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及時樂漢堡 Sizzlove Burger

about 2 months ago
Lunch2 ppl$210

Kaohsiung's treasure-class burger restaurant🍔The decoration is super beautiful, the electric door of the main door is very special, and the self-service ordering machine is used throughout the process, so you don't have to worry about being shy after struggling in front of the clerk for too long😂 There are also vegetarian burgers to choose from~ It's vegetarian-friendly😍
The hamburger steaks in this store are all made by the store itself. The beef burgers are half gluten and half meat🐮, and the portion size is increased by 200%🤩The hand-baked steaks are soft, tender and juicy. The shrimp burgers can be seen in person🦐Every bite is full Full of shrimp meat, slightly peppery and spicy, and the mayonnaise sauce is so delicious👍🏻
Fried chicken completely beats the current chain fast food restaurants🍗The marinated meat is very tasty, the skin is crispy and not greasy, it is juicy and tender when you bite it, and it is not the disgusting softness of broiler chicken❗️
🔺Half-gluten and half-meat beef burger (chicken nugget set) $164
🔺Seafood and shrimp burger (french fries set)$187
🔺Fried chicken legs$59
🔺Fried leg steak $59

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及時樂漢堡 Sizzlove Burger
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Lunch2 ppl$187.5
about 2 months ago
說到好吃的漢堡,大家可能立刻就會想到丹丹、漢堡王等知名速食店。然而,今天要介紹的這家店,被譽為「高雄寶藏級漢堡店」。據說,這家店的漢堡都是店家自製,而且是業界唯一擁有半筋半肉漢堡排的店家,肉量又比其他品牌多。這家店就是「SIZZLOVE」。有趣的是,它的名字是“即時樂”的諧音,也寓意著「及時行樂」… ✅半筋半肉牛肉堡套餐:套餐包括牛肉漢堡、薯條和一杯飲品(照片是加購10元升級為青森蘋果雪泥)。牛肉漢堡的牛肉非常軟嫩,有炙燒的香氣。搭配起司、生菜和塔塔醬,雖然味道濃郁但吃起來還蠻清爽的。薯條為粗薯條,熱熱吃外皮酥脆,不過放一段時間冷掉後就會變軟了。蘋果雪泥則是濃郁的蘋果汁冰沙,口感細緻,很清爽好喝。 ✅海洋鮮蝦堡套餐:套餐包括一個鮮蝦堡、炸雞和一杯飲品(加購10元升級為莫凡彼焦糖瑪奇朵雪泥)。鮮蝦堡內餡蠻厚實的,而且蝦排是可以清楚看到蝦子剁碎後的樣子,所以吃起來很Q彈,而且有海鮮的甜味。其餘搭配食材和牛肉漢堡一樣。附餐部分選了炸雞,炸雞本身醃料就蠻有味道的,裡面也是有雞汁,不過肉質不是偏軟嫩是稍微有嚼勁。莫凡彼焦糖瑪奇朵雪泥則是濃郁的焦糖瑪奇朵冰沙,口感也是細膩,不會過於甜膩。 —————————————— 這一家漢堡中間的內餡真的還蠻不錯吃的,牛肉有著香氣、蝦排則是味道鮮美。不過附餐部分就比較普通一點。但經過的話會推薦可以去品嚐,店家也會提供會員許多優惠活動喔!
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