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Ashley 艾緒吃什麼
LV 9|Fooday Intern

Recently I discovered a brunch restaurant with a wide variety of items
The dining environment is clean, bright and comfortable
From the usual burgers, sandwiches and egg pancakes to curry rice, oolong and noodles☺️ Come with your family and friends and you won’t be afraid of not being able to choose what you want to eat.

Both main meals this time were delicious٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و
The cheese beef burger is delicious
The German sausage cheese is stacked on top and has a rich taste.
We both ordered the set menu, which allowed us to choose from four different sides! It’s very rich and also very filling. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

Food pairings selected: crispy potatoes, chicken nuggets, sweet potato balls, nine-layer flower branches
Recommended nine-layer flower branches! The taste is very special. It’s not just fish paste, there are actually flower branches in it. The drink is the sweet potato soy milk recommended by the store. It uses a whole piece of sweet potato and soy milk. After taking the first sip, you will know that it is the real thing.

Finally, I ordered another dessert to eat.
Sweet, milky taro puree and salted pork floss, such an impactful combination is unexpectedly delicious! Push push! #芋讷control can’t be missed

Another surprise was that we found a large TV to watch live games🏀We happened to have breakfast while watching the NBA
There is also a display of boss’s baseball-related collectibles in the store⚾️The boss is a Fubon fan~ I had a casual chat with the boss ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ and she said that fans are welcome to come and chat with her (laughs

♡ Cheeseburger set 200
♡︎ Cheese Beef B Sandwich Set 220
♡ Taro and Pork Floss Toast 70

Today's meal
Cheese Beef B Sandwich
Package combination
Taro and Pork Floss Toast
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Spot Info

肉sandwich 板橋新埔店新北市板橋區介壽街37號
2 reviews
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Brunch2 ppl250
3 months ago
【新北板橋】肉sandwich板橋新埔店 我回訪第四次的早午餐,無雷! 因為菜單選項太多,今天是品嚐他們的復刻手工漢堡~ (喜歡大亨堡軟軟口感的人,可以點鮭魚菲力堡✨) CP值最高的一間😋 / 點套餐 均附紅茶一杯(更換飲料折$20元)與點心9選2(薯球/脆薯/雞塊/小肉豆/九層花枝/地瓜球/生菜沙拉/咖哩魚蛋/芋簽粿)點心我只吃過小肉豆、九層花枝、芋簽粿,都好吃 🍔 夏威夷培根牛肉莎莎堡✨單點 $160元、套餐$260元 > 莎莎堡的調味我超愛,像墨西哥肉醬的味道,還有加起司!培根煎的香又不乾,牛肉排比我想的厚很多,而且多汁卻又不鬆散😍 🍔 墨日轟炸菲力豬排堡 單點 $170元、套餐$270元 > 醬汁應該是塔塔醬+墨西哥辣椒,介於吃小辣者可以接受的臨界值,撥掉應該就不會那麼辣,炸豬排很厚!真心覺得豬排炸的很好👍🏻口感彈牙,沒有豬味且有汁(沒有打✨是因為醬汁比較不是我喜歡的口味) 🥪 芋泥肉鬆三明治✨$70元 > 芋泥的跟肉鬆,都是微甜、微鹹,很適合當餐後小點心,口味耐吃且芋泥餡給很多! 以下為個人感受,提供給大家參考 ◽漢堡香氣:無 ● ● ○ ○ ○ 香(口感有韌性) ◽肉的口感:軟 ● ● ● ○ ○ 硬(牛)剛剛好的口感        軟 ● ● ● ○ ○ 硬(豬)紮實不硬的口感 ◽多汁程度:乾 ● ● ● ● ○ 濕(牛)        乾 ● ● ● ◐ ○ 濕(豬) ◽醬汁調味:普 ● ● ● ● ◐ 好(牛)        普 ● ● ● ○ ○ 好(豬) ◽配料豐富性:少 ● ● ● ◐ ○ 多(牛較多種) ◽綜合評估cp值:低 ● ● ● ● ◐ 高 ■ 新北市板橋區介壽街37號 ■ 02 2258 8878 ■ 08:00-15:00(每週一公休) ■ 無服務費 ■ 捷運新埔站 ■ 停車資訊:民生花市停車場
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