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雲鼎阿二麻辣食堂 新店店

Dinner2 ppl$228
about 1 month ago

Location: Xindian, New Taipei

With the slightly cold and rainy weather, I thought of having a small spicy hotpot. Ah-Er Spicy Hotpot is a chain restaurant that has many locations. The Xindian branch is also pretty standard, without any significant surprises.

🌟 Fatty Intestine and Soft Tofu Pot + Handmade Ramen (Mild Spicy)
I chose mild spicy. The broth doesn't leave a strong impression. Compared to many well-known spicy hotpot broths, both the spiciness and numbness are quite mild and approachable. The walls inside the restaurant introduce that the base broth is from Sichuan, but it tastes very gentle. Those afraid of spiciness won't have a problem at all. There are two pieces of duck blood and four pieces of tofu, which seems less than the last time I visited. 🤣🤣

New Handmade Ramen (Thin)
The texture of the new ramen is very chewy, which I personally really like. I highly recommend it to those who enjoy chewy noodles.

🌟 Fatty Intestine and Stinky Tofu Pot
This was ordered by a friend who came with me, and it is basically similar to my taste, with the only difference being the stinky tofu. Their stinky tofu isn't particularly characteristic nor very smelly, only slightly so.

The whole place is a chain restaurant, so there aren't any major surprises, but it's a decent option to consider when craving an affordable spicy hotpot.

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Spot Info

雲鼎阿二麻辣食堂 新店店新北市新店區中正路115號
Sichuan cuisineNT$230~NT$300
2 reviews
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Lunch2 ppl$303.5
about 2 months ago
🚩來自四川成都 有深度的湯頭 雲鼎阿二麻辣食堂位在新店中正路接近北新路口,七張和新店區公所站中間,原本這個店面是洋城義大利麵,之後換成米塔石頭火鍋,三年前才變成雲鼎阿二。店面有兩層樓,整體裝潢風格為復古客棧風(?),整間店大量的使用木頭,木頭桌椅用料很實,木地板、木作牆板,連天花板和落地窗都有木格柵裝飾,座位間隔蠻寬的,整體空間乾淨整潔,採光佳冷氣也夠冷,用餐環境十分舒適。 入座後填寫紙本菜單至櫃檯點單付款,可使用現金和兩種支付,發票🈶載具✔️服務費🈚。 點餐後沒等很久就送上了,今天點的是⬇️ 胡同阿二厚切羊肉鍋:超級滾燙的上桌,我瘋狂的把蒸汽吹掉才拍到照片🤣,點的是小辣,湯頭應該是用了多種底料去煮,是有層次的辣與麻,個人覺得挺不錯,但湯的量並不多。配料給的量還可以,吃起來也OK。 古早味滷肉飯:飯是粒粒分明的,滷肉的色澤很漂亮,滷汁也香。單點是$55,搭配羊肉鍋搭則是$45。 豚骨白湯鮮魚鍋:也是邊滾邊上桌的,湯頭是濃白色,味道溫和。魚肉是很軟的小塊魚片,給的量還可以,就是吃起來沒什麼存在感,除了蔬菜,其餘配料給的並不多,附餐是手工拉麵,比較寬和厚實,還不錯。 溫泉蛋:沒有另外的調味,普通。 這裡的飲料有檸檬水和兩種冰沙,都不會太甜。 餐點的價格是稍微偏高些,份量也偏少,但是品質是不錯的,小食量的人可以吃的滿足。
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