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4 months ago
Brunch2 pplNT$123

【Foodholic Naizai@Taipei】

"Da Wang Han Bao Dian" is a unique breakfast shop located near Zhongshan Station. The exterior and interior decorations have a bit of a literary and artistic feel, with many magazines introducing Taiwan and T-shirts featuring the store's brand.

Why is it called unique? Because many reviews say the shop's owner has quite a personality (a bit fierce?). I was a bit apprehensive at first, but upon actually dining there, I found the owner to be very nice. She chats and laughs with regulars and shows concern for their current affairs, and her attitude isn’t bad towards other customers either—she just speaks more directly and straightforwardly.

Cabbage Egg Pancake $55
The egg pancake is quite large, stuffed full with cabbage. The drawback is that it's not easy to bite into without making a mess, as it falls apart easily. However, it’s very filling and tastes pretty good. The pancake skin is fried with an oily fragrance, and the edges are slightly crispy. Two types of sauces were provided: one is a slightly sweet soy sauce paste, and the other seems to be a sweet chili sauce (although I’m not entirely sure, it just tasted quite salty). I personally prefer the soy sauce paste.

Butter Bun $50
This is essentially a burger smeared with butter. The impressive part is that there’s a lot of butter used, making it very satisfying. Unlike regular thick butter slices, it has a different kind of satisfaction: since there are white sesame seeds on the burger, with every bite you get both the butter and sesame flavors mingling together to create a unique and wonderful taste. Personally, I love it!

Plum Sauce Grilled Pork Loin Egg Burger $70
This one seemed a bit special, as it actually contains apple slices inside. I didn’t have this one, but from my friend’s feedback, it wasn’t very impressive. The ingredients didn’t complement each other well and seemed a bit disjointed.

Cabbage and egg pancake $55
There are two different sauces.
Grilled Loin Burger with Egg and Flower Sauce $70
It's quite large.
Milk Crisp Bun $50
It's really full of milk crisps inside.
Milk tea (large) $35
It tastes quite sweet, just ordinary.
Storefront appearance
There is a plaque in the store.
Still selling clothes?
There are a bunch of cabbages outside 😂
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Brunch2 ppl145
5 months ago
生意非常好的早餐店 「大王漢堡殿」而且有點不顯眼 可能容易沒找到🤣 可以看到有大大 理想渾蛋 的照片的點就是了😂 店內超多 理想渾蛋 的照片~ 感覺應該是有認識😆 店內若客滿 記得先進去跟老闆娘說要候位 屆時在附近等待 老闆娘會出來叫人唷🥹 1. 小雞塊套餐 單純為了想吃雞塊點的🤣 因為好像沒有單賣幾塊⋯ 雞塊就是簡單好吃 配的炒蛋熟度也剛好 但烤奶油吐司我覺得比較普通😂 下次如果還要點會想問店員可不可以換成奶酥或巧克力哈哈😄 2. 花生炸豬排蛋丹麥 🥜 OMG 這超大一個耶 吃起來超滿足的啦 裡面有新鮮蔬菜、番茄、蘋果、炸豬排、花生醬跟蛋等 蘋果在裡面還蠻增加口感的🍎 蔬菜也很新鮮! 花生醬搭肉也是好吃😋 3. 高麗菜燒肉蛋餅 看起來份量也還不錯🤤 吃起來高麗菜加進去很特別又好吃 感覺這個營養價值也蠻高的👍🏻 燒肉也是有調味 這個我一個人吃完沒問題啦😝 我們兩個人幾乎點了三人餐😂 全部吃下來超級飽~
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1 ppl120
8 months ago
中山站R7出口步行3分鐘可到的早餐店,大王漢寶殿裝潢日式溫馨,不過老闆員工走海派熱情路線,講話直接不囉嗦,第一次來別被嚇著。 菜單品項有常見的台早經典,譬如火腿蛋、薯餅蛋餅,也有少見的口味,像是泰式甜醬鳳梨雞肉、酥炸豬排蛋堡與各式口味的熱壓吐司,與一般傳統早餐店不同的是,用料實在又份量超多 🥢 高麗菜起司蛋餅 / 一片奶酥丹麥 每次必點的高麗菜起司蛋餅是我的心頭好!菜量與份量十足,配上店內附的雙醬很夠味!點了蛋餅後想點別的主食怕吃不下,所以多點了份量較小、甜甜的丹麥奶酥吐司,不特別突出但就剛好滿足想吃點甜食的胃。 唯一的缺點是開放式廚房,所以內用完身上會有油煙味,但瑕不掩瑜,因為口味好吃,這家早餐店是時不時就會想特地造訪去吃一下的店,如果我住附近,大概會一週光顧個三四天以上,推薦給大家
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