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馬路邊邊串串香 桃園中正店

Dinner2 ppl$700
7 months ago

This Sichuan Chuanchuan restaurant was newly opened in May. The interior decoration is bright and beautiful. There are many scenery in the store for taking photos. It is very suitable for Internet beauty to take pictures😆

During the trial operation period from 5/4 to 5/18, service fees are free for everyone👍
The top five also include Fei Zeyi, who is free of charge:
(Popular classic + kombu; traditional butter + kombu)

There are only set meals to choose from at noon. If you want to eat skewers, you have to eat them in the evening or on holidays. 😝 Each skewer is $12. There are nearly 100 kinds of skewers🤤, which is guaranteed to dazzle you😵‍💫

Must-eat spicy meat:
Old beef, tender beef, coriander beef, green pepper chicken, tripe slices, duck intestines, yellow throat slices

Classic vegetables:
Tofu skin with coriander, potato slices, lotus root, cauliflower, shiitake mushrooms, and corn shoots are all must-try classic dishes☺️

Among the cooked food, the Spicy Pepper Noodles is a classic among classics. Its dense and delicate texture is paired with spicy and addictive seasonings, and paired with a bowl of white rice, it will immediately become the rice killer in the store😋

The short pork belly is also crispy and delicious, and the tender beef on the roadside is also a great addition to the meal, but the portion seems to be a little small😅

Dessert lovers, don’t forget the brown sugar glutinous rice cake, it’s super delicious😋
(But remember to ask the store to serve it later😅, so as not to serve it before you finish your meal🤭)

in conclusion:

The taste is very good👍, but the portion of the skewers is smaller, so you may need to take a little more if you want to be full🤭, but for now, there is no service charge, so it’s not bad🫡

Dry dish + full product photos
Tender beef on the roadside
Small crispy pork
Brown sugar bar
Spicy peppercorns
Self-service area
Chuanchuan panoramic photo + individual plate price
The first five pots are free
Soft drinks and alcoholic beverages
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Spot Info

馬路邊邊串串香 桃園中正店桃園市桃園區中正路708-7號
2 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl$570
8 months ago
『 三五好友聚餐就是要吃串串啊! 』 雖然這次不是三五好友,而是與太座前往 家庭聚餐也是一種聚餐。 一鍋又香又大的麻辣串串就很合她意 『 馬路邊串串香 - 桃園中正店 』 🍚當日點單 👉 鴛鴦鍋(人氣經典鍋+和風昆布鍋) 湯頭感覺不是強項,兩種湯頭都是一入口,就覺得味道太死鹹,喝久會覺得負擔很重。 雖然擼串湯頭本就如此,但有些店家的湯頭喝起來就不會有負擔感。 相較湯頭,串串的表現很好,種類挺多,一串12元,而且大部分品項品質都不錯,吃起來很涮嘴,不知不覺越吃越多,這部份滿推。 最推薦的是: 微微麻辣的青花椒雞腿 脆口有嚼勁的黃喉 滑嫩Q爽的豬肚 煮久吸飽湯吃的綿密土豆(馬鈴薯) 👉 路邊冒花甲 味道還行,有些花甲的殼會碎掉,咀嚼與吞嚥時要小心,但花甲就是這樣,所以也沒辦法。 下次會比較想吃『路邊冒肥腸』。 🍚其它 👉 環境 不得不說這裡的環境真的很適合吃串串,復古的氛圍,紛擾卻不髒亂的環境,這是最適合擼串聊天的絕妙平衡。 現場還有兩台免費的大型遊戲機台,可以丟小屁孩去玩,讓大人好好聊天。如果你是喜好復古電玩的中年男子,也可以自己去懷舊一下。 👉 服務 雖然是新開的串串店,但服務人員反應迅速 完全沒有剛開幕常見的慌亂感,大推。 👉 營業時間 下班後找不到地方來個熱鬧放鬆的聚餐? 這裡營業到午夜,這部分超優。 🍚懶人包 👉 環境好,服務好,開到很晚。 👉 湯頭普,串串優。 👉 三顆星,很適合三五好友聚餐。
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