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【Foodholic Naiko@Taipei】

Speaking of Thai cuisine with a photo-worthy environment and food, it would be hard not to mention the restaurant "Lady nara". After trying it today, I feel that it is not just a so-called Internet beauty restaurant, but the food is also worth it. Thumbs up!

Lady nara has a total of 3 branches in Taipei. Today, I went to dine with my friends at the branch on the 12th floor of Zhongxiao SOGO.
(There is NARA Thai Cuisine on the 11th floor, don’t go to the wrong restaurant)

Most of the items sold by Lady nara are not the dishes you usually see in Thai restaurants. There are actually pasta, egg rice, soufflé and other meals to choose from. No wonder the restaurant is called "New" Thai Cuisine

The four of us ordered one salad, one appetizer, three main dishes, two desserts, and two drinks, for a total of $2231 (including 10% service charge); the dessert and drinks were an additional set meal of $249 (dessert + drink), additional price The set meal is $299 (soufflé + drink), which is more cost-effective than ordering a la carte⋯⋯

Thai Caesar Salad $280
The salad is very fresh and tastes very crunchy. The Caesar dressing is not the thicker Caesar dressing we usually see, but a lighter and lighter version. It should be made with a little yogurt or lemon. It tastes good. It has a sour feeling, very refreshing and appetizing!

Cheese fried shrimp cake $280
There are 6 pieces of shrimp cakes. They are not big and can be eaten by two or three. There is cheese in them, so they will stick together when you eat them. They come with Thai sweet and sour sauce and yogurt sauce, which are very suitable for dipping. This dish It’s delicious!

Stir-fried pig $280
It's pork stir-fried laths ~ the seasoning is just right, not too heavy on the taste. The laths taste very good. In addition to pork, there are some mushrooms in it (looks like snow white mushrooms). I like the overall taste.

Green curry beef brisket three-color rice noodles $320
This dish is very suitable for taking pictures. In addition to white, I found that it also comes in pink and pink blue. However, it is not very suitable to my taste. The green curry is a bit too spicy. It feels very prickly on the tongue as soon as I eat it. The beef brisket is also a bit hard, which is not what I originally wanted. The soft and tender texture is different than expected

Pan-fried chicken drumsticks and Thai fried rice $300
The fried rice is actually just a delicious egg fried rice. It doesn't seem to have a Thai feel, but I like it very much. The frying is pretty good. It doesn't seem to have too complicated seasoning, but it can make people eat one after another. The chicken drumstick is a big piece and feels a bit... Half-fried, the skin is fried until it's quite crispy. It's delicious, but it has a bit of chicken flavor.

Indonesian Medan Golden Cake (original price $200)
There are 4 small pieces. The golden cake tastes like the Penghu brown sugar cake, and it is a bit more delicious. It is topped with Thai milk sauce and served with the attached coconut milk ice cream. It is delicious. I quite like this dish, but it is a little bit Expensive, cp value is not high

Thai colorful soufflé (original price $260)
The soufflé is very soft and melts in your mouth. The sauce on top is probably made from variegated leaves. I personally think it has a bit of a bitter aftertaste, but it is offset by the brown sugar pearls that come with it. The pearls are chewy. Very good, my friends all like this dish

Lychee Rose Butterfly Pea Tea (original price $180, so you need to pay the price difference of $20 when ordering the set meal)
After taking the first sip, I exclaimed, "This is the sparkling version of Meiyanshe Rosehip Tea!" (Does anyone else know about this drink? I was very popular for a while when I was a kid. Doesn't this reveal my age 😂). Very refreshing, great to drink in summer!

Iced milk tea (original price $140)
It’s just a decent cup of fresh milk tea, nothing special. You can order it if it comes with a set meal.

Overall, the performance of each meal is average to above average, and the food is filling. The average price per person is less than $600. I have given the CP value, and I will be willing to visit again~

Pan-fried chicken drumsticks and Thai fried rice $300
Green curry beef brisket three-color rice noodles $320 (green curry part)
Green curry beef brisket three-color rice noodles $320 (part of three-color rice noodles)
Stir-fried pig $280
Thai Caesar Salad $280
Cheese fried shrimp cake $280
Indonesian Medan Golden Cake (original price $200)
Thai colorful soufflé (original price $260)
This picture is very healing~~
Lychee Rose Butterfly Pea Tea (original price $180)
Iced milk tea (original price $140)
store appearance
In-store seating area
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Spot Info

Lady nara 曼谷新泰式料理 台北忠孝SOGO店
2 reviews
Thai restaurantNT$300~NT$560
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Afternoon Tea3 ppl$300
4 months ago
🇹🇭曼谷新泰式料理「Lady nara」 擁有泰國曼谷最強網美餐廳之美譽,亦是米其林推薦泰式料理NARA Thai Cuisine其姐妹品牌。Lady nara在英文和泰文中皆意旨「女人」,用餐環境跟泰國本店採相同風格。專為女性設計大自然花園般的舒適慵懶風,運用米、白、粉幾何形狀與溫柔色調的餐具、泰國海運來台的手工籐編孔雀椅,打造別出心裁、時尚優雅的客席氛圍。 起源於創辦人Yuki Srikarnchana旅居世界各地的生活經歷,將獲獎無數真實力的傳統泰國料理手法,精采融合在全球的特色料理中!打破傳統泰食文化,在曼谷掀起一股新泰食風潮,完美呈現輕食、鹹食、甜點與特色飲品,從一人獨享到多人聚餐皆宜。Lady nara將完全顛覆你的味蕾,猶如漫遊世界般地令人驚艷! - 這次Jerry帶著媽媽跟妹妹來到SOGO百貨提前慶祝母親節體驗貴婦生活,來到百貨逛街購物是一定要的之外,當然也一定要找個漂亮又舒適的地方讓媽媽可以小憩一下,優雅的享用著有如英國下午茶般,奢華又兼具創意及美味的「泰愛午茶時光雙人套餐」,現在就來看看Jerry的美食簡評吧!如果沒吃過或不太習慣泰式料理口味的朋友,推薦大家可以來Lady nara 品嚐看看,有許多意想不到的料理等著各位🤩 泰愛午茶時光 $900 🧡🧡🧡🧡🤍 ->飲品:泰式奶茶&柚子冰茶(+$20) ->糕點:瑪德蓮(香蘭醬、香芋醬) 泰式蛋沙拉、起士培根瑪芬、 紅咖哩鮮蝦燉飯、泰奶達克瓦茲、 泰式烤椰米塔、搭配$160以下飲品*2 剛上桌就可以感受到三層式下午茶的震撼,有種尊絕不凡的感覺~五道糕點都兼具了泰式的料理風味與精神,昇華成了全新的樣貌,結合時下最流行的甜點與鹹食,小巧而精緻,非常適合姊妹淘一起享用!份量很剛好,味道也非常好,Jerry最喜歡的是泰奶達克瓦茲和紅咖哩鮮蝦燉飯,最特別的反而是起士培根瑪芬,第一次吃到鹹的口味,意外的很搭,推推大家可以來試試看👍 花開馥桂茶(熱) $180 🧡🧡🧡🧡🤍 這款期間限定的商品~Jerry媽媽覺得它特別的小巧思是在一旁有附上果糖與龍眼果醬?做調配使用,可以根據個人喜好添加,帶有淡淡花香與濃郁茶香,一定會深受許多有氣質的女性喜愛! 🔥快趁著母親節帶親愛的媽媽去享用美食吧🔥
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