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LV 24|Fooday Adventurer

蔥之香 蔥仔餅

新北市Steamed bun
8 months ago
Afternoon Tea1 ppl28

The day before yesterday, I saw someone sharing this delicious restaurant. I thought I was going to visit Xizhi, so I rushed.

You can park your car at the land administration office in front, but the space there is limited. Otherwise, there is a parking lot inside the office, which charges 40 yuan an hour. I think it's okay for people coming out to take a break.

I arrived at 4:30 in the afternoon, just after class. When I arrived at his door, I saw a bunch of people queuing up. Students were buying 1 or 2 pieces, and housewives were buying 10 or 20 pieces.

The freshly baked scallion pancakes are very fragrant. It's strange that there is no meat in them, but there is still juice when you bite into them. That may be the scallion soup.

Full of the aroma of green onions, the skin is slightly crispy, not too soft or hard, and really delicious. At 28 yuan a piece, it is actually not very cheap, but in this era when everything is rising, it is okay.

The boss was very enthusiastic. When he saw me taking photos, he took the initiative to introduce their products. Especially when I was taking photos of his business cards, he specifically told me to remember to post the business hours on the back.

piping hot
Slightly burnt skin
It seems that I bought the whole plate and took it home, but unfortunately it was too far away and it was cold when I got it home.
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Facade photo
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Shop sign
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Spot Info

蔥之香 蔥仔餅新北市汐止區新台五路一段230號
Steamed bunNT$30~NT$30
2 reviews
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臉書搜尋花貴賓皮蛋LV 33Bronze Foodie
Steamed bun基隆市
「美食能療癒人心!」這句話真的一點都不假! 大家好,我是花貴賓皮蛋🐩 自從有了FOODAY,每天多一些餐費👍 就如同開頭那句話,美食能療癒人心!美食,還能讓人深深懷念著! 這些話在以前的我通常都是聽聽而已,但今天真的讓我感受到了! 位於基隆北寧路的「玥成上海鮮湯包」,一家非常非常不起眼的小店面,就連在著兩三年來頻繁的到這附近工作的我,也是到了今天才發現這間小店! 圖文說說之後,我只想跟玥成老闆說「感謝你們開了這間店,讓我感受到什麼是真正的美食」 真心推薦這一家湯包店!請大家經過「務必」去品嚐! 以上就是花貴賓皮蛋🐩的不負責任分享啦🤪 雖然很主觀,但卻是最真實的感受👀 喜歡的朋友歡迎將此店家納入口袋名單唷✌🏻 下次換你也去造訪看看吧☺️☺️☺️
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地雷糾察隊隊長LV 2Fooday Newbie
Steamed bunTaichung City
先說整體的食物都是口味不會太重,麵類的話有些人會覺得偏清淡,但因為店家在旁邊都有自助的醬料可取用,所以可依個人口味添加即可! 如果是初次來,通常大家都會點油豆腐細粉,因為這個真的超級無敵清淡!所以真的是吃一個豆香純粹的味道,還是可以推薦嚐嚐看,但我後來都是點下面兩個品項比較多。 👍乾麵:我認為必點的品項,其實是非常樸實的味道,基底是店家弄得醬料,感覺有點像甜醬油的味道,台中人一定要自己再加上一旁的東泉一起拌勻再吃!這樣吃起來鹹度跟香味都非常十足了~ 👍肉包:他們家的包子類都蠻小顆的,約莫是女生一個手掌大,優點是麵皮的部分吃得出來是老麵發酵,非常有嚼勁,裡面的餡料加入蔥的香氣也挺足夠的,單吃就蠻有味道的,但我個人會再沾上他們的辣椒醬油一起吃,雖然鹹度一下就會拉高,但是微微辣的口味很解膩。 ⚠️結論是他是一家很樸實的老店!!! 所以不是驚為天人的美味,但是可以日常常吃的味道,有從外地特地來吃的朋友,可以自己衡量看看。
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七咪LV 27Fooday Chief
Steamed bun新北市
牙套人評論:路邊攤沒有廁所 這間「可口蛤仔餅」的雞蛋糕特色挺鮮明的,尤其是偏硬的口感和香甜的味道。外皮酥脆、內部扎實,與一般雞蛋糕的風味有些不同,奶香較淡,吃起來更有層次感。 不過,有衛生問題,直接摸錢再處理食物可能會讓人擔心。另外,假日下午需排隊。如果在中和廟口附近,有興趣可以試試看。
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