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Lunch2 ppl$600
4 months ago

First visit to Youth Burger (advance reservation recommended)

Meal time: about 1.5 hours
Meal time limit: 2 hours
Cost: Meal + 10% service charge

🏡Dining environment experience:

There are bar-like seats, 2-seater, 3-seater (one), and 4-seater, suitable for dining alone or gathering with friends.
The distance between tables is just right so you don’t feel crowded, and you won’t disturb the guests at the next table if you move around.
The restaurant is designed to be very atmospheric, but the echo is severe and it is very noisy when it is full. It is not recommended for people who want a quiet meal.

Overall environment🌕🌕🌕🌗

🍽️Meal contents:

  1. Classic Dominglas beef burger 330 yuan
    The beef patty was full and solid. Because the burger was relatively tall and difficult to eat, I cut it into layers and ate them together (the store also provided hamburger paper).
    When I cut into the beef patty, I found that the meat was in the form of small particles, not finely minced meat patties.
    The red wine sauce is paired with beef and cheese waterfall, and the taste is layered. There is a slight red wine aroma in the mouth, and the beef aroma is the final flavor.
    What's a pity is that the beef patties don't have gravy. My meat and bread were soaked in the sauce first, and there was no sauce left when about a quarter of it was left. Without the red wine sauce, the beef patties would be a little dry.
    The bun of the burger is slightly fried or grilled. Although it is not crispy in texture, it still retains a certain degree of crispiness and will not soften immediately when it touches the sauce.
    The potato cubes that come with the meal are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, and the texture is not greasy. The vegetable sticks should be pickled and have a slight sourness, which I find very satisfying.

Meal Rating: 🌕🌕🌕 (It’s a pity that the pork chop was dry)

  1. Bolognese Cheddar Beef Burger 320 yuan
    The menu says 2 chili peppers
    The burger my friend ate, according to him, the burger sauce was very sour, but it didn’t taste good, so it got a low rating.
    Those who don’t like sour and spicy food can skip this burger.

Since I didn't eat it, I won't rate it.

  1. Delicious candied lemon fried chicken 180 yuan
    The skin is thin, the meat is tender and juicy, and the sweet, lemony sauce is refreshing.
    I originally expected the fried chicken to be a bit sour and sweet, but it actually tasted not sour and had a bit more sweetness. It is lemon fried chicken that can be eaten by people who are afraid of sourness.

Meal Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌘 (I like more lemon)

  1. Baked apple croissant pie with ice cream
    The croissant pie is crispy, the baked apples are sweet and slightly crunchy, and the ice cream is my favorite part!
    The ice cream is very rich and goes well with the apple croissant pie, but it may be a bit too greasy to eat alone, so it is just right for two people to share.

Meal Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌕

This meal is paired with the 90 yuan set meal A (choose one of 3 meal packages/salad/soup + a cup of black tea)

🥣Seasonal soup
It should be a creamy soup with a rich creamy flavor, but there will be an oily film feeling in the mouth after drinking it, which I don't like very much.
There are some small ingredients in it, such as onions, smoked bacon, and mushrooms, which are all delicious.

Meal Rating: 🌕🌕

🧋Big leaf black tea Ou Lei (pay the difference of 30, the original price seems to be 170)
Recommended for those who like fresh milk tea!
I wasn’t expecting much at first, but I was pleasantly surprised after drinking it!
The tea aroma and milk aroma blend well, and the concentration is also moderate. It doesn't feel too strong or too watery. It's a little sweet but acceptable (usually 1 or 3 points of sugar).
This is my favorite part of this meal❤️

(Later I drank my friend’s black tea and found that the black tea itself is delicious, and adding fresh milk has a multiplier effect)

Meal Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌕

Overall rating: 🌕🌕🌕
Overall experience:
If I visit again, I will choose afternoon tea because I prefer desserts and drinks to meals.
In addition, if you are enjoying a meal and ordering drinks, it is recommended to choose the set meal directly. You only need to pay a small amount for the drinks to upgrade and have small side dishes.

Bolognese Cheddar Beef Burger
Classic Domingla Beef Burger
Delicious candied lemon fried chicken
Big leaf black tea oulay
Baked Apple Croissant Pie with Ice Cream
Seasonal soup
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Dinner2 ppl$600
3 months ago
總結:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗狄克森的Fooday 嘴炮食記又來啦~ 這次是來到台北漢堡店! 位在世貿附近小巷子內的青春漢堡! 身為台北人 居然不知道有這間有名又好吃的漢堡 真是愧對八級嚮導的稱號啊!🥺🥺 直到朋朋很驚訝的說 你居然沒吃過好吃又便宜的青春漢堡 我才知道原來有這間漢堡店阿~~ 雖然在信義區的範疇內 但是店家位在巷內 鬧中取靜 而且店家外觀也是十分有質感和氣質 門口先有個小招牌告訴你 內有青春漢堡 接著踏入小步道 走一小段才會抵達門口喔~ 店內空間不大 而且座位和桌子有點小小的是有點可惜 並且座位是普通的木頭椅 不過桌與桌之間的桌距蠻大的 整體來說還算是舒適用餐的環境 此外也有室外露天的用餐空間 要是可以接受在戶外用餐 也可以在外面看著月亮 哼著歌 吃著漢堡唷! 整體來說 果然是不枉費青春的名號 店家內部乾淨明亮 生氣勃勃的感覺 太青春了吧~~~ 食物:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗 酒飲:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘 氣氛:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑 服務:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑 價格:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌖 位置:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘 ⭐️食物方面 菜單上的漢堡口味雖然不算多 但看的出來都很有特色 並且也很詳盡的介紹每個漢堡用了什麼食材 當天點的漢堡是 👉經典多明格拉斯牛肉堡 以這個價位來說 牛肉的份量很足夠 並且醬汁配上牛肉烹飪後 一口咬下去多汁又滿足! 此外你以為點了漢堡就只有漢堡嘛! 錯了!還有薯條和一些青菜~ 讓你營養均衡頭好壯壯! 並且整個漢堡大小不會太大 所以並不會有吃漢堡很尷尬很醜的畫面發生 尤其是約會面對面吃漢堡 有時候都要顧及形象很難好好吃 不小心噴出來或料亂撒 應該也是大家會碰到的難題 此外這裡的炸雞也很讚啊!!! 當天點的是 👉糖漬檸檬龍田炸雞 炸雞不是乾乾澀澀的那種 而是配上糖漬檸檬(!? 有股酸甜酸甜的享受 醬料配上炸雞 給推給推👌👌👌 另外當天甜點點了 👉青春義式咖啡提拉米蘇 這裡的提拉米蘇算是正常濕濕滑滑型態 酒味不算太重 也是好吃 三兩口就被解決惹! 不過也是因為我本來就愛吃提拉米蘇🤣🤣 而重點是 這家的消費真的是非常平易近人啊!!!! 非常有大學生消費等級的感覺 但每道食物卻又是感覺精緻好吃 CP值相當的高啊! 非常推薦各位回訪 不管是三五好友來此吃漢堡 或是帶妹子來約會吃個義大利麵 炸雞 甜點 都是很好的選擇欸!😍😍 🤪🤪狄克森嘴砲🤪🤪 沒想到在世貿附近居然有如此小而精美 又好吃的CP值高的漢堡店! 太神啦! 如果想要快速吃個漢堡 又不想踩雷 這家絕對是個首選啊! 畢竟漢堡好吃 炸雞好吃 又有義大利麵和甜點 怎麼雷呢? 而且前面有說到 這邊的漢堡不會太大 讓你可以有偶包的吃漢堡 狄克森在過去約會的時候是儘量會避開漢堡的 漢堡要是吃不好 形象分數可是會大打折扣的 這邊說的不一定是你 也有可能是對方吃漢堡的樣子讓你對他幻想破滅🤣🤣🤣🤣 所以有時候約會非得吃漢堡 我會拆開來吃 像是把漢堡麵包 和每一層的東西都拆開來吃 但…. 這就失去漢堡的靈魂了是吧! 漢堡不就是要大口一口咬下嗎~~~~ 所以 可以讓一口下去好好吃的漢堡大小也是很重要喲!🥺 而且這家店價位真的很平價 完全是可以豪氣跟對方說 這頓我請 眼睛都不用眨一下的等級 讚讚 想要耍威風嗎 就在此時了!😍😍😍 而這個地方 也很適合在附近逛完世貿或101 或是去完四四南村逛完市集或看完一些劇場之後 散步到這裡先吃個晚餐 聊聊剛剛下午一起進行的活動心得 接著就可以再轉場到附近酒吧或者是信義區東區 看有什麼接續的活動拉~~ 打開google map 上有MQ 旁邊有榕 隱寺再到安慰劑 這些答案不都給你了嗎~~ 青春漢堡 果然是青春的人在吃的 吃了是否有種 阿~~ 好青春洋溢的感覺 有如回到大學的那股悸動 然後就登大人走入下一步拉~~🤩🤩🤩
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Lunch3 ppl$800
about 1 year ago
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