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LV 18|Fooday Squad Leader

及時樂漢堡 Sizzlove Burger

4 months ago
Lunch1 ppl148

📍Near MRT Xinyi Elementary School Station in Kaohsiung's Xinxing District

The exterior is very modern, and there is a large brand sign at the entrance. The interior space is also spacious and comfortable, making it great for taking photos. There are two floors with plenty of seating; you can order at the kiosk on the first floor and then find a seat on the second floor.

Meals 🥘

  • Half tendon half meat beef burger set / 148 TWD:
    The set includes a beef burger, fries, and a drink. The beef burger features a thick, freshly grilled beef patty with a natural meat flavor, and the meat is very tender. However, the beef patty has a somewhat powdery texture and is slightly lean, lacking the aroma of fat. Personally, I prefer a firmer meat texture with a fatty aroma. The burger is complemented with sweet and sour pickles, making it quite palatable, along with lettuce, tomatoes, and onions, which help balance the richness. The fries are coated in batter and fried until very crispy; they are salty enough on their own and taste great without any dipping sauce.

In summary, this is a fast-food restaurant with a pleasant dining environment, perfect for hanging out and grabbing a bite with a few friends. Given the price range, I think the quality of the meals is quite good. Although I had high expectations for the beef burger and was slightly disappointed, I would still like to come back and try other items next time.

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Spot Info

及時樂漢堡 Sizzlove Burger高雄市新興區中正三路73號
3 reviews
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Lunch2 ppl210
6 months ago
高雄寶藏級漢堡店🍔裝潢超美,大門的電動門超特別的,全程使用自助點餐機,不用擔心在店員面前糾結太久會害羞😂也有素食漢堡可以選喔~是素食友善😍這家店的漢堡排都是店家自行製作的,牛肉漢堡採半筋半肉🐮而且份量增量200%🤩手打肉排軟嫩多汁,鮮蝦堡完全可以看到蝦子本人🦐每一口都有滿滿的蝦肉,微微的胡椒香辣搭配美乃滋醬超對味👍🏻 炸雞完勝目前的連鎖速食店🍗醃製過的肉非常入味,外皮酥脆不油膩,一口咬下多汁又軟嫩,而且不是肉雞那種噁心的軟感❗️ 🔺半筋半肉牛肉堡(雞塊套餐)$164 🔺海鮮鮮蝦堡(薯條套餐)$187 🔺炸雞腿$59 🔺炸腿排$59
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Lunch2 ppl187.5
6 months ago
說到好吃的漢堡,大家可能立刻就會想到丹丹、漢堡王等知名速食店。然而,今天要介紹的這家店,被譽為「高雄寶藏級漢堡店」。據說,這家店的漢堡都是店家自製,而且是業界唯一擁有半筋半肉漢堡排的店家,肉量又比其他品牌多。這家店就是「SIZZLOVE」。有趣的是,它的名字是“即時樂”的諧音,也寓意著「及時行樂」… ✅半筋半肉牛肉堡套餐:套餐包括牛肉漢堡、薯條和一杯飲品(照片是加購10元升級為青森蘋果雪泥)。牛肉漢堡的牛肉非常軟嫩,有炙燒的香氣。搭配起司、生菜和塔塔醬,雖然味道濃郁但吃起來還蠻清爽的。薯條為粗薯條,熱熱吃外皮酥脆,不過放一段時間冷掉後就會變軟了。蘋果雪泥則是濃郁的蘋果汁冰沙,口感細緻,很清爽好喝。 ✅海洋鮮蝦堡套餐:套餐包括一個鮮蝦堡、炸雞和一杯飲品(加購10元升級為莫凡彼焦糖瑪奇朵雪泥)。鮮蝦堡內餡蠻厚實的,而且蝦排是可以清楚看到蝦子剁碎後的樣子,所以吃起來很Q彈,而且有海鮮的甜味。其餘搭配食材和牛肉漢堡一樣。附餐部分選了炸雞,炸雞本身醃料就蠻有味道的,裡面也是有雞汁,不過肉質不是偏軟嫩是稍微有嚼勁。莫凡彼焦糖瑪奇朵雪泥則是濃郁的焦糖瑪奇朵冰沙,口感也是細膩,不會過於甜膩。 —————————————— 這一家漢堡中間的內餡真的還蠻不錯吃的,牛肉有著香氣、蝦排則是味道鮮美。不過附餐部分就比較普通一點。但經過的話會推薦可以去品嚐,店家也會提供會員許多優惠活動喔!
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2QT2BSTR8LV 16Fooday Squad Leader
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ShinyLV 26Fooday Chief
WeDo Burger溫度漢堡
🍔 高雄三民▫️後驛商圈🍔 無販售肉排的寵物友善原肉漢堡店 汪汪🐶 𝗟𝗢𝗚𝗢超萌的美味漢堡店來了📣 當初裝潢時每天經過還以為是要開設寵物店 沒想到竟然是低調巷弄內的美式漢堡店🇺🇸 而且還是寵物友善餐廳(店內本身沒有店狗) 有別於其他速食店或漢堡店 這家特別主打「無肉排」❌ 也就是沒有絞肉漢堡排的意思 所有漢堡都是原型食物堆疊而成 吃得到食材本身最純粹的滋味💛 — ➰爐烤牛肉堡𝟮𝟵𝟬🍔 不選大家最推薦的牛胸肉堡是因身為起司控 漢堡就必須要有起司的存在啊啊啊🧀 所以退而求其次選了以拿可牛肉、巧達起司 佐紅酒醋洋蔥➕BBQ燒烤醬的品項 鬆軟的漢堡咬開可以吃到牛肉原塊纖維 卻十分神奇地一點也不乾柴也不卡牙縫很讚 ➰蒜香酸奶牛肉堡𝟮𝟵𝟬🍔 友人所點得這份所有內容物與我相同 只是把燒烤醬更換成酸奶醬 蒜香並不會太搶戲而是恰到好處充斥口中 酸奶的清爽程度也更勝一籌 美味程度讓我與友人都非常非常驚艷 ➰炸冰淇淋𝟵𝟬🍔 端上桌還以為會是像炸鮮奶一樣的炸物 結果是炸冰淇淋漢堡爹斯 冷熱、軟脆交織有點像港式冰火菠蘿油 整體超肥超飽超罪惡🥳 — 一樓開放式廚房可以清楚看見製作過程 打掃擦拭地亮晶晶的廚房也讓人特別安心💦 同時也有三桌的空間可以容納三組雙人客人 不過若是人數更多也不用擔心 只要上二樓就可以坐得更舒適啦❗️ 原本以為漢堡店應該比較受年輕族群喜愛 殊不知也是有許多長輩及小孩來用餐 不小心太遲吃中餐的我們約14:00才抵達 結果還是一組接著一組上樓(一樓已滿) 可見很受歡迎生意十分好🔥 雖說上餐速度不慢,但假如不想等待 也可以➕ 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗲外帶/外送噢💯
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