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LV 29|Fooday Chief


Lunch5 ppl$400
16 days ago

This place has been on my bucket list for a long time, and the last time I passed by, there were just too many people. Today, I specifically scheduled to check in at 11:00 at the store entrance; they use a first-come-first-served ordering method. We arrived at 11:00, making us the first group of customers, and we directly got number 1! There’s a resting area at the back of the shop, but it has no shade... Most people are still waiting under the awnings of other stores.

Around 11:25, they will start calling numbers. The shop has quite a spacious interior, and we sat at three tables; it was pretty comfortable.

The noodles come out quite quickly, and I’ll let the photos do the talking for the detailed introduction. Overall, the bowl of noodles is above standard; I highly recommend any ramen lover to come and try it!

P.S. My friend ordered the white truffle chicken and shellfish ramen; his soup is on the sweeter and fresher side, and it’s very delicious! Highly recommended too!

Premium Pork Bone Soy Sauce Ramen with Special Grade Matsutake Mushroom $340, with additional Wheat Flavored Thin Noodles $10. I chose the Japanese flavor for the soup base. The Japanese flavor of the soup is really strong and on the salty side. This bowl of ramen has three types of meat, each with its own texture and flavor. My favorite is the Matsusaka White Rose, which has been grilled; the grilled flavor is very aromatic! I highly recommend getting the special grade!
At 11:00, I was just in line to buy meal tickets.
The translation of "001 嘿嘿😈" to English is "001 Hehe😈".
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LV 28Fooday Chief

Spot Info

5 reviews
Ramen restaurantNT$360~NT$410
Featured Image 1