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LV 22|Fooday Adventurer

Woopen木盆 松江長安門市

台北市Health food
5 months ago
Lunch1 ppl$294

Hello everyone, I am a little frog 🐸
Woopen offers a variety of colorful fresh vegetable salad boxes, emphasizing freshness and natural ingredients, providing a burden-free vegetarian dining experience.

In addition to salads, we also sell warm salads, focaccia sandwiches, bagel sandwiches, as well as juice and coffee beverages. The seating at the Songjiang Chang'an store accommodates about 16 people. After ordering, the staff will give you a number device. Once your meal is ready, the device will vibrate, and you can go to the counter to pick up your meal. After finishing your meal, you should return your plates to the designated area!

Today, I noticed that the menu prices have increased, so I am uploading the new menu for August 2024 for everyone to reference.

⭐️ Grilled Chicken Thigh Salad Dine-in $245
The dine-in portion differs from the take-out, with an increased serving size. The salad is served in a large wooden bowl, which reflects the shop's name. The grilled chicken thigh has a rich pepper and sauce flavor, and while tender, it doesn't retain much juice. The salad base consists of a variety of lettuce, complemented by sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, and red onions, topped with some red quinoa. It is truly a hearty bowl filled with dietary fiber.

For the dressing, you can choose from six options; this time I selected the dried plum sauce, which has a sweet and sour taste, making it refreshing and appetizing.

🌟 Egg Salad Bagel $49
In August, there is a promotion where you can add an egg salad bagel for $49 with the purchase of a main dish. I had never tried the bagel from Woopen, so I decided to add it to see how it tastes. It’s a blueberry bagel filled with a thin layer of egg salad. The egg salad is creamy, but there isn’t much of it 🥺. The bagel's texture isn’t very crispy; it feels quite soft, which I personally don’t prefer.

‼️ Conclusion:
The salad bowls are made up of whole foods, making them relatively healthy, but the price per item is a bit high. Although they are healthy and tasty, I still feel that the prices are somewhat excessive, and this time the portion size seems significantly smaller compared to my previous dine-in experiences... With both the price increase and reduced serving size, the overall cost-performance ratio is too low, which actually greatly diminishes my willingness to return.

Tender Pan-Fried Chicken Thigh Salad / Black Plum Sauce
The thickness of the chicken leg.
Egg salad bagel
The store is bright, and bringing your own drink cup saves you 5 yuan.
August 2024 Menu
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Comments (2)

LV 31Bronze Foodie
其實沙拉比飯還要貴(認真) 但這個價位真的也是蠻驚人的
LV 22Fooday Adventurer

Spot Info

Woopen木盆 松江長安門市台北市中山區松江路65號
Health foodNT$170~NT$250
3 reviews
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Lunch1 ppl$155
7 months ago
分享一間連鎖沙拉專賣店!沙拉有提供內用與外帶版本,內用會稍微多一些份量。 內用無服務費,用完餐需自行收拾,無特別限時。 -田園鮮蔬沙拉-內用木盆155-裡面出了常見的萵苣以外,還有些許紫高麗菜,小黃瓜,番茄,彩椒,玉米等,上面還灑藜麥,麵包丁與葡萄乾,還有冰地瓜三片。整體生菜的品質還算不錯。份量女生吃可以有飽足感,男生可能需要再搭配主食或蛋白質。醬料的部分選擇優格醬 葡萄柚風味,它醬料會給到一大碗份量充足,優格本身的酸味不太明顯,整體比較多水果的甜味。
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Dinner1 ppl$185
8 months ago
📍 Woopen木盆 松江長安門市 小小一間 生意蠻好的 晚上八點(不確定)之後僅供外帶 🔥加入會員可以集點兌換餐點 還有生日禮、每月五號的會員日專屬活動回饋 🔥Line pay 付款的話可以用連鎖餐飲 9折券 (現場有QR code可以掃, 或是在Line Pay的優惠券 每週都能領取) 單筆消費必須滿NT$100才可使用/最高折抵NT$10 🍽️ 厚切燻鮭魚沙拉 外帶盒裝🅽🆃$195 / 內用木盆🅽🆃$220 有生菜🥬、番茄🍅、彩椒🫑、小黃瓜🥒、地瓜🍠、玉米🌽、奇亞籽等等 還會附葡萄乾跟烤吐司丁 醬料選擇有:葡萄柚風味的優格醬 烏梅子醬 日式胡麻醬 凱撒醬 和風油醋汁 蔬菜都蠻新鮮乾淨的 吃起來清爽無負擔👍 ⏰ 10:30~20:30 (每月最後週一店休) (請參考 Google 店家資訊) 🏡 台北市中山區松江路65號 (🚇松江南京站4號出口 步行約4分鐘) ☎️ 02 2507 0165 💰 現金 LinePay 信用卡 🛵 UberEats 肚肚 💰 低消 每人85元或一份主餐
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