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This is my first time to eat at Wenzhou King. The environment inside the store is quite nice, clean, spacious and bright.
This time I ordered preserved egg meat sauce noodles for $75, shrimp wonton soup for $90, and side dishes for $40.

Preserved egg meat sauce noodles $75
The texture of the noodles is very chewy, but it’s a little too chewy and not easy to mix.
In the preserved egg meat sauce, you can only see some finely chopped translucent egg whites.
But the taste of preserved eggs is very strong in the mouth
Maybe the preserved eggs were chopped very finely and blended into the meat sauce.
The minced pork in the meat sauce is full of chunks. If you add the amount of meat, it should be quite a lot.
It’s worthy of the price

Shrimp Wonton Soup $90
There are a total of five wontons in a bowl. The wontons are really big.
But even though they are big, there is only one shrimp in each wonton.
The filling is mostly composed of minced pork and green onions.
The pork filling is sweet, juicy and delicious.

Side dishes $40
Mainly cold cucumber and chicken feet
The seasoning is a bit too salty and the sourness is not enough
Overall it's not to my taste

The price is reasonable and the food is good
It’s a restaurant that I think of eating at every day.

Shop sign
internal space
Self-service side dishes
Sauce buffet area
Preserved egg meat sauce noodles $75
Shrimp Wonton Soup $90
Shrimp Wontons
Side dishes $40
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Spot Info

溫州王 (大餛飩.香辣麵)新竹建新店
1 review
Chinese restaurantNT$210~NT$210
Featured Image 1