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Dinner4 ppl$2800
2 months ago

Overall Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑
Dickson's Fooday Food Review #246

This time, I am going to introduce a more exquisite Australian restaurant, which presents fine dining in a delicate manner.

This place focuses on Australian-themed dishes, featuring unique ingredients and flavors, and the prices are not overly expensive. So if you’re looking to try some special Australian cuisine or ingredients, you might want to give this place a shot!

Of course, the atmosphere is also very suitable for celebrating various holidays. However, regarding the Australian dishes, I can only say that a few are quite distinctive, but not all the flavors may be to everyone's liking.

There are a few dishes I found quite hard to understand, which really comes down to personal taste.

From the positioning of this restaurant, it can be categorized as a mid-range fine dining exotic cuisine restaurant. So everyone is welcome to come and experience Australian food in a well-lit and pleasant atmosphere! You can choose to dine here!

Food: 🌕🌕🌖🌑🌑
Drinks: 🌕🌕🌖🌑🌑
Atmosphere: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘
Service: 🌕🌕🌖🌑🌑
Price: 🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑

⭐️ Food Section:
👉 Thyme / Enoki Mushrooms / Acacia Seeds
This dish is considered the first appetizer, but I didn't quite understand it. It was mainly presented in a fried manner and initially felt overwhelmingly strong in flavor, which I personally didn't particularly enjoy. 🥲🥲

👉 Bonito / Kohlrabi / Finger Lime Pepper
This one leans towards the vegetable category, with the fish placed inside the kohlrabi for a combination. I felt this dish was fairly decent and much lighter than the previous one.

👉 Scallop Pie
I really liked the scallop pie. Besides the basic scallops, it also included other condiments on top and a base of cookies—it’s a texture and flavor combination that I think most people would find acceptable.

👉 Queensland / Prawns / Tomatoes
This cold dish featured prawns and tomatoes. I found it somewhat above average, giving off a refreshing salad vibe.

👉 Beef Bone Marrow / Kangaroo / Harissa
This dish was my favorite of the day. It was cooked and presented using skewers, so each person gets to enjoy a stick of meat. Though it may look similar to other skewered meats, the different kind of meat used makes it quite satisfying and novel. You’ll even find kangaroo meat in here! I doubt many have tried kangaroo meat regularly, but it doesn’t differ too much from other meats. Overall, it’s a flavor and texture that people can generally accept. I found this dish quite special and one of my favorites.

👉 Clams / Sweet Potato / Salmon Roe
This dish was presented in a semi-soup style. Overall, it didn't leave a significant impression and felt quite common, something you could find elsewhere.

👉 Potatoes / Desert Raisins / Australian Barramundi
I felt the seasoning on the barramundi was a bit too mild, but paired with the potatoes and raisins, it made for quite a wild experience. I thought it was still a decent experience!

👉 Chicory / Duck Breast / Cherries
Moving on to the main course, the duck breast was handled pretty well, with good doneness and quality. The accompanying cherries and other sauces were good, but I thought the portion was a bit small.

👉 Hot Cake / Eucalyptus / Caramelized Butter
The hot cake came with ice cream, so you need to eat it quickly! Eucalyptus is, of course, a common ingredient in Australia, but overall the flavor didn’t add much benefit.

👉 Desserts
The dessert section included macarons and a cake, which I think overall was quite good.

Overall, I think the meals at this restaurant didn’t have significant errors, but they lacked in terms of distinctiveness and flavor. It left a sense of no memorable highlights, which is a pity.

I hope they can incorporate more Australian characteristics to carve out a niche in the market!

⭐️ Atmosphere Section:
I think the best aspect of this restaurant is its atmosphere. Just from the large transparent windows outside, you can see the dining conditions and ambiance inside. The overall atmosphere is quite well-designed, leaning towards a deep and steady style.

During my dining experience, there weren’t many other customers in the restaurant, so the overall dining atmosphere was excellent.

⭐️ Service Section:
In terms of service, I’d say it was just average. For fine dining, the knowledge and understanding of the staff about the dishes are crucial since introducing the menu and usage methods is also part of the service evaluation.

On that day, the staff did provide precise introductions to each dish's content and usage, but to some extent, I felt the explanations were not very detailed, a bit like textbook definitions.

That was a slight disappointment.

Overall, other basic service aspects were just about standard.

⭐️ Price Section:
In terms of exotic fine dining, this establishment’s positioning and pricing aren’t overly expensive, making it quite accessible.

So it’s suitable for important holiday gatherings or celebrations.

However, I personally felt the dishes didn’t meet my expected value, so regarding the cost-to-value ratio, I thought it fell short.

After all, in similar fine dining restaurants of the same level, the same prices might lead to better options!

⭐️ In Summary:
I think this restaurant’s main feature is being an Australian cuisine establishment, but in terms of the food's taste and flavor, it depends on how much one enjoys and accepts the dishes.

Of course, there aren’t many specialized Australian cuisine restaurants in the Taipei area, and this is a more exquisite dining option. So I believe, for those interested, I can still recommend coming here to give it a try! 👍👍

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Lunch2 ppl$1969
11 months ago
位於忠孝復興站附近的澳洲餐廳,餐廳裝潢採用灰色及黑色調,給人的感覺很沉靜高雅,坐在裡面用餐令人感到很舒服 這邊是吃Fine Dining,中午及晚上分別提供兩種價格的菜單,這次是週日中午來用餐,選擇$1550+10%的Tasting Menu,總共有9道料理,我們另外又加點了1份袋鼠肉串($300+10%),每一樣餐點的份量都算精緻,不過有提供麵包及麵疙瘩等澱粉類餐點,所以全部吃完是有飽的 BTW,水要另外付費,可以選擇礦泉水或氣泡水,也可選擇常溫或冰,我們這次選擇礦泉水(180+10%),真是不便宜哈哈哈 (以下依上菜順序介紹) 百里香/舞菇/金合歡樹梓 吃起來就是個炸菇,蠻油的,店員說樹梓吃起來會有咖啡和巧克力香氣,但沒什麼感覺,這道沒特別驚艷;另有附上一碗湯,是由百里香、旗魚熬煮而成,蠻濃郁好喝的,不過也是偏油,吃完這整道會想喝水 鰹魚/大頭菜/手指檸檬胡椒 整道看起來都綠綠的鰹魚塔塔,是個清爽的味道,非常解膩,第一口不知道為何有茴香的味道,緊接著是生魚的鮮味,味道很有層次,不過檸檬胡椒的味道沒有很突出 干貝派 一入口是一個咖喱的味道慢慢冒出來,與干貝搭配在一起,很新奇也好吃 章魚/柑橘/里科塔起司 原本這道是胭脂蝦和番茄,因為我們兩個都不吃蝦和蕃茄,所以幫我們換成了換成章魚和柑橘,搭配澳洲Ricotta起司(店員說有蜂蜜風味 但我沒吃出來);一入口的味道有點嚇到我,吃起來是一股香茅味(但友人說沒有香茅味,食材裡也的確沒有香茅),我不愛香茅,所以這道不是我的菜 袋鼠肉串燒 上面醬料是鯷魚油(原本是牛骨醬汁,但友人不吃牛),袋鼠肉吃起來有點像牛肉,烤得很香,肉質介於軟嫩及有嚼勁之間,很完美,上面的醬有一點美乃滋感,個人很喜歡,這道是今年前三名 酸種麵包/澳洲香料奶油 麵包烤得外酥內軟且夠熱,奶油是綠色的,吃起來像抹茶的味道卻不是抹茶,很特別很神奇,香氣很夠,配合麵包真的很和諧很好吃,是一份令人捨不得吃完的麵包,差點想買一罐奶油帶走,但那是主廚特製的,沒有對外販售 蛤蜊/地瓜/鮭魚卵 地瓜麵疙瘩配上鮭魚卵、蛤蜊、鷹嘴豆味噌泡泡,麵疙瘩煮得很軟,還有一些地瓜泥,滿滿的地瓜甜味,蛤蜊很大顆,鮭魚給很多,和麵疙瘩配在一起吃很合適,不過吃到最後面有一點膩 十字花科/豬里脊/炭烤酸黃瓜 旁邊的配菜烤得有點焦焦的,很好吃(個人覺得比主角豬肉還令人驚艷);豬里脊肉很嫩,配上焦化奶油和高麗菜泥,吃起來有點甜甜的 熱蛋糕/尤加利/焦化奶油 店員說這道是Australian Christmas Cake,因為澳洲聖誕節都要吃熱蛋糕;蛋糕上放上一球焦化奶油冰淇淋,下面是尤加利葉做的卡士達醬,會有個精油味;不過這道我覺得又有香茅味了,和想像中的熱蛋糕不太一樣,這道一樣不是我的菜 小甜點 是一個蜜桃軟糖和一個薄荷巧克力蛋糕,軟糖偏酸,我不太喜歡,蛋糕頗甜,建議怕酸的人可以先吃軟糖再吃蛋糕 BTW 這天是友人生日,訂位時有備註,餐廳很貼心的在最後的小甜點放上蠟燭 店員人很好,很細心地跟我們介紹每一道菜,也很勤勞的幫我們加水和收拾桌子,不過衛生紙真的收太快了,有時候我才擦了一下嘴巴,就收走了,服務很好,但難免覺得有點浪費和製造垃圾 上餐的速度一開始都蠻快的,幾乎是一份吃完馬上就上下一道,但最後一道小甜點前我們大概等了十分鐘,這個配餐速度可能要再調整一下 整體而言,覺得料理有一半還不錯,另一半有點吃不懂,但價格在fine dining中還算是平價,如果想嘗試fine dining,可來試試看~
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