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LV 11Culinary Novice


8 months ago
Dinner1 ppl$250

Home-style fried pancakes cost 120 yuan. It is an item that is rarely seen in ordinary noodle restaurants. For example, the noodles of Mushu fried noodles are changed to scallion pancakes cut into strips. It is very special.

Beef rolled flatbread 130, a large fried flatbread rolled into beef slices, scallions, cucumbers and served with sweet noodle sauce. The taste is not too salty, but the green onions are a bit choking

The overall price is on the high side, but the taste is good. I will come back one day when I think of it.

internal environment
Homemade fried pancakes
Beef roll flatbread
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3 reviews
Noodle shop NT$150~NT$220
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Dinner1 ppl$160
7 days ago
聽朋友、網路上很推的排骨炒飯終於有機會來訪了! 排骨炒飯 NT$160 不過沒想到現在又漲了10塊錢🥹 排骨事先醃過 肉很多汁軟嫩 但外皮的部分我個人比較喜歡酥脆口感的! 他缺少了那靈魂的酥脆外皮🥹 炒飯的部分我覺得火候很好 炒的粒粒分明又有滿滿蛋香 別看他好像看起來小小一盤 因為飯很多 吃完真的有飽🤣 他們有附熱的茶水可自取 很貼心 不過⋯當天的茶水我喝起來有點澀🥲
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Lunch1 ppl$145
4 months ago
其實我中餐不只點這樣子,我還點了一個牛肉捲餅,他可能太忙沒有注意到,我想說先吃看看,不行再來加點。 看見評價,有人推薦滷肉飯,我一直在猶豫,到底是要排骨蛋炒飯還是要點滷肉飯,最後想說還是先來個滷肉飯試看看好了。 飯一上來,我就知道我錯了,飯粒真的是粒粒分明,這個飯用來炒飯,絕對是一流的,軟硬適中,滷肉飯滿滿的肥肉,還沒吃我就感覺我的體重在增加😅,太肥,我不是這麼的喜歡,但是口感沒問題,他沒有太鹹,還不錯。 抄手部分不錯,蠻紮實的,但是,醬料比不上鼎泰豐啦、寶橋路的小樂啦,比較清淡,整體吃起來有一點被醬料拖垮的感覺,排骨跟捲餅沒有吃到,有點可惜。 吃完大概一小時後,口乾舌燥,個人認為,味素應該加了很多,不然我不會有這樣子的反應,中午吃完飯,現在都快要四點了….我還在口渴😰
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