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爬梯咖啡 Parti Cafe & etc.

Afternoon Tea2 ppl$220
about 2 months ago

📍Shilin District, Taipei City (Tianmu Shopping District)
A no-time-limit café with a vintage artistic style 🪴☕️🔅

After discovering this café on Fooday, I decided I had to visit!
I chose a weekday to come here to work 😂

The café is located on the second floor, and as I climbed up the narrow stairs, I immediately loved the decor style💕.
It primarily features white and a vintage homey feel, along with some greenery. Each table and chair arrangement is a bit different, showing thoughtful design. I took so many pictures as soon as I walked in!

One thing to note is that the lighting here mostly relies on natural light and tends to get darker before closing.

Order Items
🍋 Sicilian ($160):
The foam on top is super delicate 🫧, and the dried lemon slices look great in photos 😻.

The blend of lemon and coffee is very well done—neither flavor overpowers the other, and it’s a stellar combo!
(I’m really afraid of Sicilian coffee being too sour.)

☕️ Cappuccino ($150):
They ask if you want cinnamon powder when ordering, and it has a creamy and delicious texture.
Served in a really cool irregular cup!

🍮 Caramel Pudding ($120):
The daily desserts are written on a small sign on the right side of the counter.
This pudding, from the fresh cream on top to the pudding itself and the caramel sauce, is absolutely delicious! The pudding is light with a rich egg flavor, and it’s quite a generous portion.

Would I come back? Yes!
I really love this place!
They also have options for full meals and light bites. I’ll definitely come back to dine here next time 🍽️

🔸 Cash only 💰
🔸 Pet-friendly! There was a Shiba Inu from the café and a black cat brought by a customer on the day I visited 🐈‍⬛😍
🔸 No time limit on weekdays; limited to 2 hours on weekends, and all seats have power outlets.

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Spot Info

爬梯咖啡 Parti Cafe & etc.台北市士林區中山北路六段430號2樓
Coffee shopNT$220~NT$450
2 reviews
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Brunch2 ppl$450
2 months ago
位在天母的老宅咖啡廳,隱藏在民宅二樓的挑高空間,光是舒適的用餐環境就絕對值得來訪。 咖啡廳內部保留了老宅牆壁磚瓦的原始建材,閣樓打通,連同三角屋頂一併漆成純白色,再以原木樁分割出空間感。屋頂原有的閣樓窗將光線透進來,照耀整個室內,讓整體空間非常通透明亮。連地板的鵝卵石鋪面都保留著,整個咖啡廳的空間設計可以說是極致完美💯 連廁所空間也都不馬虎,拉門拉開是另一片小花園天地,以碎石子加上木條地板開路,錯落的綠色觀葉植物引領者你進到廁所。廁所門一打開,清水模內裝及樸實但不複雜的裝飾,讓如廁都可以是一個放鬆的感官體驗。 這樣精美自在樸實的用餐環境,非常值得親自來一趟感受一下,我給滿分 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ——— 餐點的部分,除了有各式咖啡飲品可供選擇,還有店內自己烘的單品手沖咖啡,從淺焙到中深焙都有。 店內最推薦的就是他們的「小可頌套餐」以及「拼盤大早餐」,食量比較小的話推薦小可頌,份量輕巧不會太過飽足。喜歡吃飽一點的朋友則一定要試試他們的拼盤大早餐! ——— 除了舒適的用餐環境以及咖啡餐點,他們店裡還有一隻超可愛的店狗🐶,看得出來有一點年紀,但完全不怕生,而且會跟客人互動,只要跟他玩他就會很興奮一直來回跑動搖尾巴,非常可愛!只是要小心如果有點食物的話他會一直想撲上來搶食(依然可愛) ——— 看得出來整間咖啡廳都散發著一個明亮、通透、大器且有靈魂的氛圍,店狗跟隨處可見的綠色盆栽植物更是為咖啡廳注入了活氣。 只看照片不太準,畢竟無法完全還原現場的氛圍,非常建議大家一定要來造訪看看!無論是來吃早午餐、喝下午茶、看看書或是用電腦,都非常適合喔~ #老宅咖啡廳 #有插座 #有wifi #天母咖啡廳 #台北咖啡廳 #復古咖啡廳 #手沖咖啡 #天母早午餐 #士林早午餐 #僅接受現金付款 #可電話預約
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