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LV 30Bronze Foodie

實季 Seedson Coffee

8 months ago
Lunch3 ppl$180

Leisure time is about to come.
The atmosphere in the store is very different from other places, with many natural objects.
Every corner of the store's furnishings are of high quality.
Don’t think that breakfast only has Miaokou black tea. There are many good brunch places in Hualien, and Shiji is one of them.
The hot-pressed sandwiches are delicious. Today I ordered the pork loin sandwich with onions and it was very delicious. I highly recommend the seasonal latte, which is delicious.
It’s no problem if you’re dining with a group or just one person
The shop cat is very cute and playful.
No phone calls... always on site...
It is recommended that stores allow multiple payment methods, and it is more convenient to pay with mobile phones.

corner of window
There is thoughtfulness everywhere
look up
Real season store logo
shop cat
Counter gadgets
Atmosphere restroom
Tender chicken sandwich
Chocolate hot pressed sandwich
Sichuan Pepper Beef Hot Pressed Sandwich
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Spot Info

實季 Seedson Coffee
2 reviews
Sandwich shopNT$180~NT$300
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Brunch1 ppl$300
21 days ago
總結:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘消費:300$ 💰 狄克森的Fooday 嘴炮食記更新啦 這次幾乎在花蓮篇! 這次來到的是一間非常優雅的咖啡早午餐店 是我獨旅 自行在花蓮找到的一間風格早午餐店 算是咖啡店 也是早餐店~ 食物:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑 酒飲:🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑 氣氛:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗 服務:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑 價格:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘 位置:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑 三明治十分有特色而且好吃 用料豐富實在 店家當場手壓製作的三明治 雖然需要等待一些製作時間 但十分美味阿~👍👍 飲料中規中矩~ 甜點也十分不賴 這家店的整體風格營造得很好 非常適合拍照😍 不管從店外到店內 各種角度取景 拍起來都很好看✋ 店外是有種年代感的小店 像是轉角的柑仔店 而店內更是有各種小物還有各式物品適合觀賞拍照 唯一缺點大概就是室內空間有點小吧~ 桌與桌的間距非常的緊密 但反而也是一種小巧溫馨的感覺 這邊很適合帶一本書或小筆電手機 悠閒的在此 點個三明治或甜點 配上一杯咖啡或茶 悠然地度過在花蓮的時光 有種世外桃源的感覺呢! 🤪🤪狄克森嘴砲🤪🤪 身為帶著熱愛咖啡廳的妹子的你 去慣了都市繁華的咖啡廳 該來一下這種世外桃源感的早午餐咖啡廳店吧! 而且這麼美的店 妹子一定十分喜愛 並要求在各種角度拍照! 尼看看這店家的門口 配上花蓮的燦爛陽光 這美照生成區阿~😍😍😍 我就說是不是該好好訓練一下 有了美照有了好吃的下午茶和咖啡 還有什麼不可以的呢!
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