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"Wan Ke Shi Guo," located on Section 2, Qinghai Road in Taichung, is a highly regarded hot pot restaurant with branches all over Taiwan. I actually came here based on a friend's recommendation, who said their braised pork rice is delicious, rather than being attracted by the hot pot 😆.

The quality of the meat is above average, especially the slices used in the hot pot, which are fresh, tender, and have a good chew. Coupled with their broth, the overall flavor is significantly enhanced. Although the portion of meat slices is slightly small, the quality makes up for it.

The ice cream selection is quite unconventional, with some unique flavors like lychee oolong that are worth trying. Having dessert after the hot pot is a perfect way to end the meal. In terms of vegetables, the cabbage could be better; even after cooking for a long time, it remains somewhat tough. I suspect they use frozen imported varieties.

The key dish, braised pork rice, uses a balanced mix of fatty and lean meat, with a focus on the fatty part. However, the fatty meat is elastic and does not feel overly greasy, with a bit of chewiness. The braised pork rice has a hint of sweetness, with the savory flavor being less pronounced—it's not the kind of heavy soy sauce-flavored braised pork rice, but it is quite unique and not at all greasy. Especially when paired with sesame oil bombs, the flavors of both complement each other well, making you want to take bite after bite and share it with friends.

Overall, "Wan Ke Shi Guo" not only has satisfying hot pot broth and meat, but its desserts and braised pork rice are also quite distinctive, making it a restaurant worth revisiting.

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Spot Info

萬客什鍋 青海店407台中市西屯區青海路二段246-15號
Hot potNT$420-NT$540
2 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl540
9 months ago
燒酒雞鍋真的大推! 大部份會推薦餐廳的原因不外乎好吃、便宜、份量大、好拍照,四項符合一項就很不錯了。而萬客什鍋四項都符合! 一鍋三百多的價位,就可以吃到燒酒雞,以 2024 年物價來說,真的算便宜。燒酒雞是用整瓶米酒下去煮,煮的過程中,店員會在酒上點火,燃燒掉酒精,留下米酒的甜味與香氣,視覺上有點震撼,適合拍照錄影。除此之外,店員會在鍋中加入一匙高湯、麻油、薑片與中藥材。湯頭越煮越香,口味越煮越重,本來有準備調味料,但完全用不上,湯頭本身就很夠味了。土雞肉有點小扣分,可能是我煮的不夠久,肉不夠軟嫩,建議留到最後再來吃,一方面讓肉變得軟嫩,另一方面讓雞肉對到釋放到湯裡,湯頭會更香。附餐我建議點冬粉,冬粉在煮的過程中,會吸收大量的火鍋湯,燒酒雞味道滿滿。 我們點的另一鍋爆炒的松阪豬也很不錯,開始煮之前,店員會把松阪豬與洋蔥等調味料在鍋中快速炒一下,炒的過程非常香。爆炒的香氣會留在火鍋湯中,喝起也很有味道。但豬肉吃起來就還好,快速翻炒的時候沒能炒的入味,有點可惜。 我們還點了鴨血、老皮嫩肉,這兩項也非常推薦。鴨血我覺得加進湯裡有點怪,所以我們是直接吃,本身調味很足夠,鴨血有入味,應該是有加入八角、花椒之類的調味料,很香。老皮嫩肉皮薄,內裡滑嫩,本身就是一道成功的一道菜。主要差異是,他沒有淋上一般常見的醬汁,所以建議丟到湯裡煮一下,讓外皮吸收燒酒雞的味道,口味特殊,好吃。 查了一下,好像台北也有分店,看來以後想吃火鍋時又多了一個選項了。
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