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27 days ago
Lunch3 ppl$600

# Tainan Food

Good parking 🅿️ and there are restrooms 🚽

What impressed me the most wasn't the plum chicken 😂 but the "Tai Shan Chicken" soup! The broth is really super delicious! I think this is a must-order, definitely refreshing and healthy!
(Here’s a tip for ordering: if the specialty is plum chicken, then avoid ordering any dishes that contain plum products, otherwise it will be overwhelming 😂.)

Secondly, the "Perilla Shrimp," which has shrimp paste coated in perilla leaves, then wrapped in batter and fried, is quite tasty. If you have to choose between that and the "Plum Pineapple Shrimp Ball," go for the Perilla Shrimp! The shrimp ball is just okay 😅, but its pineapple is real pineapple, not canned; the pineapple is pretty good! 🤣
(But I should mention, on the day we had these two dishes, the chef might have been too eager to serve, and the inside was still cold 🤣. After we mentioned it, they quickly reheated it for us, which was very sincere~)

I don't recommend ordering the water lily 😅; it has a strange taste~

Google only shows that it's busy on the weekends, but we dined on a Tuesday, and it was still quite crowded!

Tai Mountain Chicken Soup! A must-order!
Remember to wipe your mouth while eating, the ginger colorant is hard to clean! 😅
Sugarcane shoots are really delicious.
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Spot Info

2 reviews
Chinese restaurantNT$600~NT$600
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Lunch3 ppl$600
24 days ago
原本找不到廁所,原來是在外面,那間紅色的就是。用餐環境:感覺沒有很認真的清潔店家外圍的植物,很多蚊蟲,剛好坐在窗戶旁邊,窗戶旁的桌子跟窗戶都很多灰塵,很粘粘的⋯。 還有蚊子叮咬⋯ 餐點口味:有一道湯忘記拍了,(太山湯),這湯我覺得比梅子雞湯好喝許多。 但要記得店內除了梅子雞湯有擺放一大壺湯自行加湯以外,其餘的都要跟店家說喔! 因為湯頭不一樣,過來人的經驗分享。 炸物:蝦類好像沒炸透,很剛好鳳梨蝦球跟紫蘇蝦咬下去裡面都還冰冰的,最後有跟店家反應, 態度也很好,最後有換一盤新的,而且炸到非常燙嘴,要等待一下冷卻。 但蝦子蠻好吃的,紫蘇蝦很像蝦漿+紫蘇葉裹粉。 梅子豆腐:是看附近的人都有點,也好奇的點一下,口味確實很開胃,酸甜的。 炒麵就還好,沒有吃完。 薑黃雞:招牌菜,雞肉的肉質跟炸的很剛好, 但三個人點小份的還是吃不完,好少吃薑黃, 有點打破我對薑黃的印象,但個人感覺加分的原因還是因為雞肉的口感很鮮嫩多汁,不會炸的柴。(吃完嘴角跟手指都是薑黃,而且不好洗掉,還是會黃黃的喔!) 店家有附設飲水機跟梅子飲料(不可外帶) 梅子飲料有點太膩,要加水稀釋1:1才剛好。 Pa:那天有點水蓮,但感覺就是沒有認真浸泡洗掉土味,吃了一口就吃不下去,連拍都不想…。
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