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LV 30|Bronze Foodie


台北市Shanghainese cuisine
11 months ago
Dinner6 ppl$800

We chose this Shanghainese restaurant for our family dinner this time. The style in the restaurant is quite special, with a mix of Chinese and Western dishes. Even on weekday evenings, it was still full of people.

This time I ordered 7-8 dishes plus a soup, and I couldn’t hold my breath after eating them all... The presentation and taste of beef jerky as an appetizer were very novel and worth a try! Sichuan dishes such as boiled beef taste pretty good, but other dishes personally feel a bit too oily and sweet. There are so many delicious Chinese dishes in Taipei, and this one can only be described as Pu Pu.

Personally, I feel that the decoration inside the store is more like a Western restaurant and feels a bit conflicting😆

A very special appetizer: Dengying beef. Simply put, it is beef jerky with slightly spicy seasoning. It is a great appetizer.
Biluochun and shrimp, the price is a bit high $580
The braised pork I ordered tasted good but was too sweet.
Shanghai stir-fried eel paste, I don’t dare to eat eels so I haven’t tried it at all🥲
Favorite boiled beef 😋
Pickled Duxian, I think it tastes good but the reviews are quite mixed.
Dessert rice dumplings made with rice wine. I was too full to finish the entire bowl.
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Comments (2)

LV 6Fooday Intern
太酷了吧 竟然用夾子吊著 份量感覺都不少呢 有機會想去吃看看
LV 30Bronze Foodie

Spot Info

Shanghainese cuisineNT$800~NT$1,000
2 reviews
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培銘 黃
Lunch6 ppl$1000
2 days ago
葉公館 - 正宗上海料理的精緻饗宴 🏮✨🌟 美味評分:4.8/5(根據個人口味推薦) 想要品味地道的上海料理,葉公館絕對是台北饕客的必訪之地!這裡的每道菜品,不僅口味層次豐富,擺盤精美,還充滿老上海的迷人韻味。無論是經典小菜還是主菜點心,都讓人一口接一口,停不下來! 小故事:貼心的用餐體驗 ❤️ 用餐結束後,原以為我們的美味旅程到此畫下句點,沒想到一位身穿廚師制服的中年大叔,面帶笑容地從廚房走了出來,親自來到我們的桌旁。他關心地詢問我們:「今天的菜色是否合胃口?有沒有特別喜歡的?」那一刻,我們不僅覺得受到重視,更感受到葉公館對於顧客的真誠用心。 我們向廚師表達對蟹粉豆腐和紅燒肉的喜愛,並提到每一道菜的味道都非常棒。他聽後滿意地點了點頭,還開玩笑地說:「喜歡就好,下次來,我們還有更多上海的經典菜色等著你們!」這樣貼心的互動,為整場用餐體驗增添了一層溫暖的記憶。 必點推薦 💫 🍽 經典前菜:每一道都開胃滿分! 🥢 口水雞 🌶 評分:4.7/5 選用鮮嫩雞腿肉,澆上特製的麻辣紅油醬汁,香辣中帶有微微的酸甜,醬汁充分滲入雞肉的每一絲纖維,鮮嫩多汁,讓人一吃上癮! 🦐 碧螺春蝦仁 🍃 評分:4.8/5 這道菜絕對是清新派的代表作!將江南茗茶碧螺春與新鮮河蝦結合,蝦仁彈牙滑嫩,帶著淡淡茶香,既有口感又充滿層次感。非常適合喜歡細緻口味的朋友! 🍴 主菜精選:經典海派料理,風味十足! 🦀 蟹粉豆腐 🥢 評分:4.9/5 這是葉公館的招牌菜之一!將滿滿蟹粉均勻鋪在如奶脂般滑嫩的豆腐上,配上濃郁的湯汁,每一口都能品味到鮮美的蟹香與豆腐的細膩,宛如在舌尖跳舞! 🥩 紅燒肉 🍯 評分:4.8/5 選用五花肉慢火燉煮,醬汁濃郁入味,肥瘦比例完美,入口即化。甜香的醬汁和米飯簡直是絕配,讓人忍不住多添一碗! 🍳 琥珀炒蛋 🍶 評分:4.6/5 看似簡單,卻蘊藏驚喜!炒蛋中融入黃酒提香,滑嫩的口感配上濃郁的蛋香,每一口都是滿滿的幸福感。 🍚 野菇菜飯 🍄 評分:4.7/5 將當季鮮菇加入米飯翻炒,香氣四溢,米粒分明且有嚼勁。這道菜的重點在於清香不油膩,非常適合搭配其他重口味主菜。 🍲 湯品與點心:畫龍點睛的美味結尾 🥟 紅油抄手 🌶 評分:4.7/5 小小的抄手,卻藏著滿滿的肉餡,搭配店家秘製的麻辣紅油,一口咬下去,肉汁在口中爆開,辣而不嗆,讓人忍不住一個接一個! 🍮 杏仁豆腐 🌟 評分:4.9/5 完美的餐後甜點!採用正宗杭州杏仁製作,細膩滑順,杏仁香氣濃郁卻不過於甜膩,入口即化,讓整餐劃下完美句點。 餐廳特色 🌟 1️⃣ 復古裝潢:餐廳內部裝潢濃厚的上海風情,充滿典雅氛圍,讓人彷彿置身於老上海的豪華食府。 2️⃣ 貼心服務:服務人員專業又親切,從菜品介紹到用餐細節都非常細心。 3️⃣ 適合場合:無論是家庭聚餐、朋友聚會,還是宴請賓客,這裡都能滿足你的需求。 餐廳資訊 📍 📍 地址:台北市大安區安和路二段118號 🚇 交通方式:捷運六張犁站 2 號出口,步行約 5 分鐘即可到達。 ⏰ 營業時間: 平日:11:30–14:30、17:30–21:30 假日:11:30–21:30 📞 聯絡方式:02-2736-1999 💡 小提醒:建議提前訂位,尤其是假日時段,熱門菜色如酸菜魚需提前預訂,讓用餐體驗更順暢! 🌟 葉公館不僅是一場味蕾的冒險,更是一場對上海文化的致敬。趕快帶上家人朋友,一起來感受這份精緻吧! 👇👇 你最想嘗試哪一道菜呢?留言告訴我們吧!
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