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Dinner3 ppl$367
4 days ago

Dinner time has a lot of people, and you need to queue to get a number, but the calling speed is quite fast, so the wait isn't too long. Walk towards Shengping Street; there is a dedicated parking lot for Hou Defu next to Guoxiu Canteen.

🍴 Personal recommendations: Pork pies, pork rolls, sweet pancakes, chocolate flying pancakes, Furong Xishi rolls, and red oil dumplings.

✨ Pork pies: Full and delicious pies; even if you eat them when they are a bit cold, it doesn't detract from the tastiness of the meat juice.

✨ Furong Xishi rolls: Filled with tofu and some vegetables (the name of which I don't know), overall it's on the sweeter side, but it's a very refreshing combination. This is a dish I would specially recommend to friends.

✨ Red oil dumplings: Slightly spicy, each dumpling is large and full, making for a satisfying experience. The meat in the dumplings combined with the fresh vegetables creates a balanced flavor that doesn't feel greasy at all.

🥹 Crab soup dumplings: A bit disappointing; I didn't really taste the crab roe, and they felt more like regular soup dumplings.

The restaurant also provides red tea and soy milk for self-service. Trying to mix soy milk with red tea is still very good🥰 (the flavor is on the sweeter side, so please adjust to your preference).

❗️Other dishes not specifically mentioned do not mean they are not tasty or not recommended; the above dishes are merely comments based on personal taste preferences.

🍴 Crab Roe Soup Dumpling 🍴 Pork Wraps 🍴 Sweet Pancakes (Another item is a side dish)
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3 reviews
Chinese restaurantNT$220~NT$350
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Lunch2 ppl$320
3 months ago
湯包,是許多饕客們鍾愛的美食,其特色在於以細緻的麵皮包裹著鮮美的湯汁。品嚐時,輕輕咬開外皮,讓湯汁流入口中,既美味又充滿趣味。今天吃曼要介紹一家位於高雄知名的湯包店,喜愛湯包的你絕對不能錯過… ✅豬肉餡餅:咬下去裏頭充滿了湯汁。本身肉餡調味不會過重、膩口,反而能感受到豬肉的香氣。 ✅牛肉捲餅:餅皮口感非常有嚼勁,裡面包著牛肉片與青蔥,吃起來清爽不膩。 ✅蟹黃湯包:一口咬下,裏頭充滿了滿滿的湯汁,整個非常真材實料,餅皮薄而肉質軟嫩,不過缺點是湯汁過於濃稠,會讓人有點口渴。 ✅花生飛餅:餅皮裡加入的花生醬,咬下去花生醬的滋味大過於餅皮香氣,螞蟻人會喜愛,不過這一道需要配飲料一起吃,不然會偏乾。 ✅炒青菜:一般的空心菜與蒜頭拌炒,青菜十分新鮮、脆口。 ✅紅油炒手:醬汁吃起來酸酸甜甜的,會讓人越吃越開胃。炒手肉質軟嫩,外皮Q彈,非常推薦這道! ✅小菜:店家提供很多小菜品項,每一個價位會對上應對的盤子大小。不過小菜部分都中規中矩。 ——————————— 這一家是中規中矩的北方料理,整個吃完不會讓人覺得很驚艷。不過「餅」類料理味道都還不錯。而店內還有提供免費的豆漿與紅茶可以無限飲用。總體而言,除非有經過才會去品嚐。
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Dinner2 ppl$165
3 months ago
🥟 高雄苓雅▫️自強夜市🥟 十年如一日的高人氣麵點 漢神本館與自強夜市附近 有一間不管平日假日都人潮洶湧的麵食館 身為愛 麵>飯 的高雄人慕名已久 終於趁這日下班決定一探究竟✨ 約莫六點多抵達還未完全天黑 外頭等待人潮不算很多 現場登記候位後會🉐號碼牌 之後注意機器或店員叫號就可以囉📣 ➰鮮肉湯包(7粒/籠)🐷 100 熱騰騰的蒸籠送上桌 掀開瞬間說實話比我想像中的小🤣 輕輕咬破將湯汁吸入口中 所謂皮薄多汁果然不讓人失望 沾點醬料後再一整顆吃掉 完全能享受到豬肉最恰到好處的美味 ➰紅油抄手(5顆/盤)🍤🐷 80 這絕對是此店必點必推選項🌟 抄手本身非常飽滿,可以吃到豬肉跟蝦仁 蝦仁並非泡過脆脆假假的而是真材實料 搭配集鹹、香、辣為一體的紅油畫龍點睛 對於不太吃辣的朋友吃了也不會淚流滿面 嗜辣如命的朋友們也可以自行另外添加🌶️ ➰三鮮蒸餃(7粒/盤) 100 一直不知道三鮮是哪三鮮 只知道咬開可見豬肉、蝦仁、韭黃 朋友跟我說有吃到花枝但我不能肯定❔ 這一份是吃完前面幾樣後再加點 雖然有青花菜(小菜50元)解膩 全數完食依然有點過油兼過飽 也因而讓美味程度略打折扣🥲 — 部分餐食對於平日飲食清淡者可能會略鹹 這時候自助區喝到飽的含糖紅茶及豆漿 就擔任了非常重要的中和角色 推薦可以先豆漿、紅茶分開喝 之後再➕一起變成自製紅茶豆漿噢✨ 整體來說~~~所有餐點都很優秀 許多品項因為人數太少點了會吃不完 像是飛餅🫓蟹黃湯包🦀芙蓉西施卷… 只好移至下次再來享用🥹 忠「厚」老實才能「得」到「福」氣 超人氣麵點推薦大家都來試試🫶🏻
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