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LV 29Fooday Chief

Ask the clerk if this store specializes in lemon drinks.
I followed the clerk’s recommendation and ordered guava lemon $65 and half-ripe lemon green $65.

Guava Lemon $65
The guava flavor is very strong and has a slightly rustic taste.
The lemon taste is very strong and the slight sugar tastes a bit sour.
If you are afraid of sourness, I suggest you order half sugar.

Semi-cooked Lemon Green$65
The lemon flavor is also very strong
It feels a little more sour than Guava Lemon.
It's a pity that the taste of green tea has been overshadowed a little bit.

Overall, it tastes good. The lemon taste is really good.
Guava Lemon is an item I will consider repurchasing

Shop sign
peripheral gadgets
The store is very cutely decorated
Guava Lemon $65
Semi-cooked Lemon Green$65
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Comments (1)

LV 19Fooday Squad Leader
甲文青推”完熟梅青” 之前點的時候裡面有一整顆梅子 蠻好喝的👍🏻

Spot Info

甲文青茶飲專売 新竹動物園店
1 review
Drink shopNT$70~NT$70
Featured Image 1