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LV 26|Fooday Chief

🧋 Chiayi East District ▫️ Around Cultural Road Night Market
🧋 A hand-shaken beverage shop with buckwheat drinks that you never get tired of.

It’s impossible for someone from Kaohsiung to come to Chiayi and still drink at Da Ming, right? 🤷🏻‍♀️
But it just happens to be right across from the late-night snack shop.
Not drinking there would feel like letting myself down.
Plus, I usually get takeout in Kaohsiung,
so, of course, I have to make the most of this rare opportunity to buy in-store. ❤️

Da Ming, not far from the Chiayi Cultural Road Night Market,
was even less crowded than I expected.
After all, I've experienced
the bustling crowds at Bayao and Tea and Yimu.
This place being without a line was quite a surprise! 😳

Da Ming's buckwheat tea is only available without sugar,
but its flavor is rich and loved by me and my partner.
If you want to indulge a little more, you can add toppings.
The roasted sugar buckwheat jelly is truly a must-try‼️
Even a former colleague who doesn’t usually like adding toppings praised it.
If it weren't for being too full after our late-night snacks,
adding milk would take it to another level of delight. 🫶🏻

When you regularly visit a chain beverage store near where you live,
there's no worry about whether to revisit when you go to other branches.
It’s only about whether you’ll play in that area again.
So I’ll just give it stars based on how much I like it! 🌟

Putting aside the controversies surrounding the Kaohsiung Gangshan store,
I believe that the brand has other branches,
so it should still be supportable (probably). ✨

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Spot Info

大茗本位製茶堂 嘉義文化店嘉義市東區文化路218號
Drink shopNT$40
1 review
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