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In the ramen shop, there were about 3 or 4 options each for soup and no-soup menu items, and a variety of side dishes as well!

I had the no-soup "Black Sauce Grilled Chicken Noodles" without spiciness. The noodles were chewy and satisfying to eat, the chicken topping was tender, and the egg had a perfect level of doneness that was simply delicious!

It was a bit oily, but the flavor wasn't too strong, so I was able to enjoy it more lightly than I expected.

The hormone (large intestine) that I got from a colleague had a wonderfully chewy texture, and even someone like me who isn’t fond of offal could eat it deliciously!

Along with the ramen, I think you can enjoy a rich variety of toppings!

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麵試十一次 錦州店10491台灣台北市中山區錦州街314-3號
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Lunch6 ppl220
about 1 year ago
在公司附近的一家創意麵店,路過覺得看起來還蠻有興趣就來吃了。 我點的是醬油雞湯麵,醬油湯很甘甜,雞肉叉燒的味道也很不錯,是炙燒過的!麵本身口感 QQ ,整體搭配的很平衡。 最令人驚艷的是送的醃筍子小菜,我個人非常喜歡!很適合中午沒事來吃一下,吃完也不會很想睡。
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Lunch6 ppl220
about 1 year ago
平日中午經過這家拉麵店,外觀看起來滿舒服的,就走進去吃了。入座後看完菜單即可到櫃檯點餐付款,店家只收現金。 我這次點的是「濃煮味噌雞湯麵」🍜 網路上其他網友評論是說這個口味是最重的,我吃的有加微辣,但其實吃起來不會太辣。紅味噌的香味很鹹度很刷嘴,會一直一口接一口吃。 麵的粗度剛好,是中間偏硬的口感,我喜歡。可以跟店員調整麵的硬度,喜歡偏硬或偏軟的可以跟店員說。 舒肥雞也處理的很嫩很好吃,上面灑的洋蔥片更是畫龍點睛。 只是湯真的比較鹹,因此我最後沒有喝完,果然是重口味的拉麵。 整體用餐體驗很不錯,價錢也不會太貴,下次會想要嘗試乾的黑醬炙燒雞拌麵👌
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Lunch6 ppl220
about 1 year ago
2024.7更新✨結果每週都再訪 夏天有出一款新的乾拌麵,魚介清爽豚拌麵, 點辣味的超讚,大熱天吃超開胃,而且麵體非常Q! 完全正中我心,不愛魚介的我也被收服ㄌ - 在公司附近經過就來吃吃看了~ 只能現金付款! 這次點的是黑醬炙燒雞拌麵小辣,黑芝麻味道淡淡的不會太過(好事,我是不喜歡麻醬麵的人),搭配大蒜非常美味!今天剛好不想吃湯的,結果意外好吃~比較熱的日子也很適合! 朋友點的是鹽味黃金雞湯麵跟甘醇醬油雞湯麵,湯超級清爽甘甜,不是日式濃厚系,可以輕鬆把湯都喝光光,有暖胃的感覺,下次也想吃湯的! 想吃口味稍重一點(也沒多重)可以選味增、黑醬! 筍乾小菜也好吃! 年紀越來越大,越來越喜歡清爽系⋯ 會再回訪!!!
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