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Mr. Moan 莫恩先生布丁店

3 months ago
Lunch2 ppl$237


The store is located at Beijie "Banqiao Station" or "Xinpu Station", halfway between the two MRT stations. It takes about 8 to 12 minutes to walk from the station. The Google navigation location is a bit unclear. You may reach your destination (at the corner of a T-shaped intersection) by walking 30 meters straight from the navigation point. Please pay attention to this!

Dining experience:

The space inside the store is small, with terrazzo floors and a feel of an old house. The color of the decoration is orange-red, which is reminiscent of the color of Hermès. It looks bright and noble. The seats are bar seats and high chair seats (there are hooks on the wall below this area for guests to hang their belongings).
You can see Moai-related gadgets everywhere inside and outside the store. In addition, there are also hunter dolls and comics, which may be the boss’s favorite collections...
During the meal, I saw several groups of customers coming to the store without reservations, so they had to wait for an hour for a table. It is recommended to make a reservation before coming to the store.

Meal sharing:

The names of the ingredients are taken from the Hunter’s Greedy Island Chapter!

✨Archangel’s Breath (Immortal) $120
It consists of caramel pudding and vanilla ice cream. There are three topping sauces to choose from (toffee/brown sugar/espresso). This time, we chose brown sugar topping. The sauce has a unique taste (non-traditional brown sugar flavor) and is paired with Eat it with pudding for a finishing touch! ! !

✨Princess Matcha’s Automatic Notes (Speciality) $233
It consists of matcha pudding, matcha ice cream, matcha jelly, sugar-roasted dumplings and purple rice and red bean sweet soup. Among them, the sugar-roasted dumplings are impressive. They are baked and crispy on the outside (with a slight sugar aroma), soft and tender on the inside, and taste layered. feel.
Most of this pudding is made from matcha-related ingredients, so people who like matcha must not miss it!

The above two kinds of pudding will be sprinkled with dry ice, the clouds will be misty, and the fairy spirit will burst into the sky! ! !

✨The Blessing of the Dominator $120
It is composed of peach, sparkling water, green tea and orange juice. Taken together, it is sweet and sour, fresh and refreshing, and has a slight irritation from the bubbles. Overall, it is quite balanced and refreshing.


The owner of the store wrote "Save the world with pudding". I guess the meaning may be that he wants to use the simplest way to create small blessings in life! The puddings are divided into six series, adding innovative elements to the traditional pudding taste, making the pudding taste richer and more diverse.

Matcha Princess’ Auto Notes
Archangel's breath
Archangel's breath topped with brown sugar sauce
Archangel's Breath (Caramel Brulee, Vanilla Ice Cream)
Matcha Princess's automatic notes (cross-section photo)
Blessing of the Dominator
Store slogan (Save the world with pudding)
In-store decoration
Hunter comics, dolls
In-store decoration
In-store decoration
store appearance
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Spot Info

Mr. Moan 莫恩先生布丁店
2 reviews
Dessert shop NT$150~NT$240
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Afternoon Tea2 ppl$150
18 days ago
自從之前聽到板橋布丁仙人這個名號的時候就非常好奇,想說一定要來吃一次🍮這次有提前在inline訂位 店面小小的但蠻可愛,基本上看得到的地方都有摩艾石像和布丁的存在,無論是店外面的放大版還是店內的縮小版都好有趣🤣 - 雖然之前在ig reels看過很多很ㄏㄧ花的布丁,還有乾冰或火焰秀的那種,但這次來突然想走純樸路線⋯點了最基本的幾種口味 ⚠️店內低消一人150元 ✐凡人系moan焦糖布丁 $70 ✐碳焙鐵觀音布丁 $80 ✐皇家伯爵茶布丁 $90 還蠻建議可以點顆原味布丁先試試後再吃另一款的,剛好我很愛茶香味的點心所以和朋友各點一種嚐鮮 之前有在某個youtuber的頻道內對於莫恩茶類布丁的形容,他們說很多茶類甜點內的茶成份不一定吃得出來或是只有隱隱約約,但莫恩先生的是吃得出來的。這點我不能再更認同,因為我也常常在其他甜點店被虛晃一招,有時還有被騙的感覺,但相信我,喜歡茶香的你來這裡一定不會失望,從含到嘴裡的那刻茶香爆發🫖 而且吃完兩顆真的沒看到什麼布丁氣孔,蠻濃醇香,配上微苦的焦糖液恰到好處~ 上方的鮮奶油也是使口感滑順的加分點 下次如果有到附近,還是會想進來吃一顆,但沒有到需要老遠跑來的程度!(可能對布丁的愛還沒有很熱烈嗚嗚嗚嗚) 不過吃完後外帶了幾十顆分同事吃,他們都蠻喜歡的唷😚
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