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詹記麻辣火鍋 敦南店

8 months ago
Dinner2 ppl$935

Taipei's famous spicy hot pot, it's hard to get a seat if you don't have a reservation during dinner time on weekdays. So I tried my luck at 3pm on a Monday off, and I was lucky enough to get in within half an hour after waiting for a table!

I really like the decoration of Zhan Ji Dunnan store. It has a very old Taiwan feel. The indoor lighting is a bit red, so the food photos look a bit red and have a more retro feel.

Today I ordered Yuanyang Hotpot, $380
The small pot is suitable for 1-3 people. The spicy pot is slightly spicy. In addition to vegetables and fried dough sticks, which are more likely to absorb spicy oil, other ingredients such as meat slices, flower branch shrimp paste, tribute balls and other ingredients are actually delicious. It doesn't taste too spicy, but it does feel a bit salty as you eat it.
It is highly recommended that the ingredients of the spicy hot pot can be dipped in the sauce recommended by the store, which is white vinegar: sesame oil 3:1, plus some chopped green onion, it is really super relieving!
The bottom of the spicy hot pot already contains 6 pieces each of duck blood and tofu. I think the tofu is delicious and quite tasty, but I don’t like duck blood so much. I think it’s a bit salty, so I only ate 1 piece and left it alone.

Taiwanese Matsusaka pig $390
Although the asking price is almost 400 yuan per serving, the portion is quite large and the meat quality is very good. However, I feel that Matsusaka pig is not so suitable for hot pot. As expected, plum blossom pig is the most suitable for hot pot.

Taiwan’s Specially Selected Plum Blossom Pig $99 (discounted price as membership gift)
If you scan the QR code on the back of the menu and become a new member, you can exchange it for a portion of Plum Blossom Pork at a discounted price of 99 yuan. The portion is quite large and the meat is not too thin. It is recommended to exchange it!

Huazhi shrimp paste $230
It was quite amazing when it was served. In addition to the paste itself, it was also sprinkled with shrimp eggs (?). After it was cooked in the pot, the shrimp eggs would stick to the shrimp paste, and it tasted poppy. Very solid but not too hard, this one is highly recommended!

Cabbage $110, Enoki mushrooms $110
They are also some ingredients that must appear in hot pot. It is recommended that you cook the cabbage for a longer time or eat it with sauce. I wanted to eat it crispier, but it tasted a bit raw. The enoki mushrooms are OK, but at 110 yuan, they are a bit expensive. , after all, a lot of Quanlian is only 20 yuan, right?

Fried dough sticks $80, science noodles $30
Youtiao and science noodles are the must-have ingredients when ordering spicy hot pot! However, it is recommended not to soak in the spicy pot for too long. I soaked it for too long and it turned out to be super salty~ Also, I think science noodles cost 30 yuan per serving~~

Fish dumplings $100, half portion of meatballs $55
These two taste pretty good, you can order them or not. I might want to try something else next time.

Some ingredients can be ordered in half portions. Even if there are only a few people dining, you can still be greedy and order many different items. This is recommended ~

After the meal, there is also a small ice cream ball that comes with it. Today it is brown rice flavor, which is super delicious. It is very happy to end with this!

Overall, although the price is on the upper-middle level, it is a very unique restaurant with good food. There are small private rooms available for reservation, which is very suitable for dining with friends. I will visit again!

Take a look at the portion size of Songban Pig There are also delicious flower-shaped shrimp paste~
Private seating area
Zhan Ji’s drink cup has a logo. I really want to take it back and collect it.
There are many semi-open small spaces in the corner of the internal area, suitable for gatherings.
The ice cream dessert after the meal is so small but super delicious
Small pot of mandarin duck pot If you can tolerate spicy food, it is recommended to order medium spicy or above, which will make it more spicy.
You can order half portions of some ingredients, which is considerate.
Join as a member and you can exchange it for a large plate of plum blossom pork for 99 yuan, which is a great deal!
Sauce section Highly recommend white vinegar: sesame oil 3:1 plus chopped green onion
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Spot Info

詹記麻辣火鍋 敦南店
3 reviews
Hot pot restaurantNT$840~NT$920
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Dinner2 ppl$800
7 months ago
詹記最大的問題就是太難訂了!每次經過門口一定永遠大排長龍。住在詹記附近的好處是幾乎隨時想吃抓一下時間幾乎都排得到!下午 3、4 點去排,然後旁邊按摩個一小再出來剛剛好吃到,完全不用搶預約😎 這次被安排的是一個神秘雙人小包廂,以前一直都是多人來吃,完全不知道還有這麼一個角落有這個神秘包廂。送餐完門關起來自成一個小世界,非常的 chill 。 詹記最推的肯定是他的鴨血了,煮的非常入味,是我最愛的麻辣鴨血,沒有之一!想吃的人搶不到訂位可以用用我提到的方式~
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Dinner2 ppl$900
8 months ago
不可能有兩人小包廂吧>///< 來吃過三四次都不知道詹記有這個神秘的小空間。哈哈哈哈隔絕外界的噪音,裡面還有放音樂,整個很舒適。 分享當天吃到詹記又不用等太久的行程~週末先打去隔壁的舒心腳底按摩或是象緣預約下午一小時左右的按摩,時間大概在兩點到三點半。去按摩前就去詹記登記候位,再去按摩,按完就有火鍋可以吃了~午晚餐合併🤣 詹記的辣味帶一個清涼感,鴨血滷的很入味,食材都很新鮮。很神奇的是吃起來不特別驚艷,卻每次去都吃得很舒服,還想再吃。有可能是服務很有效率、用餐環境很舒適的關係 必點翼板牛!愛吃牛的點這個就對了。兩個人的話餐點可以都選半份~這樣點種多一點,不會吃不完
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