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日本橋海鮮丼辻半 微風信義店

Lunch2 ppl$1000
about 1 year ago

I love the seafood rice bowl at this restaurant. The price is high, but the ingredients and ingredients are top-notch.

This time I ordered the Pineapple Tuna Don. There were only three pieces of black tuna, but it tasted really full of delicate oily aroma. It was really a level above Sushiro (the price is also🥲). But this time, the miso soup actually went bad. After some reaction, I re-boiled the whole pot and replaced it with another bowl. However, we were not given any compensation, and the service was not very good for such a noble restaurant.

Overall, this is a restaurant that I would want to eat at all the time, if money was not an issue.

PS. I checked that Taiwan’s brand positioning is high-end, and the price in Japan is probably less than half. I’ll compare it when I have the opportunity to eat in Japan to see if there is any difference.

On the small side, salmon roe and some kind of fish salad are quite delicious.
For the main body of Guisangsan, pay attention to the presence of high-grade bluefin tuna and tuna puree, as well as shrimps that are said to be delicious.
Average dessert, matcha pudding➕red bean puree
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Spot Info

日本橋海鮮丼辻半 微風信義店
1 review
Japanese restaurantNT$1,000~NT$1,000
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