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涓豆腐 台中文心秀泰店

10 months ago
Dinner1 ppl372

Seafood Soft Tofu Clay Pot
The soup is rich and you can choose the spiciness, there is a lot of tofu, and the seafood is pretty good. It also comes with a bowl of purple rice, which has the aroma of crispy rice, which is a very special combination.

Side dishes
The portions are generous and the taste is good, including Sichuan fungus, seaweed, kimchi, soybean sprouts, tofu, etc. The store clerk will always ask if you want to add side dishes~

The small portion of bean curd is sprinkled with peanut powder, which is not too sweet and is a good combination.

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Spot Info

涓豆腐 台中文心秀泰店408台灣台中市南屯區文心南路289號6F
2 reviews
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Dinner5 ppl620
11 months ago
113/2/13(二)晚上用餐大年初四,新年快樂🎉 因為初一晚上才訂~所以只剩下4:30這個很不正常的晚餐時間 整體體驗感都不錯,也是我們一家每月固定來的餐廳 ⚠️大致需注意⚠️: 1.小菜都是無限量供應的~有需要直接舉手請服務人員幫忙添加即可🙋 或是他們不忙的話會推著小菜車到你身邊詢問你 2.店內有低消$298,要注意‼️ 3.飯後會附贈甜點,不要急著離開喔~(豆花) 4.廁所在店外,電梯旁邊的位置🛗 👌🏻大致體驗👌🏻: 1.這次被安排在店內最角落的位置,用三張2人桌並起來的 2.小菜的部分服務人員大概來問了三次左右~算非常勤勞 3.我們有點神仙雪濃湯,是有桌邊服務的~(桌邊推車上炒熟再加高湯的湯) 4.點豆腐煲或是雪濃湯都有附贈石鍋飯一個,喜歡吃鍋巴的可以悶久一點再開蓋喔!🍚 🍴用餐體驗🍴: 1.韓式BBQ鐵板嫩肩牛$498 肉片不多,大約12薄片左右🐮 非常嫩,但吃不出韓式的感覺 有點像是比較鹹的牛肉片(? 底下鋪了滿滿的洋蔥,害我以為肉片有很多(原來是騙局!!) 蔬菜的部分只有給2條玉米筍、2朵花椰菜、零星的甜椒 以價格來看CP值不高,不建議點 結論:🌟2/5,單純的牛肉片,價格較高 2.黃金酥炸嫩豆腐$188 大約10塊,非常燙口(現炸的) 口感面衣稍硬(我個人喜歡軟的) 小可惜的地方是豆腐不是雞蛋豆腐,是氣孔比較大的豆腐 沒有特別嫩的感覺 結論:🌟3/5,酥脆的麵衣、稍嫌不嫩的豆腐 3.綜合海鮮煎餅$368(招牌薄香)🦐 我家皇太后最喜歡的海鮮煎餅 建議大家上桌後就要趕快吃掉 不然放到後面會有點濕掉的感覺,影響口感 海鮮的部分有小卷(?)、蚵仔、蝦子這些,加上一些蔬菜等等 薄脆的口感就像在吃剛煎好的煎餅一樣美味~ 整體偏油、偏鹹,也有附上香辣醬汁可以一起享用 但不加醬就很鹹囉! 結論:🌟4/5,剛上桌很酥脆,海鮮料適中,偏鹹的煎餅 4.海鮮辣炒年糕$358🦑 說是海鮮辣炒年糕,但裡面的小卷大概是唯一的海鮮(? 數量比年糕還要多,而且都很大塊 喜歡吃海鮮的可以點,但CP值不高 年糕非常好吃,軟軟的,不會硬掉 就算放半小時後吃也是軟的~ 辣醬吃得出來是用紅色包裝的那個韓國辣醬炒的~ 結論:🌟3/5,小卷多到大於年糕,非常鹹,建議配飯 5.泡菜嫩豆腐煲$328(餃子、小辣)🌶️🥟 每次來都點這道!豆腐非常嫩,像豆花一樣的感覺 可以選擇牛、豬、餃子 餃子是韭菜餡的,有五顆,不確定能不能換高麗菜餡(每次點都是韭菜) 上桌後要馬上加入一顆蛋,利用鍋的熱度把蛋弄熟,增加口感 泡菜非常香,泡在湯裡不會太鹹 如果不夠的話可以再加入小菜的泡菜! 非常推薦(算是招牌了~) 結論:🌟5/5,餃子很餡料很足,泡菜味道很夠,豆腐非常嫩👍🏻 👏🏻其他👏🏻: #涓豆腐 #韓式料理 #秀泰文心店 #台中
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2QT2BSTR8LV 16Fooday Squad Leader
🇰🇷 Sun Haru 韓國料理 🇰🇵 Korean Cuisines
We have dined in numerous Korean restaurants in many countries, this one serves food not up to foodies’ expectations on a national level — we’d try to avoid revisiting until new chefs are hired — meanwhile, the atmosphere with cute murals surrounding customers are lovely though; nonetheless, generally speaking, food is not yet up to standards. Those festive decorations and Christmas trees let them earn those two (2) stars.
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eonwarpedLV 12Culinary Novice
朋月栻 宗음식 含吃一隻雞 土城店
KoreanNew Taipei City
This place is generally crowded and needs a reservation, and I can see why. The star attraction is the whole chicken hot pot, and it's really great. The chicken is tender and juicy, our toddler kept asking for more. While waiting for it to cook, they also had small side dishes to whet our appetites and the picked radish was especially popular. The basket of clams we got was also pretty fresh and really adds to the broth. We took the broth home and cooked it further in noodles as well, nothing went to waste! Great place to visit, I highly recommend it.
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2QT2BSTR8LV 16Fooday Squad Leader
ZAN 🍥 CHEE 🇰🇷 韓國餐廳
ZAN 🍥 CHEE 🇰🇷 Korean Restaurant has been being with over 50 Korean side dishes (ban chan) for customers — these ample varieties do broaden dining experience and foreigners’ knowledge about Korean gastronomic culture. There are currently five (5) branches, and this one in Olympian City is the only one on Kowloon side in Hong Kong. Personally speaking, the foods both surpassed the standards and urbanely reached our expectations.
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