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谷爹創意早午餐 信義虎林店

5 months ago
Brunch2 ppl$100

This Gudai creative brunch is located at Exit 4 of Yongchun MRT Station. Turn right after exiting the alley and walk straight for about 1-2 minutes to arrive! Snow Sheep arrived at around 11:00 a.m. on weekdays. Although there was no need to queue, the restaurant was packed with seats. It was obvious that this breakfast shop was extremely popular!

Today’s meal is~

Taco $55
Cod egg toast (honey mustard) $85
Hash brown egg tart $45
Soy milk $30
Soy milk black tea $35

First of all, the taste of this Gudai’s creative breakfast is above the standard. Not only does it look delicious, it also tastes good😚
It can be seen that the crowd in the store is not fake haha.

As for the corn omelet, in addition to the corn eggs, it is also garnished with shredded cabbage. If you don’t add soy sauce paste, it tastes quite healthy, but it lacks one flavor. Adding soy sauce paste instantly makes it 100 points better! The soy sauce paste here is really delicious!

Cod egg toast, you can taste the aroma of toast, egg and fried fish steak. The taste is passable, but because a square sandwich is quite big, it will not be so dry when you eat it with a drink!

The hash brown egg tart is a hash brown wrapped in egg skin and seasoned with ketchup. The snack has a decent taste and is not particularly outstanding. If you don’t particularly like hash browns, you can skip this one!

As for drinks, soy milk tastes pretty good, retaining more of the bean flavor and giving it that feeling! The soy milk red is a bit lighter, but not bad. It depends on your personal preference!

Hash brown egg tart
Sugar-free soy milk
black tea soy milk
Cod Sandwich (Honey Mustard)
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谷爹創意早午餐 信義虎林店
2 reviews
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Brunch2 ppl$100
5 months ago
👨‍🍳谷爹創意早午餐 讓您的每一天都是GoodDay! 吃頓美味的早餐來迎接新的每一天,是生活中不可或缺的小確幸!位在永春捷運站附近巷弄內的這家谷爹早午餐,平日中午時段還是有滿滿的人潮,真是想不到一家早餐店可以有這樣的人氣。 走進店內老闆娘就忙著招呼客人,馬上帶進去入座,店裡的氣氛熱鬧到就像開同學會一樣,牆上還有電視可以看,就像在自己家吃早餐一樣🤣 玉米蔬菜蛋餅 $55 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 蛋餅呢~可以說是本店必點的選項之一,一上桌這個蛋餅就讓Jerry非常驚艷,餅皮是肉眼可見的酥脆,完美的咖啡色圓點,還有快要炸出來的蔬菜包裹在裡頭,真的是不能小看區區蛋餅的厲害,吃起來每一口也都十分爽脆爆滿,蔬菜中混著玉米粒,餅皮除了脆還帶有彈性,口感非常棒,果然是谷爹的招牌餐點!(小提醒:可以加醬油喔~) 黃金鱈魚排吐司 $85 🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍 可選醬(蜂蜜芥末/泰式/塔塔) Jerry對鱈魚排都會以麥當勞的標準來看,畢竟麥當勞的是真的很好吃,所以這次評分嚴格了一點點🤏從菜單上可以看到黃金鱈魚排旁邊有一個皇冠👑代表是本店推薦的餐點,但相較之下還是麥當勞略勝一籌啊~不過裡面除了肉眼可見的蛋和蔬菜以外,在吐司內層都還有抹上花生醬,Jerry這次選了蜂蜜芥末,整體來說口味上挺不錯的!而且也非常新鮮,魚排也沒有油耗味,不錯! 薯餅塔(含番茄醬) $45 🧡🧡🧡🧡🤍 嗯,薯餅塔果然到哪裡都非常好吃😋 非基改豆漿(無糖/微糖) $30 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 身為豆漿愛好者,一般來說Jerry都不太期待早餐店的豆漿會好喝到哪裡去,除非是永豆之類的專門店,不然踩雷這麼多次實在有點害怕,但是偏偏今天就點了豆漿,也許是老天爺的旨意。 雖然在鱈魚排吐司都快吃完了才上桌,但光看這個色澤就可以知道這杯豆漿肯定好喝,帶著淡淡的豆香,濃郁之中帶有清爽的氣息,是Jerry喜歡的那種豆漿!
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