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LV 41|Silver Foodie

Overall Review: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
Dickson's Fooday Commentary #287
This time, I visited one of the difficult-to-reserve restaurants, Wenhuo Prescription.
It’s quite a popular place that is difficult to book!

In fact, this restaurant has relocated to a new space.
I had been wanting to try it even before it changed locations.

Unfortunately, it was really hard to make a reservation.
Finally, after a lot of effort this time, I got the chance to check it out!

Although it's a difficult-to-reserve restaurant,
if you choose lunch or dinner on weekdays, it’s generally much easier to get a table.
Compared to other places that require you to be on a waiting list,
this one is slightly more accessible!
Just remember to log on on time if you want to reserve a spot!

When you successfully make a reservation,
you can also add some special dishes.
Different seasonal specialty menus are listed in the reservation information.
If you want to try these specialties on the day,
make sure to fill them out when making your reservation.
And of course, if you have any other needs,
you can communicate with the restaurant via IG afterward!

On the dining day,
there are also some daily menu items available on a blackboard
that you can order as extras!

Overall, I find it to be a restaurant with a unique character,
and the food tastes quite good.
Each dish showcases exquisite cooking techniques and flavors!

No wonder it’s regarded as a difficult-to-reserve restaurant!
Both the flavor of the food and the cooking methods are excellent!
I highly recommend it to friends who haven't tried it yet!

Aside from the food, the overall atmosphere is also great.
It’s a nice place suitable for dates or dining with friends.
The only drawback is that it’s a bit hard to secure a reservation! 😂😂😂

Food: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗
Drinks: 🌕🌕🌕🌘🌑
Atmosphere: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘
Service: 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑
Price: 🌕🌕🌕🌖🌑

⭐️ Food Section
👉 Pan-Seared Duck Breast $550
My friend's main dish was duck breast.
The duck here is truly very tender and delicious,
paired with their special chef's sauce.
I think every bite of the duck breast is excellent.
For this price, the portion is also quite sufficient.
Highly recommended!

👉 Spiced Slow-Braised Lamb Shank $650
This time, I pre-ordered the lamb shank.
From the picture, you can see that the sauce is quite thick!
Paired with mashed potatoes on the side,
the overall flavor is quite strong.
The sauce here is mainly a curry sauce.
Overall, the lamb shank is very tender,
and there's no strong gamey taste.
However, I feel the portion is a bit small,
and the sauce's flavor is quite heavy,
which takes away some of the lamb's natural taste.

But overall, I think it’s pretty good.
I might choose to try other main dishes next time.

👉 Garlic Roasted Potato Wedges $150
For the side, I ordered potato wedges.
These are also really rich,
and the portion size is quite large.
For this price, you really get a lot of potato wedges,
almost enough for a starch portion of a main dish! 😂😂
If you're worried about not being full from the main course,
you can really order this to fill up your stomach!

👉 Confit Chicken Gizzards $200
The chicken gizzards were more for satisfying my curiosity. 😂😂
But overall, I think this dish didn’t leave much of an impression.
It was just heavily flavored chicken gizzards. 😂😂😂

👉 Smelt and Cabbage $130
I also ordered a vegetable side to try.
The cooking technique and appearance of the cabbage are quite special,
and it offers a unique taste.
I can only say many of the seasonings in this restaurant are really special,
which indeed surprised me!

I found the cabbage quite good.
If you want to eat more vegetables,
you might consider this dish!

👉 Oven-Baked Bread
With the set meal,
there's also a serving of oven-baked bread.
I think the bread here is quite good,
and paired with the accompanying sauce,
it nicely fills up your stomach before the main course. 😂😂😂

👉 Chef's Dessert $180
I don’t really know how to describe the dessert of the day.
It looks very cool overall,
and the taste is quite special,
but I honestly don’t know what it’s called. 😂😂😂

In terms of flavor, I think it's quite good.
It provides a refreshing finish to the meal.
However, since the desserts may vary daily,
it’s best to ask at the counter beforehand!

I think the cooking techniques for the dishes here
are very sophisticated and well-executed.
The control of heat is really excellent.
So no matter what type of meat dish you choose,
it’s all very delicious.
Additionally, what makes this restaurant distinctive is its sauces and overall flavor,
which are memorable and unique!

So from a food perspective, I highly recommend everyone to give it a try!

⭐️ Atmosphere Section
From the photos, you can see
the restaurant has a wooden-themed small restaurant style.
The indoor space isn’t particularly large,
and the number of seats is also limited to about five to six groups of customers at a time.
The kitchen is semi-open,
so diners can see the kitchen activities.

As for the overall decor,
it follows a calm, wooden tone.
I think this kind of ambiance is very suitable for couples on dates or friends gathering quietly!

Although the space is small,
the seating arrangements are quite well-spaced out,
and the distance between tables is good,
so it doesn’t feel too crowded!

⭐️ Service Section
The restaurant doesn’t provide any particularly extra services,
just the basics like taking orders, serving food, and some basic dish introductions.
They also accept card payments,
so you don’t need to worry about only being able to pay in cash!

⭐️ Price Section
I find that, for a refined small restaurant,
the prices here are quite acceptable.
Especially since the main dishes are very refined
and the portions aren’t too small.
Usually, one main dish and one side dish are sufficient per person.

So, from a price perspective, I find it quite reasonable.
On average, each person's expense would be around $1000.

⭐️ Overall
This restaurant has earned its reputation as a difficult-to-reserve spot for a reason.
After all, its overall style is very refined and tasteful,
and the food itself is quite good.
You could say it offers more of a high-end set meal experience.
The cooking techniques for the food are also very satisfying.

So if you get the chance,
and you see an open reservation time,
hurry and book it to enjoy a meal there!

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Comments (4)

pe pe
LV 1Fooday Newbie
這間真的是過譽了⋯ 如果說相同性質的店,我會推薦花滔廚房
LV 41Silver Foodie
LV 41Silver Foodie
pe pe
LV 1Fooday Newbie

Spot Info

文|火|處|方 料理所106台北市大安區文昌街80號1樓
3 reviews
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Lunch4 ppl700
4 months ago
之前在 Fooday 上看到這家店收藏已久,總算找到機會造訪,超級喜歡!不論餐點跟氛圍都很好,最大的問題是位子太少了,真的很難訂。 我們四位是訂平日中午,晚上、假日基本上是完全沒位子。在預約時會需要先點兩份主餐,其他到現場可以再點。低消是每人一份主餐,有趣的是預定的主餐跟現場的不一樣。 他的菜單都是寫在黑板上,要自己去看,有點小麻煩。整個用餐體驗跟味道都非常好,完全可以理解為什麼這麼難訂。餐點的心得就放在照片上啦,有機會下次還會想再訪。
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Dinner2 ppl775
5 months ago
【Foodholic乃子@台北】 這家餐廳真的有夠難訂位的啦!終於讓我訂到了! 「文|火|處|方 料理所」位於信義安和站附近,距離2號出口走路約2分鐘,店面裝潢內外都維持一致的木質調,使用木頭傢俱給人一種溫潤的感受 為什麼說很難訂位呢?因為座位數不多,而且週末不營業,一般上班族只能平日晚上去用餐,而平日晚餐一開放預約就會很快被搶光(一次會開放兩個禮拜的訂位) 每人低消600元,在線上訂位時就要先綁定信用卡,如果no show,會直接被扣款。訂位時可以先選擇主餐,有些限量主餐現場想點會點不到 乾酪櫛瓜$200 櫛瓜溫度很夠,且煎得很好,吃起來很juicy;雖然灑在櫛瓜上的起司看似不多,但奶香味是足夠的,一入口就冒出來 大推這道菜的堅果醬,很好吃,雖然我吃不出來究竟用了什麼堅果,但我真的全部舔乾淨 唯一缺點大概就是份量很小吧,上桌後瞬間清盤 蒜烤薯塊$150 這道我個人覺得相較起來稍微普通,主要是吃馬鈴薯的原味,吃得到淡淡的奶油味和蒜香味,以及義式香料味~這道份量也不大~ 嫩煎胭脂鴨胸$550 鴨胸是蠻嫩的,但需要花一點時間嚼,不是入口即化類型的 單吃或沾一點附上的芥末籽吃都不錯,不過芥末籽的加分幅度不大就是了 爐烤蔬菜則是非常好吃~~烤得香噴噴! 炙烤伊比利小戰斧豬排$650 先說這道贏過鴨胸,豬排的瘦肉和肥肉分佈很平均,吃起來很軟嫩但又不會過肥,再沾上杏桃蘋果醬真的清爽不油膩,好好吃啊!這道的醬汁就真的有加分到~ 旁邊附上的蔬菜也是調理得很優秀! 整體而言,我覺得用餐環境舒適,食物表現也是可圈可點的,只是份量實在不多,想吃飽的話要多點幾樣,我是蠻願意回訪的!
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DeltflyLV 1Fooday Newbie
Good food, good ambiance, in a nice location. Restaurant in the middle of an industrial zone. Nothing much to do nearby. But good experience. Great service. Decent printing.
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阿官LV 31Bronze Foodie
文|火|處|方 料理所
之前在 Fooday 上看到這家店收藏已久,總算找到機會造訪,超級喜歡!不論餐點跟氛圍都很好,最大的問題是位子太少了,真的很難訂。 我們四位是訂平日中午,晚上、假日基本上是完全沒位子。在預約時會需要先點兩份主餐,其他到現場可以再點。低消是每人一份主餐,有趣的是預定的主餐跟現場的不一樣。 他的菜單都是寫在黑板上,要自己去看,有點小麻煩。整個用餐體驗跟味道都非常好,完全可以理解為什麼這麼難訂。餐點的心得就放在照片上啦,有機會下次還會想再訪。
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飲料王LV 23Fooday Adventurer
立秋 Li Chiu
終於吃到立秋!立秋在較熱門的日子裡也算是難訂位店,氛圍也非常適合約會,朋友聚會,整體來說非常好吃,蠻多外面吃不到的醬汁! 這次候補到週五晚上8人用餐,8人會建議一道開胃菜都可以點到兩份,不會太多也不會後悔,剛剛好!以下完整心得,前標有標❤️‍🔥為推薦菜色! 🜸這次開胃菜🜸 ❤️‍🔥碳烤厚牛舌/阿根廷青醬:好吃!!牛舌碳烤香味濃厚,搭配特製青醬,口感不過軟,而是保有嚼勁,越嚼越香,微辛口青醬也帶出更多層次! ❤️‍🔥嫩煎干貝/酸豆玉米醬 以為干貝約莫在3-4顆左右,沒想到一份就有8顆!好滿足!酸豆玉米醬很特別,玉米為炙燒過的整片玉米,酸豆醬則清爽開胃,好吃! ❤️‍🔥慢慢弄絲綢乳酪烤時蔬 時蔬使用芥蘭菜,搭配 ❤️‍🔥隱藏菜單 - 炭烤M9+和牛腰窩 / 紅酒油醋醬 每頭牛只有700分之1的部位是腰窩,每日限量! 超級好吃,三分熟搭配紅酒油醋醬,牛肉滋味濃厚,當天剩一份直接被我們點走了,如果還有一定要點! 香料油封蔬菜烘蛋:這個我比較還好,上面還有放三顆完整牛蕃茄⋯就是分開吃的,感覺有點突兀 🜸這次點的主菜🜸 ❤️‍🔥 碳烤牛排/牛蒡紅酒醬:非常好吃且驚艷,會提供兩種不同質地的醬汁,一鐘綿綢一種清爽,清爽的帶有焦糖甜味,跟牛排超搭,非常喜歡!(碳烤香氣非常讚) 爐烤鑲餡全雞(需預訂):雞很嫩,好吃!但我不是非常愛雞肉的人,對我來說印象不深 戰斧豬排:肉偏厚且油花多,吃多有一點噁心,但可能是因為吃太多到後面也飽了~ ❤️‍🔥西西里缽醬雙槽麵/炙烤軟絲/白蝦:唯一的澱粉,越吃越好吃!麵的醬汁帶有堅果香氣,海鮮份量也很足,麵體Q彈不軟爛,非常特別! ❤️‍🔥嫩煎現流鮮魚/酸豆奶油醬:好吃鮮嫩,這次的魚是真鯛,喜歡海鮮的建議點! 因為我們這次點的稍嫌多,也開了三瓶酒,所以均消較高,如果正常吃感覺1000出頭就能蠻飽了!店員很會推薦酒,這次選的紅白酒跟餐都很搭,也順口好喝! 甜點奶酪意外地驚艷,質地滑順美味,比甜甜圈更推薦~
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