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I love pasta, so I came here to try it when I saw the new opening.
Remember to book a table in advance, it can easily fill up during holidays!
Meals are cooked to order, so you will have to wait a long time.
You can add noodles or rice to your meal, please inform us before ordering!
It seems that if you purchase an additional 20 yuan, you will get 50 yuan (I forgot the amount😅

☀️Main meal (pasta, risotto, meat and seafood) upgraded set meal +💰200 will include soup, bread, salad and drinks
Drinks: Black tea/Genmai Sencha/Lemon Coke or Sprite/American style, choose one of four (40 yuan discount for other drinks)

▫️Pan-fried shrimp and garlic slices, stir-fried seafood pasta 💰460
The meal includes four shrimps, clams, mushrooms, etc. The shrimps are delicious and the noodles are chewy and a bit hard.

▫️Milan Slow Braised Beef Saffron Parmesan Cheese Risotto 💰460
The stewed rice has a rich texture. For this dish, I specially add the store’s special chili oil. The chili oil is very fragrant and spicy. Don’t add too much at once like me🤣

▫️Autumnal Equinox Private Maple Pudding 💰100
When it arrived, I thought I ordered cheese?
The texture is smooth and dense, with some biscuits on top
I think it’s quite delicious! You can order one to try

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秋分Qiūfēn Cuisine台中市西區公正路156巷19號1樓
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Dinner3 ppl600
4 months ago
《環境》隱藏在勤美商圈巷弄內的義式餐廳,老宅改造過後外觀煥然一新,內用的位置從2人到6人的座位都有,室內的燈光明亮給人一種舒適溫暖的感覺,拍照📷起來不用特別打光都很漂亮,座位的空間大小也很舒適 《餐點》 📍小卷海膽義大利麵 💰440 一整隻的小卷一上桌就非常驚艷,小卷的新鮮程度是吃得出來的,熟度控制的剛剛好👌,義大利麵是選用海膽醬不是真的海膽,但老實說吃起來沒有海膽的香氣,反而是有奶油的氣息和口感,麵條🍝的口感偏硬,可以跟店家討論軟硬 📍豬肋松露燉飯💰560 跟以往的松露燉飯不太一樣,我以為顏色是灰灰的但上桌的時候竟然是黃色的!但吃起來有滿滿的松露味,而豬肉選擇的部位是松阪豬,脆口的口感讓人眼睛為之一亮 📍干貝燉飯💰480 除了干貝還有蛤蜊的點綴,滿滿的海鮮味搭配蔬菜🥬燉飯,燉飯的口感偏濕黏但口味不差,另外還可以加點干貝一顆💰100,相加幾顆都沒有問題,只要口袋夠深就可以 📍加套餐💰200 內容包含南瓜🎃濃湯、水果沙拉🥗、雜糧麵包🥯和一杯飲品,如果想讓自己有點飽足感的人可以升級套餐,體驗更多的餐點 📍冰紅茶💰70 《停車》 店家在巷弄內沒有特約停車場🅿️,開車🚗的人附近有幾個收費停車場💰80/hr,或是運氣好可以去勤美的路邊碰碰運氣🍀,機車🛵的話只能停放在路邊,屬實也不太好找 《服務》 因為當日要幫朋友慶生🎉,前一天有事先詢問能否寄放蛋糕🍰,店員的服務很熱情,也很貼心的把蛋糕放置在安全的位置,用餐過程中也適時的提供桌邊服務,上菜速度也蠻快的,整體用餐體驗非常良好 P.S 我們帶的蛋糕有把垃圾帶走,不造成店家麻煩
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