4.5⭐️ This is my first time eating BRUN. The brand is very well-known and they have stores in many places. Xinyi store seems to be the oldest. The whole building is my own. You can buy PAZZO downstairs and eat upstairs. The whole space is very comfortable and the atmosphere very good.
The environment is clean and I like the color scheme. There weren't many meals, so I ordered the tomato meat sauce pasta and truffle fries, which were a test of my skills. The meat sauce was sour and had enough aroma. The noodles were of the Q-bomb type. They were delicious and not too burdensome. They were a little different from ordinary noodles. . In addition, the fries are also of a good quality, crispy and not greasy, which makes me want to eat them all the time. It tastes better with a little dipping sauce. Overall, it feels great. The space, food, and service are all good. If I have to choose, the price is a bit expensive, but considering the location, it is actually quite reasonable. I recommend everyone to give it a try, you won’t regret it!
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