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LV 22|Fooday Adventurer


11 months ago
Lunch4 ppl$450

Had brunch (but the menu looked more appealing to me in the evening)
I suddenly wanted to eat meat, so I ordered the tendon steak. It was soft and tender and seasoned just right, but I don’t know if it was cooked with fat. The temperature of the steak was actually quite low when it was served, which was a pity🥲
The scrambled eggs are also just right and delicious! The salad is also very thoughtful, and the sauce feels like balsamic vinegar~

Overall, I felt it was a bit expensive after eating it. I thought it was good at the moment but had no other memorable points. I’d like to try the dinner menu later, fish and chips, and the bartending looks pretty good too!

(Traditional English breakfast has a lot of beans, but I don’t like it so I didn’t order it)

The steak is tender and should be juicy but the temperature is on the low side
Omelet roll, okay
English breakfast, pity the bowl of beans, otherwise I would have ordered it
The store is quite cute and has a bar area.
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父母 FUMU台北市中山區興安街103號
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