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Freddy Liu
LV 28Fooday Chief


2 months ago
Afternoon Tea5 ppl$205

Taipei Da'an - A retro-style cafe decorated in an old house. It just opened in June this year. It has a large space and offers coffee, desserts and brunch.

This time I went with five friends. I won’t give a star because I haven’t tried some of the dishes! Just present the item prices and photos.

📍Shaqi A Pudding (Original Flavor) NT$90
The original item in their store was hojicha pudding, but unfortunately it was sold out that day and only the original flavor was left. The texture of the pudding is very soft and tender, with a little bit of Q. I really like this texture. I think the sweetness is on the sweet side, with a light caramel aroma. Overall, I highly recommend it! And each one only costs 90 yuan, which is considered a snack with a high CP value!

📍Excellent tiramisu NT$165
The taste is moist, delicate and full, the coffee aroma is full, not too bitter or too sweet, the wine taste is not very strong, and overall it is very balanced.

📍Manor extremely fresh milk + matcha NT$150
I asked the store staff to customize sugar-free ones, which is a plus. Most stores are not very customizable. The aroma of matcha is slightly bitter and sweet, and it goes very well with the foamed milk. One cup is a lot, and the CP is pretty good at this price!

📍Sparkling drink (pink bubble) NT$150
My friend ordered it, with two blueberries and mint on it XD

📍Health tea NT$170
A friend ordered it, which contains South African national treasure tea, spearmint leaves, raspberry leaves, and lemon peel.

📍Latte NT$140
My friend ordered it, and the latte art was from Swan!

▶️ Environment
There are quite a few tables inside!
The style is very retro, it is an old house remodel.
Some of the tables and chairs are the ones used for primary school classes, which is full of nostalgia!
You can help yourself with drinking water, it’s a very funny cup!

▶️ Thoughtful reminder
✨ A low-fat drink
✨ Reservations available
⚠️Cash payment only

▶️ Overall evaluation
There are no sockets in our seat. Overall, it is a more suitable place for gathering, chatting and relaxing. They provide brunch from morning to 3pm, salty food in the evening, and are open until 22:00. I would like to try it again if I have a chance!

Evil A Pudding (Original Flavor) NT$90
Manor extremely fresh milk + matcha NT$150
Sparkling drink (pink bubble) NT$150
Health Tea NT$170
Latte NT$140 (it’s a swan🦢)
The pudding has a very dense texture with a little bit of elasticity.
The bubbles of matcha milk are very dense
Looks like you just walked in
The desks and chairs are from elementary school desks and chairs, I miss them so much
The space is quite large
Self-service drinking water
The cup is so funny
Order at the counter, cash only
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2 reviews
Coffee shopNT$210~NT$830
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Dinner2 ppl$825
11 days ago
大家好,我是小青蛙🐸大安捷運站附近有一家咖啡廳,從早午餐到晚餐都有供應,這次跟朋友約在這吃晚餐。 民宅裡的懷舊咖啡廳,磨石子地坪、仿舊沙發、小學課桌椅及懷舊小物擺飾等等,每一處都是細節,用心營造的寬敞空間,自然簡樸的氛圍,配上灑下來的日落採光,有一種居家懷舊的感覺。 店內座位蠻多的,有雙人桌、四人桌及吧台桌。 晚餐的菜單跟早午餐的菜單是不一樣的,低消也不同,晚餐時段需另加10%服務費。 ⭐️紅酒燉牛肋 $400 這是前菜單品的選項之一,牛肋口感燉得軟嫩好吃,夾帶著少許的筋,帶有一點嚼勁;紅酒醬汁是這道料理的靈魂,香氣非常濃郁,配上一旁的麵包,沾著醬汁配上牛肋,好好吃呀~ ⭐️法式炙燒松阪豬燉飯 $330 松阪豬肉質很嫩,口感保留微微脆感,處理的恰到好處,不會過柴;燉飯部分粒粒分明,法式奶醬還有加上法式芥末籽,整體奶香濃郁卻不會太膩。 ⭐️薯條/川味青花椒醬 $180 酥脆薯條配上青花椒醬,真的很搭耶,青花椒醬麻香卻不會太辣口,超級唰嘴,不知不覺一盤就被吃完了。 ⭐️煞氣a焙茶布丁 $90 煞氣a這個名詞很有熟悉感🤣 焙茶香氣濃郁,但不會有苦澀感,布丁口感很軟綿,配上一點點鮮奶油,整體很溫潤。 ⭐️超級優秀的提拉米蘇 $170 超級優秀的提拉米蘇這名稱實在太吸引人啦~實際吃完也真的優秀!!! 是屬於咖啡香氣濃厚的提拉米蘇,不會太過於濕潤,也不會太過於甜膩,酒感不重~但喜歡酒感重一點的人可以Pass! ⭐️手炒黑糖鮮奶茶 $150 上層有炙燒黑糖,淡淡的黑糖香氣,整體甜度適中,口味中規中矩,是真的用鮮奶調配而成的唷~ ⭐️銀河淡愛爾 $180 這杯是朋友點的,因為要騎車,所以沒有喝兩口。 蔡氏精釀,由澳洲優質啤酒花製成,鮮明的柑橘、桃子風味,友人說整體酒感不重,清爽沒有苦味。 ‼️結論: 這次吃晚餐鹹食的部分都覺得很好吃,下次會想回訪吃看看早午餐😆
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