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台中市Dessert shop
about 1 year ago
Lunch2 ppl$60

After climbing the Dakeng Trail, you must have a bowl of taro dessert every time you go down the mountain!
This shop sells both hot and cold desserts, but after all, Taiwan has more hot days than cold days, so most people come here to enjoy the ice cream!
This time I ordered a bowl of taro ball mixed (ice) and taro milk juice (ice). The taro ball mixed ice is the most popular item for internal use. If you want to drink it conveniently, the taro sago dew is also a bestseller👍
It is stated on the menu that the taro combo contains taro balls, sweet potato balls, taro, pearls, and red beans. Additional condensed milk is free.
A bowl of taro balls has a lot of ingredients and is full of satiety. If you carefully count the ingredients, you will find that there are even more large pinto beans! I saw many people eating together. I was so full after eating one bowl alone...
The taro milk juice is relatively ordinary, but you can drink small crushed ice, pureed honeyed taro and ordinary milk in it.
In terms of hand-held cups, overall I recommend ordering the taro sago juice, but if you don’t want to be so full, the taro milk juice is also an option.

Taro milk juice$50 Taro ball combo $65 I really recommend ordering ice cream. The taro sago juice is also available in the same cup as the taro milk juice.
This was the crowd around 11:30. When we were about to finish eating and leave, the queue was actually almost beyond the store front! But the clerk’s checkout speed is still very fast!
There is a lot of ingredients and the plate has a little depth. The ice is clear and the ingredients are not very sweet, and the store won’t pour additional sugar water on it, so you don’t have to be polite and just add condensed milk!
I saw a thread on the sweet potato circle ~ it’s not something dirty 😂 It’s sweet potato fiber! You can know that the materials are all genuine!
The honey taro spoon will open in just a moment! The taro is already so honey that it’s easy to eat! It won’t be too soft, but it won’t be so hard that you need to chew it. You can eat it as elegantly as ice!
The taro milk juice is very smooth throughout. Because of the milk, it feels more like drinking a drink.
The spoon was inserted next to it when it was given by the store~ The store is really busy and all they care about is speed 😂 Even at the food outlet, there was a group of people gathered around to take pictures (to take pictures of the freshly delivered meals). Although the store clerk might be a bit smelly, in fact, I told the store that they would be very helpful.
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Dessert shop NT$50~NT$60
3 reviews
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Afternoon Tea1 ppl$50
6 days ago
🚩地理位置🧭位於台中市北屯區大坑往新社的方向,東山路一段斜坡上。 門口都是紅線禁止停車與併排,警察開單熱區。店家後方有停車場可以往後方繞 🪑關於整體氛圍的部分🎡 店面為全開放式設計,往下坡走還有一區內用座位,經常都是座無虛席。櫃台排隊點餐後付款,只支援現金付款。 點餐後店家叫號自行取餐 💰關於價位的部分💰 芋頭牛奶汁 $50 🍴關於餐點的部分☕ 我個人不太喜歡芋頭那種鬆鬆的口感,但是我喜歡芋頭的味道,這個芋頭牛奶汁是把芋頭打碎了加入牛奶,所以稍微喝到一點小顆粒我還可以接受。濃濃芋香喝起來真的超好喝,不過也不知道有沒有加糖,總覺得喝起來是有點甜的 🤨結論♥ 這家每次經過都很多人,如果有要去新社有經過我也一定會光顧的店家,不過大多我都只有點這個芋頭牛奶汁好像也沒吃過其他的,時間比較充裕的話可以試試。
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Brunch3 ppl$60
12 months ago
這家是來爬大坑九號步道就一定會來吃的店家,有冷跟熱不同口味,熱的部分商品還可以選擇加薑汁,適合冬天怕冷的人。這次點了熱的芋頭綜合湯,家人朋友分別點了芋頭紅豆加薑汁跟芋頭西米露。 芋頭綜合湯裡面有3塊綿密的蜜芋頭,每次吃都很驚艷於她可以同時Q又細緻的口感,喜歡芋頭的朋友一定要試看看,紅豆則熬得皮肉軟爛,很容易就在嘴裡化開了。珍珠、芋圓跟地瓜圓吃起來則比東東芋圓的芋圓多一點滑軟的口感,也可能是吃熱的關係,所以下次如果熱的天氣來可以試看看冰的芋圓是不是比較W。 另外薑汁沒有很辣(家人說),如果喜歡芋頭又沒有想吃太飽,也可以選擇芋頭西米露,每一口都混著牛奶的醇厚芋頭味,值得一試。
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