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鼎泰豐 101店

about 2 months ago
Dinner2 ppl$822

📍Coordinates: Taipei, Taiwan

I have visited the bustling Din Tai Fung 101 store many times.
Despite the constant flow of tourists, every time I eat here I feel that it still maintains its food quality and service standards.

101 praise members who spend over $588 on the same day can also get a discount for 3 hours of parking. In Xinyi District, where land is at a premium, the problem of eating and parking is solved, which increases the willingness to come to this branch.

Because there are always a lot of people queuing up, I’m used to drawing a number plate as soon as I arrive, then walking around nearby, and using the app to check the queuing progress at any time, so I don’t feel like I have to wait too long.

This time, the two of them ordered some dishes that they must order every time they come here. They also tried some new dishes and described them in the pictures.

The only thing I forgot to take a photo of is the "Shrimp Meat and Red Oil Cake" (see how eager I am to eat it🤣), which is a must-order every time I come here!
The wontons are filled with whole prawns, which is very delicious, but the best part is the sauce. It must be paired with egg fried rice to make it complete. I believe everyone knows how to eat it! They are in a group, so they order both together every time.
I heard that you can pay extra for Chao Shou sauce, but I haven’t tried it before and I don’t know how much to add.

Before writing this review, I also read other people’s reviews. It’s interesting to know what everyone orders when they come to Din Tai Fung. I always order the same few dishes every time I come here, so I can try new dishes next time! I hope my sharing can give everyone some different ideas.

Store entrance
Stir-fried green beans Slightly fried green beans paired with minced meat are really delicious. They don’t taste like vegetables at all. I usually don’t like green beans, but the dish treated like this is very good. It is a must order every time I come here. Recommended👍
Braised eggplant Eggplant was one of the vegetables I hated when I was a kid. As I grew up, I discovered that eggplant can actually be made delicious! It is also lightly fried eggplant, seasoned with spicy minced pork and garlic. It is also very delicious. It is a little oily, but it is a very good cold dish with rice. It is also a must order almost every time I come here. Recommended👍
Crab Meat Xiao Long Bao We were amazed by Shanghai's various types of fried crab buns and crab noodles with rice. We couldn't forget the taste. Even though the price was high, we still ordered it with great enthusiasm, hoping to relive the delicious taste of crab🦀...
I thought the cute crabs were cheese slices, but they turned out to be super hard dough 😂 Don’t be stupid and eat them like me.
You can taste the umami flavor of crab meat and the original deliciousness of pork, but to be honest, the quantity is a bit small, and I don’t think the CP value is too high, so just eat the original Xiao Long Bao.
Pork Ribs and Egg Fried Rice The fried rice can be fried till it's grainy. It's clearly Din Tai Fung's skill. It's the same as the red oil hand. It must be paired with the hand sauce to taste delicious. But today's pork ribs were average and didn't feel particularly amazing.
Dan dan noodles The first time I ordered Dandan noodles, it had the aroma of spicy oil and sesame and peanuts. It was very rich and tasted more like fried noodles. It's a bit spicy, I think the taste is average, I don't recommend it.
Dan dan noodles
Yuan cup chicken soup This is my first time ordering chicken soup. There are four large pieces of chicken and it’s great. The soup is very delicious and not greasy. It’s very delicious! Recommend 👍
The chicken is stewed so tender that it separates from the bones as soon as you bite it. It is just right for two people to share a bowl.
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Spot Info

鼎泰豐 101店
3 reviews
Chinese restaurantNT$600~NT$810
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Dinner4 ppl$800
5 months ago
這間應該是全台鼎泰豐最多人朝聖的一間分店吧著名地標+百貨公司的威力 人潮真的沒停過 週一傍晚約5:30來抽號碼牌需要現場候位一個多小時 很棒的是可以先QR CODE線上點餐 入座後不需要等待很久就會開始上菜 這家不愧是旗艦店 座位非常非常多 比從外面看進來得還要多很多 後面還有很大的區塊!現場還有帶位機器人和送餐機器人 小朋友應該會很喜歡🤖 這次四個人用餐安排的座位寬大 就算點很多菜也不會感到擁擠 服務人員也還是一樣的貼心、溫柔 隨時提供貼心服務 謝謝所有服務人員🙏🏻 - 本人是鼎泰豐愛好者 以所有菜單裡所有品項都吃過的我來說 最推薦的餐點都在今天的點餐名單裡了(請看以下) 巧克力小籠包個人覺得特別但吃起來普通 適合與外國朋友來用餐時分享 是微苦口感 屬於吃過一次即可的品項 除此之外 今天的所有品項你們一定要點!!! 今天吃什麼!📝 𓌉𓇋 烤麩 $110 ·吃過就回不去的烤麩 包括旁邊的配料都超入味好吃 類似麵筋的口感QQ的 𓌉𓇋 香酥蝦餅 $280 ·裡面有香菜 對香菜極度敏感的人不要吃 我雖然不喜歡但吃不太出來 蝦餅香氣超足 𓌉𓇋 紅油抄手(蝦肉)$210 ·這個必點不用多說⋯ 𓌉𓇋 元盅雞湯 $230 ·肉比較乾柴一些有點可惜 但自己喝一盅湯真的很爽 湯頭鮮美又不油膩 𓌉𓇋 莧菜腐竹 $310 ·有紹興的香氣 有別於其他炒蔬菜 𓌉𓇋 羊肉蒸餃(五顆) $175 ·加了薑黃粉的黃色外皮 完全沒有羊騷味 很少人點但身邊吃過的人都喜歡(有添加香菜 慎選) 𓌉𓇋 蝦仁燒賣(五顆)$185 ·這個也熱門到不用多說 𓌉𓇋 蝦肉煎餃 $230 ·熱熱的吃超酥脆 裡面還會流汁 𓌉𓇋 什蔬蛋炒飯(白米)$230 ·雖然是素食但真的很!好!吃!加一點抄手的醬汁完美 個人覺得魅力大於蝦仁、排骨蛋炒飯 但很少人知道 𓌉𓇋 松露鮮菇盅 $230 ·湯裡面最喜歡的 如果你是松露控請不要錯過 香氣爆棚 喝完一盅還想加一盅 𓌉𓇋 赤豆鬆糕(核桃 一份兩片)$120 · 核桃口感增添一個層次 個人覺得放涼的比熱的好吃 會QQ的 𓌉𓇋巧克力小籠包(五顆)$175 𓌉𓇋芝麻大包(一份兩顆) $90 ·愛芝麻的人會愛死 配上面皮微嚼勁的口感 是很棒的飯後甜點 食物:5/5 氛圍:5/5 服務:5/5 Cp值:4/5
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Dinner2 ppl$500
12 months ago
是的,我又來吃鼎泰豐了!這次吃的是很久沒吃的 101 店,主要是想來看 iPhone 就順便吃一下。信義百貨區有三家鼎泰豐,101 永遠是要等最久的,所以沒事我也不會來。 聽說 101 的餐點品質最好,但我今天吃下來其實感覺不太出來。加上人太多的關係,服務反而沒有閒閒的 A4 那麼即時。而且今天點的莧菜品質不是很完美,可能是產季快結束了? 總之,信義區有其他鼎泰豐可以選,不用一定要來吃這家。
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