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LV 24Fooday Adventurer


4 months ago
Midnight Snack1 ppl$375

This restaurant is so famous, it’s not even on the map yet😅

It was raining heavily outside, and the whole family, from old to young, was waiting for me to buy late-night snacks and go home. I could only take a few photos of the takeaways. Please don't be too demanding, thank you.

The xiaolongbao is delicious, not as thin as Din Tai Fung's, but still thin. The fillings are well mixed and there is soup.

Shredded radish cake, this is probably the most delicious food I bought today. I bit into a lot of shredded radish, and there seemed to be some shrimps... Everyone was rushing to eat, and I can't describe it in too much detail. After a while, only the bag was left.

I think the beef pie is also delicious. The pie is also full of soup and the filling is quite solid. And it tastes like beef, which I think is good.

Shaobing and deep-fried dough sticks, this food is quite average, neither amazing nor unpalatable.

Soy milk..., I like this kind of charcoal-roasted soy milk, but my children didn’t like it, so I drank 2 large cups alone😭.

The interior environment looks bright and the interior tables are clean and tidy.

Some products on the menu have been discontinued. I originally ordered the sesame seed pancakes with beef, but he said they have discontinued them, which is a pity.

Today's meal is not bad, and his products are still at the same level as before. You can go there and drink soy milk when you have time.

Shaobing and fried dough sticks
beef pie
Radish cake
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Internal environment
Internal environment
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Midnight Snack2 ppl$100
22 days ago
分享這間有名的豆漿店!它是24小時營業的,而且內用環境不錯,餐點速度也快! -冰花生米漿-$30-偏甜五六分甜,有花生味,中規中矩。 -豬肉餡餅(每份2個)-$50-外皮氣炸以後可以變脆硬滿好吃的。肉餡肉多紮實,有黑胡椒的香氣,還有一些蔬菜,整體不錯! -韭菜盒(葷)-$45-裡面韭菜很多而且韭菜香氣很香,還有一點淡香,整體口味清爽還不錯 -蘿蔔絲餅(葷)-$40-蘿蔔絲餅滿特別的,外皮吃有厚度的,回烤後咬起來滿酥脆的,裡面還是會保有中式麵團的口感。內餡也特別。是切成薄片條狀。吃起來偏軟不會脆,沒有太明顯的白蘿蔔味,因為還有混合些許肉末,紅蘿蔔,蔥與調味料,整體肉香滿明顯的,味道算不錯。蘿蔔絲蛋餅就是上面的蘿蔔絲餅外層貼上一大片蛋皮,多了一個蛋香感。 整體味道會跟一般豆漿店不太一樣,不過價位也比較高一點,如果有經過的話可以嘗試!
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Lunch2 ppl$150
3 months ago
位於永和的「世界豆漿大王」是一家以傳統台灣早餐聞名的小吃店。這裡的招牌特色之一是炭香十足的豆漿,豆漿經過傳統方法製作,濃郁醇厚,帶有一股獨特的炭火香氣,喝起來特別香甜順口,是許多顧客的最愛,啊不過這個炭香是真的很重,像雪綿羊一樣初嚐的話可能都會不太習慣吧! 此外,他們的小籠包也是不可錯過的美味。小籠包的皮薄餡多,內餡鮮美多汁,每一口都能感受到濃郁的肉汁在口中爆開,讓人回味無窮。 燒餅同樣是這家店的招牌之一,外皮酥脆,內層柔軟,充滿了香氣。無論是單吃還是搭配豆漿一起享用,都能帶來極大的滿足感!而且這家的燒餅屬於餅皮較Q的類型,不是厚厚容易掉屑屑的,雪綿羊認為相當有特色,愛吃燒餅的朋友不能錯過!還有還有如果覺得燒餅太乾或口感不夠豐富的朋友記得加蛋,整個燒餅都昇華了呢! 「世界豆漿大王」以其獨特的炭香豆漿和燒餅,成為永和地區一個不可錯過的美食地標,這次雪綿羊還有吃了蘿蔔糕加蛋、豬肉餡餅也都很不錯喔!無論是當作早餐或是早午餐或宵夜,都讓人印象深刻啊!怪不得永和豆漿能成為全台遍佈的種類啊!
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