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Taipei CityDesserts & Drinks
5 months ago
Afternoon Tea1 ppl55

Located inside the Longshan Market at Exit 2 of Longshan Temple MRT Station,

it features the rare and special flat taro balls, with the option of hot soup or ice!
On a hot day, I ordered the icy version. The shaved ice itself is very fine and smooth, and when drizzled with brown sugar syrup, it's fragrant with just the right amount of sweetness.
You can choose from the toppings available on the store's menu or opt for a mixed selection. The toppings aren't overly sweet, and the flat taro balls have a subtle taro flavor with a delightful chewiness, and the small glutinous rice balls are also delicious!
The other toppings include taro, mung bean, and both small and large red beans. Except for the taro this time being a bit firm, all the toppings are creamy, and the portion is just right for one person! It’s refreshing and perfect for cooling off. :)

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Desserts & DrinksNT$60~NT$60
1 review
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christineLV 2Fooday Newbie
Chicha San Chen 吃茶三千
Desserts & DrinksCupertino
i’m glad i was able to try this place! i had it in taiwan and it tasted super similar to this place. the tea flavor is strong and very authentic! their boba is also very chewy, which i like. i got the dong ding milk tea with boba, less sugar and less ice. i think it’s the perfect drink for me, because it is not too sweet, but fulfills my desire for a sweet drink! they were very busy when we went even though it was close to closing. we still didn’t have to wait long for our drinks though!
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Freddy LiuLV 30Bronze Foodie
Pâtisserie à la Montagne 蒙塔妮
Desserts & Drinks南投縣
南投清境 - 唯美的南法小木屋建築,隱藏在山中的甜點屋。老闆從日本東京製菓學校學成歸國,回到家鄉清境農場後於 2014 創立。 📍 蒙布朗 NT$180 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 這道真的很推!必點!塔皮上是一層層奶油栗子慕斯、搭配下方酥脆的塔皮一起享用,散發輕盈順口濃郁栗子香,最上頭放顆大栗子,用料實在,不甜膩。 📍 樹幹蛋糕 NT$200 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘 外皮酥脆是巧克力,內餡柔軟,帶點奶油香氣,甜而不膩。我最喜歡的是外皮酥脆的巧克力與海綿蛋糕口感的組合! 📍 開心果 NT$220 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗 外皮酥脆也是巧克力,內餡是酸甜的柑橘味與蛋糕,這道稍微甜一些,不過口感也是很討喜。 📍 碳燒鐵觀音 NT$150 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑 比較不甜的選擇!鐵觀音茶味濃厚,蛋糕本體口感較為扎實,沒有到太讓人驚艷。 📍 冰黑咖啡 NT$80 📍 水果茶 NT$220 ▶️ 環境 🔹內用座位不多,有戶外提供露天座位 🔹裝潢風格建築是法式小木屋,內部偏日式木質。 🔹有提供飲用水,需要跟櫃檯人員說 🔹背景音樂會播宮崎駿動畫的歌,整個很愜意放鬆。 ▶️ 貼心提醒 🔹 開車可從老英格蘭(民宿)停車場進入,沿著圍牆開 50 公尺進入(有引導牌子) 即可抵達店外停車場。但路很陡很窄,無法會車,要留意。如假日停滿車,需要步行一段路,比較遠。 🔹 只收現金 🔹 最低消費為人均台幣100元。人多時,為考慮其他用餐客人,人多時用餐時間為一小時。 🔹 園內有助養小貓咪,攜帶寵物請自行管理,勿影響其他客人。 🔹 公休日 Facebook 公告為主 ▶️ 整體評價 🔹 雖然我不常吃甜點,但這間真的很優秀,不會讓人感覺到死甜,而是各有特色。窗邊可以享受山的風景,是來清境農場附近約會的好地點!
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JackerLV 21Fooday Adventurer
畬室法式巧克力甜點創作 YU CHOCOLATIER
Desserts & DrinksTaipei City
這次到訪畬室,是第一次,也是為了要和朋友久別。我們決定一起吃品嚐看看據說是台北市最厲害的巧克力法式甜點,看看能不能留下深刻的回憶 店家內部的座位並不算太多,甜點櫃才是主體,我想這類精緻甜點應該仍然是主打作為類似禮物的外帶;內用須收一成服務費,離開時才結帳,在櫃檯挑選後直接向店員告知想要吃的甜點即可,在座位上也可以向店員點飲料,當然他們也會不斷來為你倒水 畬室的甜點長相精美,品項也不算少,挑選了好久才選定兩款甜點。 第一款是百香,店員建議我們先享用(因為下一款味道較重、較甜);長條形多層次的結構堆疊了好多的味道;一口咬下,酸甜中挾著竹薑與白蘭地辛香的氣味,口感先是酸爽,來到果香巧克力的清甜,最後用一絲絲的辛口收尾,幸福不已 第二款則是畬室的經典之作:圓潤精巧的Shibusa。這款甜點揉合多種不同調性的可可製成,從外表就可以看出來口感大概會稍微厚重;果不其然,儘管裡面是大量的巧克力慕斯,但味道仍是深邃濃郁,每吃一口大概就需要搭配一大口茶來喘息才行。雖然這麼說,這樣馥郁的巧克力確實是一款代表作,從外觀以及味道上都帶給我們深刻的感受 除了甜點,更可以考慮來杯飲料。如果希望能夠去除吃巧克力時的甜膩感,來杯茶絕對不會錯的;我們點了一杯冷泡烏龍讓我們能夠持續享受甜點,真是一大救贖 若是你愛巧克力成痴,不妨也可以來杯巧克力飲料,我們還點了一杯夏季限定的「巧夏」,喝起來細緻甜美,但別再配著厚重的甜點喝,恐怕會壞了味蕾 想要查看內用菜單可以進一步查看:
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