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廢墟餐廳 Restaurant feishu

Lunch2 ppl$1518
about 2 months ago

Reviewer with Braces: Not Particularly Friendly Sink 😂

This restaurant located in the Zhuanwei Military Village has an unassuming appearance but surprises with its dishes. The chef puts great care into each dish, and the staff is very enthusiastic and talkative. The only downside is that the restroom facilities are somewhat rudimentary.

The restaurant updates its menu every season, combining local specialties from Yilan with seafood, and each dish is quite exquisite. The set menu is priced at 1,380 NTD, plus a 10% service charge.

Here are the dishes from this meal:

  1. Hamburger patty with a runny egg yolk and tomato salsa
    The hamburger patty paired well with the salsa, and the texture was pleasant.
  2. Sprouted grape bread with Zhuanyuan peanut butter
    The peanut butter has a unique flavor.
  3. Loofah puree soup with potato foam and clam foam
    The soup is on the lighter side, slightly tasting of loofah and clam; I personally found it hard to understand.
  4. Seared scallop mixed salad with apple vinaigrette
    A fairly common salad.
  5. Main course: Honey-glazed cherry duck three ways
    This dish presents the duck in different seasonings, and the meat was acceptable.
  6. Main course: Ribeye steak with beef bone gravy
    The steak was cooked just right.
  7. Dessert: Lemon tart
    The separated lemon tart was a bit of an adjustment for my personal taste.
  8. Drink: Seasonal special from the Ruins
    I forgot the specific content, but it seemed to have added Yilan kumquat.
  9. Drink: Latte coffee
    The texture was smooth.

Overall, the restaurant is suitable for those who enjoy trying new things, but I personally would not return.

The appearance outside the store.
Seasonal Menu
Hamburger patty • soft-boiled egg yolk • tomato salsa
Sprouted grain bread • Zhuangyuan peanut butter
Luffa Soup • Potato Foam • Snail Bubbles
Grilled scallops • Mixed greens • Apple vinaigrette
Honey Sauce Cherry Duck Three Ways
Ribeye steak with beef bone gravy.
Lemon tart
Seasonal Special from the Ruins
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Spot Info

廢墟餐廳 Restaurant feishu263宜蘭縣壯圍鄉東港村廍後路仁愛新村50號
2 reviews
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Lunch2 ppl$1500
about 2 months ago
🔅實際用餐日期:2024/09/21*照片未經允許請勿轉載&商業 朋友存了1.2年的店,除了主餐二選一,飲料有咖啡/紅茶/特調可以選擇,其餘皆為固定,以下當天的餐點,簡單介紹。 季節菜單 當日兩款主餐都是 $1380+10% ▪️漢堡肉·糖心蛋黃·番茄莎莎 除以上食材還有裂葉芝麻葉,特別說明它單吃會帶微辣口味,莎莎醬口味比較淡,搭芝麻葉很剛好,漢堡肉很多汁好吃。 ▪️胚芽葡萄麵包·壯圍花生奶油 麵包就中規中矩,但是我很喜歡他的奶油是用花生提煉的所以是帶有花生香氣,最後刮得很乾淨 ▪️絲瓜濃湯·洋芋泡沫·蛤蠣泡泡 這道應該是我比較吃不懂的,絲瓜整個打成汁,洋芋泡沫好吃,蛤蜊泡泡要仔細吃才有味道,蛤蜊肉新鮮也不少,整體不會不好吃,就是用很特別的方式呈現絲瓜蛤蠣 ▪️炙燒干貝·綜合生菜·蘋果油醋 蘋果油醋味道蠻香的,搭配生菜很清爽,但我覺得跟干貝沒有很合,不過干貝很嫩很好吃!!走各自的路的概念 ▪️主餐:肋眼牛排佐牛骨肉汁 看介紹為保持肉的新鮮是現點現切的。雖然不到嫩但也不會難咬,自己蠻喜歡牛排的調味,擺盤起來超美,分量也比想像的大份。 ▪️主餐:蜜汁櫻桃鴨三吃 三吃是原味、白酒金棗醬及紅酒葡萄醬。這道一送上也是讓我眼睛一亮,鴨肉超肥美三大塊!!吃起來也蠻喜歡的(不過我自己是有把油的部分切掉)皮跟肉原味就很好吃。金棗醬很特別,紅酒醬我個人還好。 ▪️檸檬塔 所說是檸檬塔但整個是分解擺盤。其實下層的餅乾跟檸檬慕斯(還有內餡)都蠻好吃的,造型也很吸睛。如果說是一道甜點我覺得完全沒問題很好吃👌但分解起來對我來說就不是檸檬塔,餅乾也無法替代塔皮的那種硬脆感。 ▪️拿鐵咖啡▪️廢墟當季特調 咖啡中規中矩。當季特調是美式加上金棗醬的口味,喝起來很特別爽口,跟西西里咖啡概念有點像,很清爽,但一直有個…可能是金棗皮的臭味(?)讓我有點出戲,就是好喝但有點臭? 整體來說,當天是週六中午只有我們到訪(下雨天),用餐環境很舒服,服務員也很熱情會詳細介紹餐點,兩個主餐我都很喜歡,雖然口味不會讓我想特別來回訪,但是很推薦喜歡這種風格的可以來體驗一下!附近也有可以拍照的漂亮海邊。(食物3.5+氛圍讚0.5) ps當時預約可以免費體驗版畫創作或蕨類上板課程,我們是選後者,但因為過程手很髒就沒有特別拍攝,可以把作品帶回家,蠻讚的~~
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