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LV 17|Fooday Squad Leader

개성만두 궁

about 1 month ago
Lunch1 ppl₩15,000

For several consecutive years, Gyeongseong Dumpling Palace has been awarded the Michelin Bib Gourmand recommendation. 🥟

Although it is famous for its dumpling hot pot, solo travelers can only handle the rice cake soup. The broth is a rich meat bone soup, filled with meat strips and a large amount of rice cakes. You can also add more dumplings. By the end, the soup might feel a bit heavy, but you can switch up the flavors with side dishes. The side dishes include kimchi, spicy radish, and pickled radish water, with the pickled radish water being highly recommended for its slightly sour and crunchy texture, which helps cleanse the palate.

The tea is also very good, making it suitable to combine with a sightseeing trip to Gyeongbokgung Palace.

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개성만두 궁종로구 인사동 10길 11-3
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2QT2BSTR8LV 16Fooday Squad Leader
山東小城 🥟 Shan Dong Little Restaurant
《山東小城》 is famous for its black squid-ink dumplings 🦑 among the great variety of handmade dumplings on the menu, the green onion mutton one stands out most. Apart from dumpling soups, it also serves fried dumplings with light charred crispy skin and juicy fillings. If you fancy more variety, check out their noodles and cold appetisers as well, or ask about their daily specials 🥟
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Lisa WangLV 3Fooday Newbie
屋伴餃子 WOOPAN​
【皮蛋肉末辣拌麵】75元雖然是餃子店,但我是看到皮蛋拌麵才想來吃吃看。 👍優點:皮蛋給得很豐富、蔥也很多(也可以選不加蔥),本身不愛吃辣所以選不加辣。 🥹純屬個人挑剔:麵是有嚼勁的白麵,喜歡麵體感重的人會比較愛(同行友人說好吃)。 【高麗菜韭黃鮮豬肉水餃10顆】80元 👍裡面很Juicy(但不是濃厚湯汁爆出來那種),本身有調味了,清淡人覺得可以不用加醬料,同行的重口味人覺得可以加個辣。 🥹純屬個人挑剔:麵皮偏軟、不Q。 【招牌鍋貼10顆】80元 👍外皮煎得焦黃酥脆,調味比水餃更重一些,重口味人一樣可以旁邊加醬加辣。 🥹純屬個人挑剔:大小比連鎖店鍋貼小一點。 【飲料】紅茶25、豆漿紅茶35 中規中矩,從冰箱拿出的已封口飲料。 ✔️地點在文林路50嵐巷子轉進去。 ✔️內用掃桌上的QR code點餐,可直接Line Pay付款或櫃檯結帳。 ✔️有提供外送,但外送每個品項比現場貴10-20元,所以才決定來現場吃。 ✔️下午4:00-5:00之間去用餐,大約3組客人;過了5:00後就很多人進來了(側邊牆壁是一整排個人坐,應該不怕沒位置) ✔️跟傳統餃子店比起來偏貴,但品項滿多元豐富,有炒手類、湯餃、湯品、小菜等,會再光顧。
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2QT2BSTR8LV 16Fooday Squad Leader
陳記 自家製豆腐花美食店 (Chan Kee Homemade Beancurds & Snacks Shop)
No place in the universe takes dumplings more seriously than here. The scrumptious freshness is everything, and the shop has a traditional feel to it. Ceramic-tiled entrance frame walls and transparent glass windows are reminiscent of old-time Hong Kong. Within their semi-one kitchen , dumplings are handmade daily and only the freshest ingredients are used in the fillings. Try their most-ordered item House Dumplings. Or surprise yourself with the specialty, such as glutinous multigrain and purple rice dumplings. Sesame soy milk and 蘿蔔豬皮 signature snacks are also recommended.
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