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LV 10|Culinary Novice


Lunch3 ppl$550
10 months ago

This steakhouse surprised me a bit. I wasn’t that interested in steak originally, but I was very satisfied after eating it.

At this price, I think the CP value is very high, and the service is very good. They always care about whether the customer wants to add water or black tea; the black tea here can be refilled for free, and the steak noodles can be replaced with eggs, sweet potatoes, or vegetables.

This time I ordered the rib-eye steak myself. The meat was very good and tender. It originally had a bit of black pepper sauce, but in the end I just dipped it in salt and ate it plain👍

Recommended for those who like steak to try it!

rib eye steak
Fillet steak
puff pastry soup
Pork chop kids meal
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Lunch2 ppl$550
10 months ago
私藏許久的口袋名單,之前假日餐期都訂不到位,過年放假都只吃2餐,所以大約下午三點多就餓了,於是抱著隨意心態預約,沒想到直接有位置,果真非餐期吃名店成功機率很高🙆‍♀️ 來牛排館當然要選牛排,除了牛排還有雞排、豬排、魚排系列,價格相對便宜。我們今天點了一份菲力一份肋眼,也幫女兒點了兒童餐。 點完後很快就送來開胃菜,油醋芭樂絲意外好吃,女兒秒吃完,接著上來我心心念念的酥皮濃湯(小時候去夜市吃牛排的回憶),我本身喜歡酥酥口感,是走酥皮僅浸泡一下的路線,所以都是邊吃邊把酥皮壓入,吃完我已5分飽🤦‍♀️ 接著主餐牛排上桌囉,它們都是原肉,主打只要加玫瑰海鹽就很美味,黑胡椒/蘑菇醬是用來搭配麵吃的,一切開菲力裡面粉紅色肉就知道它們的肉質很好,外皮酥脆裡面軟嫩多汁口感帶點嚼勁,吃一口我直接笑開懷🤩相對之下肋眼油花較多口感更軟嫩,老公比較喜歡這款,而我比較喜歡菲力,配菜有麵、花椰菜、蟹肉棒、地瓜跟蛋,減肥的人可以把麵換成蛋或是地瓜🍠。至於女兒兒童餐因價格較便宜,豬排吃起來就比較一般般囉! 最後還有附上一塊巧克力小蛋糕跟蘋果醋,很貼心寶寶幫寶寶換香草但上面還是有淋巧克力醬,媽媽哭笑不得🤷‍♀️ 整體覺得它們的肉質跟台北約千元上下牛排館品質相差不遠,但只要500-700元超級划算,難怪google map評價那麼高,愛吃牛排的我直接列入推薦必吃名單👍👍 餐點品質🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 餐點價格🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 用餐環境🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗 服務品質🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗
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