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詹記麻辣火鍋 敦南店

Dinner2 ppl$800
11 months ago

The biggest problem with Zhanji is that it is too difficult to order! There will always be a long queue every time you pass by the door. The advantage of living near Zhanji is that you can almost eat and grab food anytime you want! Go to the queue at 3 or 4 pm, then have a massage next to you and then come out to eat just in time, no need to rush to make a reservation😎

What was arranged this time was a mysterious small box for two people. In the past, many people came to eat, and they had no idea that there was such a mysterious box in such a corner. After the food is delivered, the door is closed and it becomes a small world of its own, which is very chill.

What Zhan Ji recommends most is definitely his duck blood. It is cooked very delicious and is my favorite spicy duck blood! If you want to eat but can't get a reservation, you can use the method I mentioned~

The disadvantage is that the meat is a bit expensive, this is winged beef, a small portion costs $500
The mandarin duck pot is very spicy, but the other half is quite ordinary. But I came here to eat spicy hotpot, no points will be deducted
The scallop balls are also very delicious, full of scallop flavor
Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum ~
Dessert: candy ice cream
Plum juice beer that you can only find in Zhanji
In the sauce area, it will be very good if you use the proportions he provided.
This is the menu
The interior space in the store has a very cute Taiwanese style, which is good.
Exclusive small box for two persons
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LV 19Fooday Squad Leader

Spot Info

詹記麻辣火鍋 敦南店106台北市大安區和平東路三段60號
Hot potNT$840~NT$920
3 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl$935
11 months ago
台北大名鼎鼎的麻辣鍋,平假日正餐時間沒有訂位臨時想吃是很難有位子的,禮拜一休假的下午3點來碰碰運氣,結果很幸運的候位大概半小時就進去了! 超喜歡詹記敦南店的裝潢,很有老台灣的味道,室內燈光有點紅色調,所以食物照片拍起來也是有點紅紅的,更有復古感 今天點了鴛鴦鍋小鍋$380 小鍋適合1-3人食用,麻辣鍋的部分選擇了小辣,除了蔬菜和油條這種比較會吸辣油的食材會比較辣之外,其他如肉片、花枝蝦漿、貢丸等食材其實吃起來不太辣,倒是吃到後來有點越吃越鹹的感覺 非常推薦下麻辣鍋的食材可以沾店家推薦的醬料吃,也就是白醋:香油3:1,另加一些蔥花,真的超級解膩的! 麻辣鍋鍋底本身已含鴨血和豆腐各6塊,豆腐我覺得很好吃、相當入味,不過鴨血我就沒這麼喜歡了,覺得有點死鹹,所以只吃了1塊就沒動了 台灣松阪豬$390 雖然一份要價快400元,不過份量給得蠻多的,肉質很不錯,但是覺得松阪豬似乎沒這麼適合拿來煮火鍋,火鍋果然還是要梅花豬最對味 台灣特選梅花豬$99(入會禮優惠價) 掃菜單後面QRcode新加入會員,可以用優惠價99元換到一份梅花豬,份量一樣蠻多的,肉也不會太薄,推薦一定要換! 花枝蝦漿$230 送上來時蠻驚豔的,除了漿本身之外,上面還撒滿蝦卵(?),下鍋煮起來後,蝦卵會巴在花枝蝦漿上,吃起來逼逼啵啵的,漿吃起來很扎實但不會太硬,這道蠻推的! 高麗菜$110、金針菇$110 也是一些吃火鍋一定要出現的食材,高麗菜建議可以煮久一點,或是沾醬吃,我想吃脆一點的,結果吃起來有點生味;金針菇還OK,只是110元有一點點小貴,畢竟全聯一大把才20元吧 油條$80、科學麵$30 油條和科學麵就是點麻辣鍋必點的食材啊! 不過建議不要在麻辣鍋中泡太久,我泡太久結果超級鹹~另外覺得科學麵一份要30好貴啊~~ 魚餃$100、貢丸半份$55 這兩個吃起來覺得中規中矩,可點可不點,下次可能會想換點其他東西吃吃看 有一些食材都可以點半份,就算是只有少人用餐,也可以貪心的點很多不同品項,這點推~ 用餐完畢後,還有附贈的小冰淇淋球,今天是玄米口味,超級好吃,用這個作為結尾,非常幸福! 整體而言,雖然價位偏中上,不過是很有特色的餐廳,食物也不錯,有小包廂可訂位,很適合和朋友聚餐,會再回訪!
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Dinner2 ppl$900
11 months ago
不可能有兩人小包廂吧>///< 來吃過三四次都不知道詹記有這個神秘的小空間。哈哈哈哈隔絕外界的噪音,裡面還有放音樂,整個很舒適。 分享當天吃到詹記又不用等太久的行程~週末先打去隔壁的舒心腳底按摩或是象緣預約下午一小時左右的按摩,時間大概在兩點到三點半。去按摩前就去詹記登記候位,再去按摩,按完就有火鍋可以吃了~午晚餐合併🤣 詹記的辣味帶一個清涼感,鴨血滷的很入味,食材都很新鮮。很神奇的是吃起來不特別驚艷,卻每次去都吃得很舒服,還想再吃。有可能是服務很有效率、用餐環境很舒適的關係 必點翼板牛!愛吃牛的點這個就對了。兩個人的話餐點可以都選半份~這樣點種多一點,不會吃不完
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