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LV 31|Bronze Foodie

A&W 国際通り松尾店

NahaFast food
about 2 months ago
Dinner2 ppl¥1,000

This is the A&W International Street Matsuo Store located on Kokusai Street in Okinawa. The store is set on the second and third floors and specializes in unique burgers that can only be found in Okinawa.

It was a Monday evening, and there were quite a few people, mostly tourists, but the food was served very quickly. The ordering process is manual; you need to place your order at the counter with the staff, as there are no self-service kiosks, but the process went smoothly 😂.

We ordered two meals:

  1. The A&W Burger (¥840): This is the store's signature burger, with a generous portion. The patty is juicy, paired with rich cheese sauce and cheese slices, offering a rich texture that is very satisfying, though a bit indulgent.
  2. Super Mozza Burger Set (¥880): This includes fries and a drink. The burger is also substantial, and the fries maintain the natural flavor of the potatoes without any extra seasoning, providing a natural taste. We ordered cola for the drink, only to learn later that everyone else ordered Root Beer, which allows for free refills.

Overall, it’s an American burger place worth trying when you visit Okinawa.

There are quite a few tourists.
The translation of "可樂" to English is "cola."
The fries in the meal combo are quite good.
Super Mozza Burger Set (¥880) includes drink and fries.
The A&W Burger (¥840)
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Spot Info

A&W 国際通り松尾店〒900-0014 沖縄県那覇市松尾1丁目1−1
Fast food¥1,000
1 review
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WillLV 21Fooday Adventurer
Dicos德克士脆皮炸雞 台北重慶南店
Fast food台北市
總統府附近的連鎖德州炸雞店,逢8會員日+10元多一件非常划算。 🍽️環境 重慶南店有兩層樓,三樓應該也是但工作人員才能上去。二樓為主要的用餐區域,附有廁所。整體位置蠻多的也不會太過擁擠。一樓雖有一些座位,但比起二樓來說比較不舒適。 目前幾乎使用自助點餐機,除非有特殊需求,如需要環保杯折扣或使用會員折價卷時才使用櫃檯點餐。 🍗餐點 每月8號才有的炸雞優惠,18、28號則只有漢堡優惠為主,漢堡與其他品項的話一般般。 這次點的是咔滋脆皮炸雞,可以選擇原味或辣味,能吃辣的建議點四川椒麻口味,不會太辣但是香氣與口味均優於原味炸雞。炸雞的部位都是棒棒腿與腿排,整體油脂豐富,外皮酥脆,肉質鮮嫩帶有一些椒麻香氣,個人可以吃四塊沒問題。 😄一般來說逢8會員日活動日蠻推薦來吃的,其他時間大概值3顆星。不過活動日建議早點來,等到中午用餐時間會開始大排長龍。
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2QT2BSTR8LV 16Fooday Squad Leader
McTHAI Restaurant - Siam Paragon
Fast foodKrung Thep Maha Nakhon
Cons: ast Food but not fast, asked for a cup of water and a mini ketchup container with little water was given, not enough ordering atm with perplexed customers trying to comprehend and interact with the looping interface, no greetings, no customer services, no smiling faces, the cold ovaltine drinking cups, lids, compulsorily given straws and ketchup dishes were all made of so-called biodegradable plastics, excessive packaging, food trays were sticky, a pile of napkins were randomly given without even asking while obviously this petite meal was merely for 1 person, the atmosphere was not hectic yet customers could be traumatized by the messy vibes and no music for culturing happy dining moods at all. Pros: food was special — KitKat pie, Ovaltine choco drink, corn pie on icecream, Japanese Shogun’s sauced double pork burgers with Thai-styled mayonnaise, etc. Affordable for expats yet above local standard meal prices. Travelers’ sleeping/resting paradise as aircon from the mall to the restaurant was abundant while it’s hot out in a place near the equator especially during afternoon with scorching sun. The topological advantage was superb as it was a great stepping stone for shoppers who planned to go to Siam Premium Outlet far on the east side where economic shuttle buses services were provided by the mall. Geographically speaking it’s divine, just please never expect anything extraordinary going on here or your faithfully gastronomic hearts could feel unnecessary pains afterwards.
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1薇ᯅ̈ LV 20Fooday Adventurer
麥當勞 八德置地餐廳
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🔹微牽絲起司排雙牛堡套餐 前幾天特地去麥當勞吃重新回歸的微牽絲起司排雙牛堡!上一次吃的時候完全沒牽絲,這次來試看看會不會牽絲。我還搭配了薯條、雞塊以及飲料的經典套餐一起享用,還使用了麥當勞APP的優惠券-買任一套餐就送四塊雞塊,我覺得非常超值!當天的薯條跟雞塊都是剛炸好的,熱熱的吃非常酥脆,這家麥當勞挺不錯的。 ㄧ打開看到黑色的漢堡外皮非常新奇,漢堡內的「微牽絲」是使用一整塊艾登起司拿去炸,內餡有著濃厚的起司內餡,再搭配濃郁的傑克起司醬以及滑順的切達起司片,還有兩片100%的純牛肉,再搭配清脆的生菜,一次能吃到許多層次的口感,吃一整個真的非常滿足!重點是,這次吃的漢堡竟然有牽絲!讓我更加滿意與驚喜,真的很好吃,請大家下次出了可以買,我發文的時候應該已經賣完了,大家下次請早。
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