl$400
4 months ago
位於 #南京復興捷運站 附近的咖啡廳,提供多種手沖咖啡跟甜點,整個咖啡廳環境非常舒適復古,有種歐式老宅的質樸感,也很適合工作讀書及用電腦🧑‍💻 樓梯上去二樓也是另一片天地,圓形的拱門以及小隔間的4人座位都非常有個性,每個角落都能灑落陽光,整體營造很讚,尤其喜歡他們的深綠牆面色調🌿 🍴酥皮蘋果派加冰淇淋 $180 蘋果派這是他們家的招牌,網路上都盛譽有佳。 點了一份來吃,發現跟傳統的蘋果派完全不同,而是使用千層酥皮派的做法,把蘋果切成薄片疊起來包在裡面,上面放上一大球香草冰淇淋。 吃起來感覺很新鮮,是很少吃到的甜點呈現方式,整體不會太甜。 而且酥皮很脆很薄,叉子切下去會有很多碎碎,剛好用一起切下來的冰淇淋沾住挖起來吃,口感紮實豐富,是值得嚐鮮的餐點。 🥛 脆皮黑糖牛奶(熱)$160 牛奶上面發泡一層厚厚的黑糖焦色脆皮,看起來很誘人,用湯匙敲一敲可以感覺清脆有聲。 就著杯口直接喝可以同時喝到上面的黑糖奶泡跟底下的溫熱牛奶,非常順口暖心。個人很推薦! ☕️ 熱拿鐵 $160 上面奶泡的拉花非常之美,整杯咖啡也是蠻大杯的,表面張力的漫溢感喝下第一口會覺得很爽,咖啡口感偏苦,但是可以接受的。
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小羊的食記 JFGT
Afternoon Tea1 ppl$300
5 months ago
氣氛超優秀的不限時咖啡廳店內的氣氛有種復古、歐日混和的感覺 而且很安靜 非常適合窩著用電腦或讀書📖 ▫️ 酥皮蘋果派加冰淇淋 $210 跟我理解的蘋果派完全是不同路線(非讚美🥸) 底部是加熱過的酥皮,酥皮濃湯上面那種;上方擺了幾片新鮮、脆的蘋果片,最後再蓋上一球香草冰淇淋和肉桂粉點綴。我本來是期許會有那種肉桂燉煮過的蘋果內餡,而不是這種新鮮蘋果。酥皮烤的非常酥、至於香草冰淇淋就是很普的香草冰淇淋。這種”擺上新鮮蘋果片“的蘋果派做法我真是第一次吃到,只能說我還是比較喜歡傳統做法的蘋果派 ▫️ 美式咖啡 $120 美式普通 口味微微偏酸 *飲料搭餐點 可折$30 餐點我覺得中規中矩 但環境跟氣氛絕對是滿分沒話說💯 很安靜 我覺得適合一個人來(不適合多人聊天) 我會想再來 但不會再點蘋果派😝
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