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LV 30|Bronze Foodie


台南市Noodle shop
5 months ago
Lunch1 ppl90

Today I came to the West Central District of Tainan to look for good food. I originally planned to eat at a beef soup place, but unfortunately, they had sold out by the time I got there. Before leaving, I noticed that a nearby restaurant was doing very well, so I decided to check it out. It turned out to be a place selling hot pot noodles. Since the business was thriving, I thought I’d give it a try. The restaurant isn't big and doesn’t have many seats, but it has air conditioning inside. They serve hot pot noodles and fried items.

I ordered the kimchi hot pot noodles for 90 NTD. The price is not expensive, and there are plenty of ingredients, including vegetables, green onions, an egg, kimchi, and fish cake. The most special part is that it also comes with a fried shrimp and fried fish slices, along with some fried gluten. The fried shrimp and fish are already peeled, coated in batter, and placed directly into the noodles. The outer skin is sweet, firm, and tasty, while the fried gluten tastes like Chinese crullers. After soaking in the soup, it absorbs the broth and tastes quite unique.

The broth is slightly sweet but has the sweetness of seafood, and it's very delicious—my bowl was empty by the end. Overall, it’s a nice surprise to find such a good hot pot noodle restaurant.

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Noodle shop NT$90~NT$90
1 review
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Y2LLV 3Fooday Newbie
Northern West Cuisine 西北人家
Noodle shop Singapore
The noodles and ingredient combinations are quite unique and very different from other noodle shops. Definitely will return to try all the other choices.
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Food ScouterLV 28Fooday Chief
Noodle shop 台北市
路過看到,店名與設計風格都吸睛的麵店,平日午餐熱門時段,內用爆滿,外帶需於店外等候。 店面內用空間不大,儘管還是努力塞了四人桌 × 3 + 二人桌 × 2 + 靠牆位 × 7 = 23 位。 店外張貼雜誌介紹,原為義式餐廳的團隊,轉做台式麵食,可以感受到確實是以當代年輕風格,再詮釋傳統麵食的樣貌。 點了老滷牛肉乾拌麵,牛腱肉片吃起來符合預期,雖無特別記憶點,但數量不少。 寬麵表現非常棒!麵體彈牙好吃,拌入的醬料搭配相當適宜,非常喜歡。 豆棗在此作為傳統配料,不過這樣的甜味,在整體偏醬鹹的口味中,顯得...很微妙。 店內的視覺設計與播放音樂都很酷,僅收現金,且無發票。
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AnaLV 29Fooday Chief
Noodle shop 台北市
📍台北市中山區排隊熱門店|營業到深夜的台式雞湯麵館🍜 禮拜二晚上七點半抵達,需要先入店向店員登記用餐人數,不會打電話來提醒~需在外等候,一共等了20分鐘入座 🥘 點餐品項 🐔 蛤蜊舒肥雞濃湯麵($220): 這碗是我的第一名!湯底最厲害!極濃的雞湯底有一種在吃日式拉麵店的感覺,喝光光也不會過於膩口 麵看起來是台式黃油麵,但也有一定的韌度與口感 配料沒有湯底那麼優秀 蛤蜊-算蠻大顆、有四五顆 舒肥雞肉-略乾、吃不太出來很舒肥,差不多是健康便當店的水準 雞肉丸- 肉質比較鬆散 🐷胡椒極厚豬肚雞湯麵($200): 湯底與前一碗一樣都是偏厚重,顏色看起來都偏黃,但兩碗湯的味道很不一樣! 這碗對我來說胡椒味稍濃、有中藥味 🍄 是否回訪:Yes! 湯底很優秀!回訪的第一動力 ✏️ 小註記: 🔸 只收現金💰 🔸 冷氣超強!待久會太冷🤣
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