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Dinner with high school classmates whom I haven’t seen for a long time
The seats in the restaurant are very spacious
The environment is also very comfortable and the location is very convenient
Take the MRT from Exit 4 of Ximen Station
Walk to Hengyang Road for about 5 to 8 minutes
The price is enough for 6 of us to eat
Approximately $550/person divided equally
The food is full of Thai spicy and sour taste
Fortunately, the white rice can be refilled for free. It’s really a good meal🤩

Join now and get a small glass of beer for free
Friends who want to have a drink will like it very much😄

🐷One bite pack $245
There are many spices to accompany the dishes
Such as dried shrimps, peanuts, lard cakes, and chili peppers
Ningpeng, red onion, ginger, etc.
I heard it is a special street snack in Thailand.
Wrap these ingredients into leaves and stuff them in one bite
But...the taste is not to my liking
Gua Bao is still more delicious (?

🐷Lemon Steamed Sea Bass $495
very delicious!!!
Not the whole tail, but after slicing
It’s more convenient to eat, and the seabass is delicious and tender.
Because the steaming cooking method perfectly preserves
Moderate lemon aroma will whet your appetite
And the key point is that he gets up super fast!!!
Usually fish have to wait a long time
But I almost didn’t wait here. I’m very satisfied.

🐷 Cabbage with shrimp paste $205
Average cabbage
Very tasty with shrimp paste

🐷Spicy stir-fried pork $325
A must order!!!
Super delicious with rice, even though it’s spicy
But not too spicy to be tolerated
It also maintains a slightly choking taste.
I ate a big bowl of rice directly
But it is the soul of Thai cuisine

🐷Dry fried rice noodles $295
Average, not very delicious, not terrible either
A little bit oilier
Female weight loss killer

🐷JOLLY Shrimp Cake $355
Biscuit shrimp cakes and fried shrimp cakes
It goes well with the sweet dipping sauce
But it’s more like a snack

One bite
One bite
Take your time at the table
Steamed seabass
Shrimp cakes and rice
Dry fried rice noodles
Shrimp cakes
Bread delivered by Pupu
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Jolly 手工釀啤 酒泰食餐廳 衡陽店
2 reviews
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Dinner6 ppl$520
2 months ago
走精緻路線的泰式餐廳,主打有提供各種手工的啤酒,店內有大電視會放映運動賽事,也會舉辦各類型的活動,某一次用餐剛好遇到舉辦喝啤酒大賽,冠軍的人可以獲得3000 元餐卷,非常有趣。提醒第一次到店用餐的朋友可以加入會員有送一杯小杯的精釀啤酒,搭乘大眾運輸提供證明也有免費的啤酒升級,活動非常多! 環境🏠 店內裝潢的非常復古,有很多大桌子蠻適合團體用餐,但廁所設在三樓,啤酒喝太多的話只能多爬爬樓梯運動運動囉! 餐點🥘 辣炒豬肉 / 325 元 & 辣炒牛肉 / 325 元:這道是我每次來的必點,好吃到豬肉牛肉各點一個,有大火快炒的鍋氣,豬肉&牛肉都軟嫩適中,還有加入劍筍增添口感,且調味的不會太辣,忍不住一口接一口,就是傳說中的白飯殺手無誤。 JOLLY 蝦餅 / 355元:有別於外面的蝦餅的形式,Jolly 的蝦餅是長條形狀而且厚度很厚,吃得到蝦子的顆粒感,炸得非常酥脆,配上的不是常見的泰式酸辣醬,而是同樣酸甜的梅子醬,還有幾塊台南的蝦餅餅乾,非常的有特色。 炭烤豬頸肉 / 485 元:醃製過的豬頸肉,切得蠻厚的,可以搭配得烤餅夾著生菜和醬料一起吃,蠻不錯的,但份量偏少。 檸檬清蒸鱸魚 / 495元:印象中的清蒸鱸魚都是一整尾的,Jolly 則是以魚片的形式呈現,魚肉的肉質很細,魚刺有處理過了但還是有些許殘留需要注意,吃起來酸酸辣辣的很下飯,雖然有添加香菜,但各人覺得香菜味不重還可以接受,但喜歡香菜位的朋友可能會覺得略可惜。 一口包 / 245元:是泰國的街邊小吃蠻特別的沒有吃過。店員會先介紹吃法,取一片芥蘭葉並且每一種配料都包一點,有特別提醒不要包太少會沒有味道,配料有椰子肉、小辣椒、花生、蝦米、檸檬丁和特調蝦醬,吃起來很有特色是在台灣沒有嘗試過的味道。 蝦醬炒高麗菜 / 205 元:店家特製的蝦醬味道很夠,大火炒得很入味,還吃得到小小的蝦米,但份量比較少。 乾炒河粉 / 295 元:泰式的河粉,有附上非常特別的花生砂糖辣椒香料(照片沒拍到),有別於港式的河粉是以醬香味為主軸,擠上檸檬汁之後的泰式河粉吃起來酸酸的好入口,加上店家的特製香料後口感會更有層次。
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