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石二鍋 台中美村南店

Taichung CityHot pot
8 months ago
Dinner1 ppl278

Shi Erguo, which belongs to the Wangpin Group, has a certain standard and has an endless stream of customers. You have to draw a number plate outside the store entrance. Fortunately, there is a stationery store and pharmacy next door that are easy to visit, and the surrounding area is also very lively so you can pass the waiting time. You can scan the QR code to order, and you can choose more vegetables or more meat, which satisfies people who love vegetables or meat. I think it's great. The dishes are very rich, and even if there are artificial products, they are delicious and have no strange smell. There are two groups in the sauce area, so you don’t have to worry about being crowded with people. Sugar-free black bean tea and lemon and winter melon smoothies are available in buffet style. The soup of the hot pot is good and the ingredients are rich. Overall, it has a high value for money. I will visit again.

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Spot Info

石二鍋 台中美村南店No. 126, Meicun S Rd, South District, Taichung City, Taiwan 402
Hot potNT$260~NT$280
3 reviews
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Lunch1 ppl258
8 months ago
感謝Fooday🥳 讓我想去嘗試更多不同的美食🍽🚩地理位置🧭 位於台中南區美村南路與高工路交叉口附近,大樹藥局與書店旁 🪑關於整體氛圍的部分🎡 店內座位挺多的,採用黃色光源,有吧檯區的座位以及個人鍋,一大鍋的選擇,服務人員會詢問並帶位。採用QR CODE點餐,餐後結帳,店內冷氣很涼,不過吃完身上會都是火鍋味。店外有抽號碼機以及座椅可供排隊進場等待用。 💰關於價位的部分💰 今天點了雪花牛肉鍋(肉多) $258元,可選擇想要菜多還是肉多,店內不收服務費,加湯自行到醬料區取用。 🍴關於餐點的部分☕ 菜盤的部分有金針菇,豬血糕,玉米,菜頭,豆腐,紅蘿蔔,蛋餃,南瓜,番茄,木耳高麗菜以及綠色蔬菜,外觀以及顏色看起來挺新鮮的且豐富。肉盤份量適中,不會切的太薄,煮起來很快熟透,多汁順口,副餐可選白飯,烏龍麵,泡麵等等,一旁有免費的無糖黑豆茶及檸檬冬瓜冰沙,白開水可自助取用。 🤨結論♥ 吃了很多次了真的滿喜歡,石二鍋一直是我心中CP值優選,不過尖峰用餐時段都要等五到十組人左右,可避開尖峰時段品嚐較佳。
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Lunch1 ppl8.5
about 1 year ago
湯底-石頭鍋:有加辛香料和洋蔥,湯頭味道不會過重,可自行加湯愛呷肉-雪花牛肉:牛肉燙一下即可,搭配醬料食用風味更佳 菜盤-愛呷肉:份量適中,蔬菜種類還算多 飲料:有冬瓜檸檬冰沙可自行取用 整體來說用餐氛圍還算不錯~
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