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彼得好咖啡 民生雙連店

Breakfast2 ppl$150
7 months ago

It's about a five-minute walk from Shuanglian MRT station. There are quite a few seats in the store, but there are also a lot of people, even before 12 o'clock. It's clean and bright overall. If you see the recycling area, you should recycle the plates yourself, but Most people just stayed at the table and left

About the meal

Swiss meatballs with bone-in sausage, NT$180. The sausage is chewy and juicy, and the salad is refreshing and smooth. Overall, it tastes good.

Mushroom cheese and egg sandwich, NT$75, the overall taste is average, maybe the taste is scattered when eaten with toast, the cheese tastes more than the mushroom taste

In-house menu with photos of meals for reference
Swiss meatballs with bone-in sausage, NT$180. The sausage is chewy and juicy, the salad is refreshing and smooth, and the meatballs are also delicious.
Mushroom cheese and egg sandwich, NT$75. The mushroom cheese tastes average. It may be diluted when eaten with toast. The cheese tastes more than the mushroom taste.
Lemon Green Tea XL, NT$60, the lemon taste is not particularly strong, and the green tea taste is suppressed
Meal receipt reference
Internal menu reference 1
Internal menu reference 2
Counter and meal preparation area
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Spot Info

彼得好咖啡 民生雙連店103台北市大同區民生西路146號
Coffee shopNT$160~NT$190
3 reviews
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Brunch2 ppl$195
about 1 month ago
這次來連鎖店「彼得好咖啡」雙連店用餐假日生意還不錯 不過座位也很多~ 所以進去就直接自己找位子 然後點餐😉 我覺得內用座位都很鄰近😕 所以基本上附近桌次講的話可以聽得蠻清楚的⋯😂 點了兩份早午餐盤組合 1. 經典彼得早午餐 上面有生菜沙拉🥗、火腿、雞肉、地瓜跟法式吐司等~ 還有附一杯紅茶 生菜沙拉吃起來還不錯👌有新鮮 地瓜也很軟嫩、甜度也很夠 剩下其他的我覺得中規中矩 沒有表現特別突出🤣 2. 健康蔬食早午餐 裡面有炒菇、炒蛋、生菜沙拉跟可頌等 同樣有附一杯紅茶~ 炒菇跟炒蛋調味不重 吃起來感覺十分健康🤣 可頌🥐微甜脆~ 個人還蠻喜歡的🤓 但兩盤都接近快 $200 感覺好像可以點三明治或夾料可頌類那種🥪 裡面可能就跟拼盤料一樣了😂 整體而言我覺得如果不知道吃什麼可以考慮來吃啦🤣 價格不算太貴 跟朋友來吃、吃完聊天也還行囉😆
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Lunch2 ppl$175
10 months ago
繼上次喝到彼得好咖啡的拿鐵覺得好好喝之後,今天打算到家附近的民生雙連店吃看看輕食系列 這家分店只有一樓,假日下午1點左右來消費幾乎全滿,如果想和朋友來喝個下午茶,要碰碰運氣,不一定有位子 鮪魚沙拉三明治$75 醬料是用黃芥末醬,除了鮪魚外,有生菜、小黃瓜、生洋蔥,洋蔥味道蠻重的 ,吃起來偏濕潤,整體調味蠻好吃,不過鮪魚給得沒有很多 茄汁紅醬義大利麵$160 (本來有送一杯紅茶,我們換成拿鐵價格打九折) 這個是友人點的,友人的評論「醬汁味道還可以,但沒有肉有點空虛」 中杯熱拿鐵$70(打折後$63) 是奶味較重的拿鐵,一如既往的好喝,cp值高,仍然推! 大杯冰英式奶茶$50 喝得到伯爵味,但喝起來整體奶茶味偏淡,有一點水水的,可點可不點 整體而言,彼得好咖啡的餐點價格很可愛,味道表現也不錯,是我假日想找個地方吃早餐悠閒用個筆電看個書的前幾名選擇 ps但目前雙連站民權西路站這一帶我覺得最棒的咖啡廳是可集咖啡,比彼得好咖啡安靜很多
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