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LV 9|Fooday Intern


高雄市Taiwanese bento
10 months ago
Dinner1 ppl110

Today I visited Liang Shehan Spare Ribs and ordered their signature fried pork ribs with rice (110 yuan). For the overall food experience, I gave it three stars.

First, let me talk about the taste of the food. The fried pork ribs have a crispy outer skin and full of texture, while the meat remains tender and juicy. However, I was slightly disappointed that the ribs tasted a bit average and didn't impress me.

In addition, there are plenty of side dishes, including green beans, scrambled eggs with carrots, cabbage and bean rounds. However, I feel that the portions of side dishes and rice are not enough, which is a bit of a pity (I just used it not long ago and I didn’t know how to take a photo of the contents of the bento when I took it home, so I simply took a photo of the appearance. I’m very sorry! I will definitely improve it next time!)

However, the store's environment is clean and the service is considerate, giving people a comfortable and pleasant dining experience.

Although the taste and texture of the fried pork rib rice are a bit ordinary, the overall performance of Liang Shehan's pork rib restaurant is worthy of praise. I hope they can continue to improve the taste and quality of their food and provide customers with a better food experience.

conspicuous sign
There is a self-service ordering machine which is very friendly to a super social person like me!
The internal area is large and very clean~
The checkout area is next to the self-service ordering machine!
There are their advertisements on the wall
Checkout area
Self-service ordering machine outside the internal area
Spare ribs rice, the other one is for a friend!
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Spot Info

Taiwanese bentoNT$100~NT$110
2 reviews
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SammiLV 6Fooday Intern
飯飯 民權店
Taiwanese bentoTaichung City
每次經過看都是人潮絡繹不絕,這次來附近辦事剛好有空檔就來瞧瞧是有多厲害,才發現原來是網路名店“飯飯”啊! 有簡單座位區可以內用,也有外帶和外送服務;點了人氣推薦“炙燒牛五花”和“極炙雞腿飯”來外帶嚐嚐,其中“炙燒牛五花”有分中盛和大盛,這次沒有很餓就點了中盛,主菜現場炙燒外帶要等20分鐘。 翻開餐盒的那一刻;整個主餐的牛五花和雞腿排炙燒香氣撲鼻而來,頓時食慾大開,個人以為;雖然配菜主打樸實但整體口味上還是有對的起這個價格。 *先說一下,所有牛五花品項都有調漲$15元,名片上有註明。
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草莓肉鬆蛋吐司LV 8Fooday Intern
Taiwanese bento台北市
🍱 店名:三重知高飯📍 地址:台北市大同區延平北路三段29號 ▫️營業時間:❌公休日:週五 週一~週四 11:00-21:00 週六、週日 11:00-21:00 ▫️是否有服務費:無 ▫️低消與用餐時間:沒有特別規定 ▪️店內環境與氣氛: 店內燈光明亮,座位也沒有很少, 但若客滿,有可能需要與別人併桌。 沒有太大的油耗味,不過還是建議外帶較好! 📝需自行到櫃檯點餐並付款。 💰使用現金付款。 ——————————————————————————— 🔖餐點紀錄: ▪️炸排骨便當 $105 ▪️菜頭貢丸湯 $40 💡餐點:3|服務:3|氣氛:4|環境:3
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三口元LV 31Bronze Foodie
Taiwanese bento屏東縣
屏東八月份新開的便當店-小吉腿庫飯,小吉腿庫飯的白底紅字招牌確實很有辨識度,加上名字簡單又直白,讓人一看就知道是主打經典腿庫飯的店,頗有老台灣風味的氛圍。 豬腳飯 💰100,滷得透徹,帶點黏口的膠質,有筋的部位更有咬勁,吃起來非常過癮。白飯淋滿他是滷味醬汁,甜甜鹹鹹非常下飯,可惜菜色沒有很豐富,只有兩朵花椰菜與筍乾豆乾,整個吃完會稍微有膩感。
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