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Freddy Liu
LV 30|Bronze Foodie

Shake Shack 大丸心斎橋

5 months ago
Lunch1 ppl$1012

Osaka Shinsaibashi - Shake Shack is claimed to be the best hamburger chain in New York, but there are no branches in Taiwan yet. I happened to have the chance to try it while I was in Osaka! After eating, I honestly felt it was just okay, and since I’m not a fan of fast food, I think it’s overhyped, haha! It seems like the higher the expectations, the bigger the disappointment (?).

📍ShackBurger ¥1012
The ingredients include a beef patty, lettuce, tomato, cheese, and sauce. The bread is spread with something similar to butter, making it slightly sweet and a bit greasy in texture. The beef patty is decent and not too dry, balancing the overall flavor when paired with lettuce and tomato. The portion of the burger is relatively small, costing about 220 NT dollars, which is quite expensive XD.
🔻Critique: The paper bag containing the burger is too thin, and the oil seeps through, leaving my hand all greasy.

Additionally, there’s a sauce station where you can get ketchup and yellow mustard. I made a special sauce to try. I found the yellow mustard a bit salty and not very tasty. The ketchup is just the regular kind.

▶️ Ambiance
🔹The store space is huge, with outdoor and indoor seating, accommodating about 80 people.
🔹You can order using a machine or directly at the counter. After ordering and paying, you’ll get a call number.
🔹After dining, you need to place your tray at the recycling area yourself.

▶️ Overall Evaluation
🔹Some friends in the group ordered fries and milkshakes. The fries are crinkle-cut and quite good, comparable to McDonald's. I took a sip of the milkshake, and it was extremely sweet, way too much for one cup. In short, even if Shake Shack were to open in Taiwan, I wouldn’t go out of my way to eat there since Taiwan has many unique American burger shops, and McDonald's or Burger King's burgers are pretty good too. They really wouldn’t lose to Shake Shack!

ShackBurger ¥1012
Ketchup and yellow mustard sauce.
Outdoor sign
Order counter and open kitchen
Sauce area
The indoor space is super large.
Recycling area
After ordering, there will be a number calling machine.
The paper bag for the hamburger is completely oily, it's really terrible.
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Comments (2)

LV 18Fooday Squad Leader
Freddy LiuAuthor
LV 30Bronze Foodie
重點是還賣不掉 哭啊🤣

Spot Info

Shake Shack 大丸心斎橋日本〒542-0085 Osaka, Chuo Ward, Shinsaibashisuji, 1 Chome−7−1 大丸心斎橋 本店 1F
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Dinner2 ppl$1850
about 2 months ago
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