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哈肯舖 板橋環球店

about 1 year ago
Brunch1 pplNT$450

Every time you go to Banqiao Railway Station, you must visit Haken Shop.
Let’s talk about environmental sanitation first.
Clean and bright, very comfortable to walk around.
The checkout line is a single line. If it is a crowded period, it will be quite crowded with people coming and going.
However, the number of trolley shops is limited.
It’s not a crime of war!

The service part is also friendly.
Unfortunately, there are only two checkout staff to absorb the crowds and cannot adjust flexibly.
Let’s talk about bread again!
As early as before the epidemic,
The store generously cuts various new flavored breads into small pieces for customers to try, which is the confidence of Haken Shop.
It is indeed an award-winning and well-known bakery!

Currently we are unable to provide tastings due to the epidemic.
But the level of deliciousness has not declined.
If you haven’t tried it before, you can try it!

My personal favorites are the bagels, croissants, and toast series.

Miss the opening hours of Haken Shop. The FamilyMart convenience store is also located on B1 of Banqiao Station. Also available for purchase.
Miss the opening hours of Haken Shop. The FamilyMart convenience store is also located on B1 of Banqiao Station. Related products can also be purchased.
The FamilyMart convenience store on B1 of Banqiao Station also sells Hakenpu bread.
nut tower
A bright shop. Served with freshly baked bread.
There was a lot of shopping this time. Little croissant...satisfy your cravings
Open-shelf refrigerated dairy products
Pastries kept at room temperature. Favorite pound cake
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Spot Info

哈肯舖 板橋環球店220台灣新北市板橋區縣民大道二段7號B1東側
2 reviews
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Afternoon Tea1 ppl140
7 months ago
看來看去吃吃看這間好了。 哈肯舖烘焙位在板橋地下街顯眼的位置,每次都會經過但每次都沒有買,後來發現它是主打歐系麵包,這次就跑來買了,每款麵包都會提供成分和熱量參考,我覺得是很棒的細節。 品牌故事 2008年金融危機,曾掀起600多家麵包店倒閉潮,在烘焙業冰河時期,黃銘誠卻抵押房子創立哈肯舖,主打非主流的歐式麵包,還請吳寶春任技術總監,研發冠軍麵包荔枝玫瑰。 大方提供麵包試吃「新鮮麵包出爐,歡迎試吃。」試吃各款麵包,客人試吃才會發現歐式麵包沒想像中那麼硬,Q又有咬勁,幾乎都會買。」最受歡迎的黑麥鄉村,只簡單加入核桃與葡萄乾,又使用價格較高的英國黑麥粉,至今仍是最熱賣的代表麵包。 夕燒巨木法國 No1 💰145 推推 當進入一間店面我知道吃什麼選第一名和當下想吃的沒錯,逛了一圈發現麵包的選擇真的太多太多了!!選擇障礙🥹 後來就看到這款決定買來吃看看,不吃不知道一吃不得了,麵包外皮很酥很脆,麵包本身很Q彈有嚼勁,裡面還包裹了乳酪丁,有一種在吃夾心餅乾的感覺卻又更軟一點,一份切成4大塊,一下就吃了兩大塊,如果可以希望可以再切小塊一點,不然嘴巴要張挺大的。 心得:下次一定要再買一份,然後吃吃看別種麵包 如果是重視餐點:外酥內彈 如果是重視環境:很乾淨,麵包味很香 重視停車:車站內要停地下室 如果是重視廁所:地下街廁所 如果是重視排隊:速度很快,人潮滿多的,我結帳完,買麵包蠻多人排隊 如果重視服務:還不錯,買飲料沒了,要退款很迅速 如果注重CP值:🌟🌟🌟🌟 (單純探討食物跟價格)
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